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Chemical Compound Review

Ledermix     (2Z,4S,4aS,5aR,6S,12aS)-2- (amino-hydroxy...

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Disease relevance of Ledermix


High impact information on Ledermix

  • Although none of the materials completely eliminated the viable microorganisms, the use of LE was more effective than CE in reducing the total anaerobic microorganisms associated with carious dentine [4].
  • The study was aimed at comparing the efficacy of disinfection of root canals with periapical radiolucencies when treated with either antibiotics/steroid medicaments (Ledermix or Septomixine) or a calcium hydroxide paste (Calasept) [5].
  • The effect of intracanal Ledermix on root resorption of delayed-replanted monkey teeth [6].
  • More severe staining was noted when Ledermix paste filled the pulp chamber than when the paste was restricted to below the CEJ [7].
  • After six weeks, there was significant lymphocyte infiltration in only 30% of teeth treated with tetrandrine, compared with 66%, 90%, and 100% on teeth treated with Ledermix, formocresol, and saline controls respectively [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ledermix


Biological context of Ledermix

  • The efficacy of Ledermix paste in disinfection of dentinal tubules was studied in a model developed by Haapasalo and Orstavik with some modifications [3].
  • Ledermix was found to reversibly inhibit mitosis while present in the concentrations range 10(-3) to 10(-6) mg/ml [2].

Anatomical context of Ledermix

  • Ledermix killed mouse fibroblasts at 10(-3) mg/ml and above, while Pulpdent killed at 1 mg/ml and above [2].
  • Freshly extracted human single-rooted teeth with a single root canal were used to study the effects of 2 irrigation regimens and the effect of cementum on the diffusion of corticosteroid and antibiotic tracer molecules from Ledermix paste placed in the pulp space [10].
  • Crowns from freshly extracted human third molar teeth were used to quantify the release and diffusion of corticosteroid and antibiotic tracer molecules from Ledermix paste used as an indirect pulp-capping agent [11].
  • Long-term clinical assessment of pulpotomies with calcium hydroxide containing Ledermix in human permanent premolars and molars [12].

Associations of Ledermix with other chemical compounds

  • Eugenol showed a pH of 4.34 +/- 0.05, formocresol 2.79 +/- 0.02, and a commercially-available antibiotic-corticosteroid paste (Ledermix) 8.13 +/- 0.01 [13].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ledermix

  • Nevertheless, when the latter two unfavorable healing patterns were combined, there was a significantly lower overall unfavorable healing in the Ledermix group (64.54%) when compared to the positive control group (83.43%) (P = 0.037) [6].
  • For the experimental group, intracanal Ledermix was placed prior to extraction and replantation after 1-h bench dry [6].
  • Ledermix did not perform better than no premedication [14].


  1. The relationship of intracanal medicaments to postoperative pain in endodontics. Ehrmann, E.H., Messer, H.H., Adams, G.G. International endodontic journal. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Some effects of Ledermix paste and Pulpdent paste on mouse fibroblasts and on bacteria in vitro. Taylor, M.A., Humen, W.R., Heithersay, G.S. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1989) [Pubmed]
  3. Efficacy of Ledermix paste in eliminating Staphylococcus aureus from infected dentinal tubules in vitro. Heling, I., Pecht, M. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1991) [Pubmed]
  4. Suppression of caries-related microorganisms in dentine lesions after short-term chlorhexidine or antibiotic treatment. Wicht, M.J., Haak, R., Schütt-Gerowitt, H., Kneist, S., Noack, M.J. Caries Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. Identification of cultivable microorganisms from root canals with apical periodontitis following two-visit endodontic treatment with antibiotics/steroid or calcium hydroxide dressings. Chu, F.C., Leung, W.K., Tsang, P.C., Chow, T.W., Samaranayake, L.P. Journal of endodontics. (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. The effect of intracanal Ledermix on root resorption of delayed-replanted monkey teeth. Wong, K.S., Sae-Lim, V. Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology. (2002) [Pubmed]
  7. The effects of Ledermix paste on discolouration of mature teeth. Kim, S.T., Abbott, P.V., McGinley, P. International endodontic journal. (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. Evaluation of the novel anti-inflammatory agent tetrandrine as a pulpotomy medicament in a canine model. Seow, W.K., Thong, Y.H. Pediatric dentistry. (1993) [Pubmed]
  9. Relationship of intracanal medicaments to endodontic flare-ups. Trope, M. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1990) [Pubmed]
  10. Barriers to diffusion of Ledermix paste in radicular dentine. Abbott, P.V., Hume, W.R., Heithersay, G.S. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1989) [Pubmed]
  11. The release and diffusion through human coronal dentine in vitro of triamcinolone and demeclocycline from Ledermix paste. Abbott, P.V., Hume, W.R., Heithersay, G.S. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1989) [Pubmed]
  12. Long-term clinical assessment of pulpotomies with calcium hydroxide containing Ledermix in human permanent premolars and molars. Santini, A. Acta de odontología pediátrica. (1986) [Pubmed]
  13. PH of endodontic medicaments used in pediatric dentistry: effects of dyadic combinations. Anderson, M., Seow, W.K. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. (1990) [Pubmed]
  14. Bacterial leakage in obturated root canals following the use of different intracanal medicaments. Barthel, C.R., Zimmer, S., West, G., Roulet, J.F. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (2000) [Pubmed]
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