Gene Review:
Gnrh1 - gonadotropin releasing hormone 1
Mus musculus
Gnrh, Gnrh2, LHRH, LNRH, Lhrh1, ...
- Effects of galanin-like peptide (GALP) on locomotion, reproduction, and body weight in female and male mice. Kauffman, A.S., Buenzle, J., Fraley, G.S., Rissman, E.F. Hormones and behavior. (2005)
- Mechanisms of Disease: the first kiss-a crucial role for kisspeptin-1 and its receptor, G-protein-coupled receptor 54, in puberty and reproduction. Seminara, S.B. Nature clinical practice. Endocrinology & metabolism. (2006)
- The expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its receptor in endometrial cancer, and its relevance as an autocrine growth factor. Chatzaki, E., Bax, C.M., Eidne, K.A., Anderson, L., Grudzinskas, J.G., Gallagher, C.J. Cancer Res. (1996)
- Cyclical expression of GnRH and GnRH receptor mRNA in lymphoid organs. Jacobson, J.D., Crofford, L.J., Sun, L., Wilder, R.L. Neuroendocrinology (1998)
- Transplanted gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons promote pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in congenitally hypogonadal (hpg) male mice. Kokoris, G.J., Lam, N.Y., Ferin, M., Silverman, A.J., Gibson, M.J. Neuroendocrinology (1988)
- Reduction of GnRH and infertility in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease. Papalexi, E., Persson, A., Björkqvist, M., Petersén, A., Woodman, B., Bates, G.P., Sundler, F., Mulder, H., Brundin, P., Popovic, N. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2005)
- Localized and discrete changes in neuropeptide (LHRH and TRH) and neurotransmitter (NE and DA) concentrations within the olfactory bulbs of male mice as a function of social interaction. Dluzen, D.E., Ramirez, V.D. Hormones and behavior. (1983)
- Luteinizing hormone modulates cognition and amyloid-beta deposition in Alzheimer APP transgenic mice. Casadesus, G., Webber, K.M., Atwood, C.S., Pappolla, M.A., Perry, G., Bowen, R.L., Smith, M.A. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2006)
- Olfactory inputs to hypothalamic neurons controlling reproduction and fertility. Yoon, H., Enquist, L.W., Dulac, C. Cell (2005)
- Leuprorelin rescues polyglutamine-dependent phenotypes in a transgenic mouse model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Katsuno, M., Adachi, H., Doyu, M., Minamiyama, M., Sang, C., Kobayashi, Y., Inukai, A., Sobue, G. Nat. Med. (2003)
- Origin of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons. Schwanzel-Fukuda, M., Pfaff, D.W. Nature (1989)
- Comparison of the analeptic potency of TRH, ACTH 4-10, LHRH, and related peptides. Bissette, G., Nemeroff, C.B., Loosen, P.T., Prange, A.J., Lipton, M.A. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. (1976)
- Effects of LHRH agonists on the growth of human prostatic tumor cells: "in vitro" and "in vivo" studies. Montagnani Marelli, M., Moretti, R.M., Dondi, D., Limonta, P., Motta, M. Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Società italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica / Associazione ricerche in urologia. (1997)
- Inhibition of human experimental prostate cancers by a targeted cytotoxic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analog AN-207. Stangelberger, A., Schally, A.V., Nagy, A., Szepeshazi, K., Kanashiro, C.A., Halmos, G. Prostate (2006)
- Comparison of in vitro effects of the pure antiandrogens OH-flutamide, Casodex, and nilutamide on androgen-sensitive parameters. Simard, J., Singh, S.M., Labrie, F. Urology (1997)
- Inhibition of in vivo proliferation of MDA-PCa-2b human prostate cancer by a targeted cytotoxic analog of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone AN-207. Plonowski, A., Schally, A.V., Nagy, A., Groot, K., Krupa, M., Navone, N.M., Logothetis, C. Cancer Lett. (2002)
- Maintenance of Spermatogenesis by the Activated Human (Asp567Gly) FSH Receptor During Testicular Regression Due to Hormonal Withdrawal. Allan, C.M., Garcia, A., Spaliviero, J., Jimenez, M. Biol. Reprod. (2006)
- Developmental regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression by the MSX and DLX homeodomain protein families. Givens, M.L., Rave-Harel, N., Goonewardena, V.D., Kurotani, R., Berdy, S.E., Swan, C.H., Rubenstein, J.L., Robert, B., Mellon, P.L. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Cooperative actions of Tra2alpha with 9G8 and SRp30c in the RNA splicing of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene transcript. Park, E., Han, J., Son, G.H., Lee, M.S., Chung, S., Park, S.H., Park, K., Lee, K.H., Choi, S., Seong, J.Y., Kim, K. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Alpha-fetoprotein controls female fertility and prenatal development of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone pathway through an antiestrogenic action. De Mees, C., Laes, J.F., Bakker, J., Smitz, J., Hennuy, B., Van Vooren, P., Gabant, P., Szpirer, J., Szpirer, C. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006)
- Polysialic acid facilitates migration of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons on vomeronasal axons. Yoshida, K., Rutishauser, U., Crandall, J.E., Schwarting, G.A. J. Neurosci. (1999)
