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Chemical Compound Review

chlorobutane     1-chlorobutane

Synonyms: n-Chlorobutane, sJPHADIJuP@, NBC wormer, Butyl chloride, CHEMBL47259, ...
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Disease relevance of Butyl chloride

  • We report the kinetic and structural analysis of the haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (LinB) in complex with each of 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dichloropropane and the reaction product of 1-chlorobutane turnover [1].
  • A haloalkane dehalogenase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from cell extracts of a 1-chlorobutane-utilizing strain, m15-3, which was identified as a Corynebacterium sp. The enzyme hydrolyzed C2 to C12 mono- and dihalogenated alkanes, some haloalcohols, and haloacids [2].
  • In this study, a comparison was made of the hydrolysis of halogenated compounds (such as 1-chlorobutane) by lyophilized Rhodococcus erythropolis cells in a novel solid/gas biofilter and in the aqueous phase [3].
  • The apparent Michaelis-Menten constants Km and Vmax for the dehydrated Xanthobacter autotrophicus cells were 0.07 (1-chlorobutane thermodynamic activity) and 0.08 micromol min(-1) g(-1) of cells, respectively [4].
  • The melting temperature determined by the circular dichroism (41.7+/-0.3 degrees C for LinB expressed in P. pastoris and 41.8 +/- 0.3 degrees C expressed in E. coli) and thermal stability measured by specific activity to 1-chlorobutane were also similar for two enzymes [5].

High impact information on Butyl chloride


Chemical compound and disease context of Butyl chloride


Biological context of Butyl chloride

  • Specimens were homogenized, extracted with n-butyl chloride, and analyzed via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, using atmospheric pressure electrospray ionization operating in the positive mode [12].

Anatomical context of Butyl chloride


Associations of Butyl chloride with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Butyl chloride

  • Quetiapine was assayed in biological specimens by basic extraction with n-butyl chloride and derivatized with 50 microL of MTBSTFA and separation by GC-NPD [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Butyl chloride

  • The combined extracts are dried and then subjected to thin-layer chromatography on a blank Toxi-Lab Toxi-A chromatogram with 1-chlorobutane as the developing solvent (about 6 min) [21].
  • In the pulse radiolysis experiments in aqueous solution, the primary oxidants can also be observed, whereas in n-butyl chloride a transient at 325 nm remains unidentified [22].
  • Extraction was performed using liquid-liquid extraction with 1-chlorobutane, while quantification was carried out using high performance liquid chromatography equipped with a photodiode-array ultraviolet detector [23].
  • The extraction method is based on a widely used procedure employing n-butyl chloride, and instrumental analysis is performed using GC/MS and HPLC with photodiode array detection [24].


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