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Disease relevance of Andropause


Psychiatry related information on Andropause


High impact information on Andropause


Biological context of Andropause


Associations of Andropause with chemical compounds


Gene context of Andropause

  • Therefore, it is not surprising that the dysregulation of the HPG axis with menopause and andropause (leading to elevated LH, GnRH, and activin signaling but decreased sex steroid signaling) might promote alterations in both the structure and function of neuronal cells [19].
  • The controversies in evaluating gonadal function are illustrated by the andropause (elevated SHBG) and obese men (decreased SHBG) [20].
  • No major month to month variation in free testosterone levels in aging males. Minor impact on the biological diagnosis of 'andropause' [21].
  • The role of nuclear transcription factors (androgen receptor and any other transacting factor(s) which may be involved) in the coordinate regulation of alpha 2u-globulin and SMP-2 during aging and nutritional manipulation is being explored to establish the molecular mechanism of andropause in the liver [22].
  • ADAM and the andropause [23].


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