- A novel AP-1 site is critical for maximal induction of the follicle-stimulating hormone beta gene by gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Coss, D., Jacobs, S.B., Bender, C.E., Mellon, P.L. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Egr-1 is a downstream effector of GnRH and synergizes by direct interaction with Ptx1 and SF-1 to enhance luteinizing hormone beta gene transcription. Tremblay, J.J., Drouin, J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1999)
- Expression and regulation of transcription factors GATA-4 and GATA-6 in developing mouse testis. Ketola, I., Rahman, N., Toppari, J., Bielinska, M., Porter-Tinge, S.B., Tapanainen, J.S., Huhtaniemi, I.T., Wilson, D.B., Heikinheimo, M. Endocrinology (1999)
- Expression of galanin immunoreactivity in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in mice: a confocal microscopic study. Rajendren, G., Gibson, M.J. Brain Res. (1999)
- Evidence that dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA, directly inhibits GnRH gene expression in GT1-7 hypothalamic neurons. Cui, H., Lin, S.Y., Belsham, D.D. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. (2003)
- Hormonal regulation of human follicle-stimulating hormone-beta subunit gene expression: GnRH stimulation and GnRH-independent androgen inhibition. Kumar, T.R., Low, M.J. Neuroendocrinology (1995)
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) activates the m-current in GnRH neurons: an autoregulatory negative feedback mechanism? Xu, C., Roepke, T.A., Zhang, C., Rønnekleiv, O.K., Kelly, M.J. Endocrinology (2008)
- Kisspeptin can stimulate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release by a direct action at GnRH nerve terminals. d'Anglemont de Tassigny, X., Fagg, L.A., Carlton, M.B., Colledge, W.H. Endocrinology (2008)
- Direct binding of AP-1 (Fos/Jun) proteins to a SMAD binding element facilitates both gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)- and activin-mediated transcriptional activation of the mouse GnRH receptor gene. Norwitz, E.R., Xu, S., Xu, J., Spiryda, L.B., Park, J.S., Jeong, K.H., McGee, E.A., Kaiser, U.B. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- The luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone inhibits the anti-apoptotic activity of insulin-like growth factor-1 in pituitary alphaT3 cells by protein kinase Calpha-mediated negative regulation of Akt. Rose, A., Froment, P., Perrot, V., Quon, M.J., LeRoith, D., Dupont, J. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- An early growth response protein (Egr) 1 cis-element is required for gonadotropin-releasing hormone-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 2 gene expression. Zhang, T., Wolfe, M.W., Roberson, M.S. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- A high affinity gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) tracer, radioiodinated at position 6, facilitates analysis of mutant GnRH receptors. Flanagan, C.A., Fromme, B.J., Davidson, J.S., Millar, R.P. Endocrinology (1998)
- A confocal microscopic study of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuron inputs to dopaminergic neurons containing estrogen receptor alpha in the arcuate nucleus of GnRH-green fluorescent protein transgenic mice. Mitchell, V., Loyens, A., Spergel, D.J., Flactif, M., Poulain, P., Tramu, G., Beauvillain, J.C. Neuroendocrinology (2003)
- Activation of luteinizing hormone beta gene by gonadotropin-releasing hormone requires the synergy of early growth response-1 and steroidogenic factor-1. Dorn, C., Ou, Q., Svaren, J., Crawford, P.A., Sadovsky, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Roles of Src and epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation in transient and sustained ERK1/2 responses to gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor activation. Shah, B.H., Farshori, M.P., Jambusaria, A., Catt, K.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Oct-1 and nuclear factor Y bind to the SURG-1 element to direct basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated mouse GnRH receptor gene transcription. Kam, K.Y., Jeong, K.H., Norwitz, E.R., Jorgensen, E.M., Kaiser, U.B. Mol. Endocrinol. (2005)
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) positively regulates corticotropin-releasing hormone-binding protein expression via multiple intracellular signaling pathways and a multipartite GnRH response element in alphaT3-1 cells. Westphal, N.J., Seasholtz, A.F. Mol. Endocrinol. (2005)
- Transcription factor activator protein-2 is required for continued luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone expression in the forebrain of developing mice. Kramer, P.R., Krishnamurthy, R., Mitchell, P.J., Wray, S. Endocrinology (2000)
- Immortalization of pituitary cells at discrete stages of development by directed oncogenesis in transgenic mice. Alarid, E.T., Windle, J.J., Whyte, D.B., Mellon, P.L. Development (1996)
- Profiling neurotransmitter receptor expression in mouse gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons using green fluorescent protein-promoter transgenics and microarrays. Todman, M.G., Han, S.K., Herbison, A.E. Neuroscience (2005)