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Chemical Compound Review

FK-888     (2S,4R)-N-[(1S)-1-(benzyl- methyl...

Synonyms: SureCN8079679, FK888, LS-193299, FK 888, PDSP2_000648, ...
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Disease relevance of FK-888


High impact information on FK-888

  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of tachykinins in exercise-induced airway narrowing in patients with asthma using a selective neurokinin 1-receptor (NK1-receptor) antagonist, FK-888 [2].
  • Inhalation of FK-888 had no significant effect on baseline SGaw [2].
  • However, FK 888 at concentrations of 10(-7) and 10(-6) M decreased the number of coughs without effect on bronchoconstriction [3].
  • Full NK-1-like susceptibility to SR 140,333, FK 888, and CP 96,345 could be transferred to the NK-3 receptor by exchange of transmembrane segments V and VI and adjacent parts with corresponding segments from the NK-1 receptor [4].
  • Surprisingly, exchange of the four divergent residues located around the previously located apparent binding site for CP 96,345 and FK 888 at the top of transmembrane segment (TM) V and VI, either alone or as a group, did not affect the binding of these nonpeptide compounds [5].

Biological context of FK-888


Anatomical context of FK-888

  • 4. FK 888 (1-30 microM) did not induce histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells [6].
  • 1. 3. FK 888 (1 nM-100 microM) was without effect on the electrically-evoked, cholinergic response of the rabbit iris sphincter and the electrically-evoked, sympathetic response of the guinea-pig vas deferens [6].
  • Phosphoramidon significantly potentiated plasma extravasation in the trachea and main bronchi, whereas FK-888 significantly inhibited that extravasation in a dose-related manner [9].
  • Plasma and ileal SP concentrations, ileal muscle SP receptor binding and SP-induced contractions in isolated ileum were investigated 3 and 14 days post-irradiation and FK 888 treatment [10].

Associations of FK-888 with other chemical compounds

  • The co-injection of the selective neurokinin (NK) NK(2) (SR 48968, 0.05-0.5 nmol/paw), and to a lesser extent the selective NK(1) (FK 888, 0.25-1.0 nmol/paw) receptor antagonists, resulted in a significant inhibition of glutamate-induced nociception [11].
  • The effect of SP was antagonised by two selective antagonists of NK1 receptors, namely (+/-) CP 96,345 (10(-10)-10(-8) M) and FK 888 (10(-9)-10(-7) M), while the NK2 receptor antagonist MEN 10627 (10(-8)-10(-7) M) was not effective [12].
  • The selective NK1 tachykinin antagonist (FK 888), but not NK2 (SR 48968) antagonized substance P-induced contraction, but both drugs failed to effect Phyllanthus urinaria-induced contraction [13].
  • The intradermal (i.d.) injection of NK1 receptor antagonists GR 82334 and FK 888 (1-50 pmol/paw), in association with formalin, produced graded inhibition of the early but not the late phase of the formalin test [14].
  • The increase in IP1 was greatly reduced, at approximately the same extent by the 10 min pretreatment with a concentration of (+/-)CP 96,345 (100 nM) 10 times smaller than that of FK 888 and GR 82,334 (1 microM) [15].

Gene context of FK-888

  • In contrast, FK 888 (1.0 mg/kg, i.v. and 500 pmol/site) was ineffective in the response to SP [16].
  • We examined the effect of SR 140333, a nonpeptide NK1 receptor antagonist, FK 888, a peptide NK1 antagonist, and SR 142801, a non-peptide NK3 antagonist, on ear oedema induced by topical application of capsaicin (250 micrograms/ear) in mice [16].
  • The NK1 receptor selective antagonists, SR 140,333 (0.1 microM), FK 888 (10 microM) RP 67,580 (1 microM) and GR 82,334 (10 microM) were also without effect (n = 4-5) [17].
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a SP receptor blockade by FK 888 on gut SP levels and contractile properties after rat irradiation [10].


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