MeSH Review:
- Chromosome aberration assays for the study of cyclophosphamide and Bacillus thuringiensis in Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Ren, Z., Ma, E., Guo, Y. Mutat. Res. (2002)
- Oxidative stress related enzymes in response to chromium (VI) toxicity in Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidae). Li, L.J., Zhang, F., Liu, X.M., Guo, Y.P., Ma, E.B. Journal of environmental sciences (China). (2005)
- Evolution of the insect body plan as revealed by the Sex combs reduced expression pattern. Rogers, B.T., Peterson, M.D., Kaufman, T.C. Development (1997)
- Dax, a locust Hox gene related to fushi-tarazu but showing no pair-rule expression. Dawes, R., Dawson, I., Falciani, F., Tear, G., Akam, M. Development (1994)
- Frequent assimilation of mitochondrial DNA by grasshopper nuclear genomes. Bensasson, D., Zhang, D.X., Hewitt, G.M. Mol. Biol. Evol. (2000)
- Involvement of Wingless/Armadillo signaling in the posterior sequential segmentation in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera), as revealed by RNAi analysis. Miyawaki, K., Mito, T., Sarashina, I., Zhang, H., Shinmyo, Y., Ohuchi, H., Noji, S. Mech. Dev. (2004)
- The fight and flight responses of crickets depleted of biogenic amines. Stevenson, P.A., Hofmann, H.A., Schoch, K., Schildberger, K. J. Neurobiol. (2000)
- A molecular phylogeny of Oxya (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in China inferred from partial cytochrome b gene sequences. Ren, Z., Ma, E., Guo, Y., Zhong, Y. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. (2004)
- Immunohistochemical characterization of a widely spread Arg8-vasopressin-like neuroendocrine system in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus Walker (Orthoptera, Insecta). Musiol, I.M., Jirikowski, G.F., Pohlhammer, K. Acta Histochem. Suppl. (1990)
- Neurons reactive to antibodies against serotonin in the stomatogastric nervous system and in the alimentary canal of locust and crickets (Orthoptera, Insecta). Klemm, N., Hustert, R., Cantera, R., Nässel, D.R. Neuroscience (1986)
- Cuticular lipids of insects: VIII. Alkanes of the Mormon cricket Anabrus simplex. Jackson, L.L., Blomquist, G.L. Lipids (1976)
- Silkworm diapause induction activity of myotropic pyrokinin (FXPRLamide) insect neuropeptides. Nachman, R.J., Holman, G.M., Schoofs, L., Yamashita, O. Peptides (1993)
- Comparison of the fatty-acid compositions of prey items and yolks of Australian insectivorous scincid lizards. Speake, B.K., Herbert, J.F., Thompson, M.B. J. Comp. Physiol. B, Biochem. Syst. Environ. Physiol. (2004)
- Excretion of miserotoxin and detoxification of the aglycone by grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Johnson, D.L., Majak, W., Benn, M.H. Phytochemistry (2001)
- Polymorphism of two closely linked hexokinase loci in the grasshopper Oxya japonica japonica (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oxyinae). Chan, K.L., Yushayati, Y. Biochem. Genet. (1993)