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Gene Review

Gnrh1  -  gonadotropin releasing hormone 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Gnrh, Gnrh2, LHRH, LNRH, Lhrh1, ...
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Disease relevance of Gnrh1


Psychiatry related information on Gnrh1


High impact information on Gnrh1

  • Remarkably, and in contrast to established notions on the nature of LHRH neuronal inputs, our data identify major olfactory projection pathways originating from a discrete population of olfactory sensory neurons but fail to document any synaptic connectivity with the vomeronasal system [9].
  • Injection of conditional pseudorabies virus into the brain of an LHRH::CRE mouse line led to the identification of neuronal networks connected to LHRH neurons [9].
  • In order to gain insight into sensory processing modulating reproductive behavioral and endocrine changes, we have aimed at identifying afferent pathways to neurons synthesizing luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH, also known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone [GnRH]), a key neurohormone of reproduction [9].
  • Leuprorelin, a lutenizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist that reduces testosterone release from the testis, rescued motor dysfunction and nuclear accumulation of mutant androgen receptors in male transgenic mice [10].
  • Neurons expressing luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), found in the septal-preoptic nuclei and hypothalamus, control the release of gonadotropic hormones from the anterior pituitary gland and facilitate reproductive behaviour [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Gnrh1

  • Thytrotopin-releasing hormone (TRH), for example, antagonizes the sedation and hypothermia produced by barbiturate and other depressant drugs and de Wied has shown that ACTH 4-10, TRH, LHRH and certain related substances show some activity in inhibition of extinction of a pole-jumping avoidance response in the rat [12].
  • Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) agonists exert both "in vitro" and "in vivo" a direct inhibitory action on the growth of both androgen-dependent (LNCaP) and androgen-independent (DU 145) human prostatic cancer cell lines [13].
  • BACKGROUND: Receptors for luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) on human prostate cancers can be used for targeted chemotherapy with cytotoxic analogs of LHRH, such as AN-207, which consists of superactive doxorubicin derivative 2-pyrrolino doxorubicin (AN-201) linked to carrier [D-Lys6] LHRH [14].
  • OBJECTIVES: A combination of flutamide (Eulexin) or nilutamide (Anandron) with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist or orchiectomy is the only therapy demonstrated to prolong life in prostate cancer [15].
  • The efficacy of therapy with targeted cytotoxic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) analog AN-207 consisting of superactive doxorubicin derivative AN-201 linked to carrier [D-Lys(6)]LH-RH was evaluated in vivo in nude mice bearing xenografts of MDA-PCa-2b prostate cancer line [16].

Biological context of Gnrh1


Anatomical context of Gnrh1


Associations of Gnrh1 with chemical compounds

  • GnRH stimulation of gonadotropin expression and secretion occurs through the G-protein-linked phospholipase C/inositol triphosphate intracellular signaling pathway, which ultimately leads to protein kinase C (PKC) activation and increased intracellular calcium levels [23].
  • Gonadotropin or androgen action was not, however, a prerequisite for the basal expression of GATA-4 or GATA-6 in the testis, as their presence in Sertoli and Leydig cells was demonstrated in genetically hypogonadal hpg mice, in rats treated with GnRH receptor antagonist, and in Sertoli cells after chemical abolition of Leydig cells [24].
  • Since the induction of galanin-IR in GnRH cells is more pronounced in OVX and proestrous mice, the expression of galanin-IR in GnRH cells in mice appears to be an activation-dependent phenomenon rather than a direct effect of estrogen [25].
  • Our studies indicate that DHEA has direct effects on GnRH transcription that appear to be unique from those observed after conversion to other steroidogenic compounds [26].
  • The levels of human FSH beta mRNA in monolayer cultures of pituitary cells were decreased by 24-hour treatments with 10 nM testosterone propionate or 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone to 13 and 26% of control values, respectively, in the absence of GnRH [27].
  • In voltage clamp, the selective M-channel blocker, XE-991, inhibited a K(+) current in GnRH neurons [28].
  • Tetrodotoxin did not alter the Kp-induced GnRH release, indicating that Kp can act directly at the GnRH nerve terminals [29].

Physical interactions of Gnrh1

  • SRp30c specifically binds to both ESE3 and ESE4, whereas 9G8 binds to an element in exon 3 and strongly enhances the excision of GnRH intron A in the presence of minimal amount of other nuclear components [19].
  • These data define a novel cis-regulatory element comprised of an overlapping SBE and newly characterized non-consensus AP-1 binding sequence that integrates the stimulatory transcriptional effects of both GnRH and activin on the mGnRHR gene [30].
  • In this study, we used the alphaT3 gonadotrope cell line as a model to characterize the IGF-1R signaling pathways and to investigate whether this receptor interacts with the LHRH cascade [31].
  • Egr-1/MGRE binding was induced by GnRH in an ERK-dependent manner [32].
  • The increased binding of 125I-[His5,D-Tyr6] GnRH has allowed the development of a sensitive GnRH receptor binding assay for analysis of mutant GnRH receptors that exhibit decreased ligand binding [33].

Enzymatic interactions of Gnrh1

  • Immunohistochemical staining with a TH monoclonal antibody coupled with confocal microscopy was employed on vibratome-cut brain sections of female GnRH-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice to evaluate possible appositions between GnRH and tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons [34].

Regulatory relationships of Gnrh1

  • Furthermore, GnRH stimulated Egr-1 but not SF-1 expression in LbetaT2 cells [35].
  • In contrast, agonist stimulation of GnRH receptors expressed in HEK293 cells caused sustained phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of ERK1/2 by a protein kinase C-dependent but EGFR-independent pathway [36].
  • Oct-1 and nuclear factor Y bind to the SURG-1 element to direct basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated mouse GnRH receptor gene transcription [37].
  • To investigate the functional significance of gonadotrope CRH-BP, we examined the molecular mechanisms underlying GnRH-regulated CRH-BP expression in alphaT3-1 gonadotrope-like cells [38].
  • The transcription factor activator protein-2 (AP-2alpha) was differentially expressed and was present in the developmentally younger LHRH neuron [39].

Other interactions of Gnrh1

  • These cells synthesize alpha-subunit and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor, yet are not fully differentiated in that they do not synthesize the beta-subunits of luteinizing hormone (LH) or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) [40].
  • These results indicate that the duration of ERK1/2 activation depends on the signaling pathways utilized by GnRH in specific target cells [36].
  • Mutation of either Egr-1 or SF-1 elements within the LHbeta promoter attenuated this stimulation, whereas mutation of both promoter elements abrogated GnRH induction of the LHbeta promoter [35].
  • Here, we report that expression patterns of the Msx and Dlx families of homeodomain transcription factors largely coincide with the migratory route of GnRH neurons and co-express with GnRH in neurons during embryonic development [18].
  • The cis-regulatory element localized to position -292/-285 of the mouse GnRH receptor (mGnRHR) gene promoter, designated Sequence Underlying Responsiveness to GnRH 1 (SURG-1), has been shown previously to contribute to stimulation of mGnRHR gene expression by GnRH [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gnrh1


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