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Self Care

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Disease relevance of Self Care


Psychiatry related information on Self Care


High impact information on Self Care


Chemical compound and disease context of Self Care


Biological context of Self Care

  • PURPOSE: The authors evaluated the ability of a brief educational program to enhance patients' self-care behavior and their familiarity with the meaning and utility of 5 of the major clinical tests in diabetes (A1C, blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein [LDL] cholesterol, microalbumin, and the dilated eye examination) [21].
  • The predictive validity of the proposed instrument was assessed by correlating scores on the Telemedicine Satisfaction Questionnaire (TSQ) with haemoglobin A(1c) levels and adherence to self-management activities among 38 patients with type 2 diabetes, after they had completed a four-session interactive diabetes tele-education programme [22].
  • Only four of the 41 variables tested were found to be significantly and independently associated with the GDS: pre-event functional state (beta=-0.311, p<0.001), the self-care component of the FIM scale on admission to the hospital (beta=-0.267, p<0.001), living alone (beta=0.149, p=0.015) and impaired visual acuity (beta=0.137, p=0.026) [23].
  • The impact of a new emotional self-management program on stress, emotions, heart rate variability, DHEA and cortisol [24].
  • The treatment of group 1 consisted of short-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and self-care instructions (palliative care group); group 2, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, self-care instructions, and occlusal appliance and mobilization therapy (physical medicine group); and group 3, no treatment (control group) [25].

Anatomical context of Self Care

  • The main outcome measurements included the Modified Ashworth Scale, the upper limb Physician's Rating Scale, the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, and the self-care domain of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory [26].

Associations of Self Care with chemical compounds

  • Given the slow onset of warfarin's effect, the assessment of the PT on a weekly or biweekly basis, and the ability to refine dosage guidelines, these errors were not felt to represent a serious drawback to the concept of warfarin self-management [27].
  • Both responded well to treatment with the beta blocking agent, propranolol, improving motor control in school and self-care tasks [28].
  • This study suggests that it may not be possible to identify patients for whom the Sleep Sentry would be a reliable addition to their self-management regimen and that physicians should exercise caution in recommending its use [29].
  • Six (17%) patients improved on moods and self-care with risperidone [30].
  • RESULTS: Factor analysis showed four robust and meaningful symptom clusters: factor 1-stereotypic and eating behaviour; factor 2-executive dysfunction and self care; factor 3-mood changes; factor 4-loss of social awareness [31].

Gene context of Self Care

  • Frequency of self-management especially relates to HbA1c% in DM1 [32].
  • Notwithstanding the more advanced stages of the disease the AS patients were more efficient functionally: 61.2% of them remained in their original employment (while the RA patients only in 45.5% of the cases) and 2.9% of them were entirely dependent upon help of others in self-care (among the RA patients it was in 9.5%) [33].
  • This review was undertaken to clarify the effectiveness of self-management programmes in COPD [2].
  • The effects of self-management in general education classrooms on the organizational skills of adolescents with ADHD [34].
  • Life skills training (LST) is a school-based approach designed to prevent ATOD use among youth by influencing their knowledge and attitudes about ATODs, by teaching skills for resisting social pressures to use ATODs, and by helping students develop personal self-management and social skills [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Self Care


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