Chemical Compound Review:
Diphenylamine N-phenylaniline
Scaldip, Difenylamin, DIPHENYAMINE, Phenylaniline, Anilinobenzene, ...
- Ubiquinone binding capacity of the Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1 complex: effect of diphenylamine, a weak binding QO site inhibitor. Sharp, R.E., Palmitessa, A., Gibney, B.R., White, J.L., Moser, C.C., Daldal, F., Dutton, P.L. Biochemistry (1999)
- Comparison of human polycystic and medullary cystic kidney disease with diphenylamine-induced cystic disease. Evan, A.P., Gardner, K.D. Lab. Invest. (1976)
- A novel styryl diphenylamine derivative reverts the transformed phenotype of human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells. Ohizumi, I., Tanemura, M., Kaihoh, S. Br. J. Cancer (1995)
- Roles of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis in formation of intracytoplasmic membrane systems and pigment-protein complexes in an aerobic photosynthetic bacterium, Erythrobacter sp. strain OCh114. Iba, K., Takamiya, K., Toh, Y., Nishimura, M. J. Bacteriol. (1988)
- Function and structure in the diphenylamine-exposed kidney. Gardner, K.D., Solomon, S., Fitzgerrel, W.W., Evan, A.P. J. Clin. Invest. (1976)
- Immunologic, functional, and morphological characterization of three new human small intestinal epithelial cell lines. Pang, G., Buret, A., O'Loughlin, E., Smith, A., Batey, R., Clancy, R. Gastroenterology (1996)
- Mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator inhibits acidification and apoptosis in C127 cells: possible relevance to cystic fibrosis. Gottlieb, R.A., Dosanjh, A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- In vitro apoptosis in the human hepatoma cell line induced by transforming growth factor beta 1. Lin, J.K., Chou, C.K. Cancer Res. (1992)
- Structure-function relationship and role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme in the down-regulation of L-selectin by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Gómez-Gaviro, M.V., González-Alvaro, I., Domínguez-Jiménez, C., Peschon, J., Black, R.A., Sánchez-Madrid, F., Díaz-González, F. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Effects of lysosomotropic amines on human polymorphonuclear leucocyte function. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M., Thijssen, R.M., Marcelis, J.H., Sharma, S.D., Verhoef, J. Immunology (1984)
- Investigation of regional glutathione levels in a model of chemically-induced renal papillary necrosis. Lenz, S.D. Food Chem. Toxicol. (1996)
- Oxidative liver DNA damage in rats treated with pesticide mixtures. Lodovici, M., Casalini, C., Briani, C., Dolara, P. Toxicology (1997)
- Free-radical-scavenging effect of carbazole derivatives on AAPH-induced hemolysis of human erythrocytes. Tang, Y.Z., Liu, Z.Q. Bioorg. Med. Chem. (2007)
- Reconstitution of carotenoids into the light-harvesting complex B800-850 of Chromatium minutissimum. Toropygina, O.A., Makhneva, Z.K., Moskalenko, A.A. Biochemistry Mosc. (2003)
- Effects of inhibitors on anion exchangers in rabbit renal brush border membrane vesicles. McConnell, K.R., Aronson, P.S. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of monomeric, arylpalladium halide complexes with a hindered phosphine as the only dative ligand. Stambuli, J.P., Bühl, M., Hartwig, J.F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2002)
- Diphenylamine: an unusual antioxidant. Sugihara, T., Rao, G., Hebbel, R.P. Free Radic. Biol. Med. (1993)
- DNA interference with radioimmunoassay procedures. Matsuo, N., Koide, S.S. Clin. Chem. (1983)
- Diphenylamine as an important structure of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to uncouple mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Masubuchi, Y., Yamada, S., Horie, T. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1999)
- Inhibition of human natural killer activity by lysosomotropic agents. Verhoef, J., Sharma, S.D. J. Immunol. (1983)
- Measurement of corneal DNA content. O'Brien, W.J. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1979)
- Deletion of CD4+ T cells and thymocytes by apoptosis in mouse mammary tumor virus (C4)-infected V beta 2 transgenic mice. Wang, H., Gill, R.F., Lichlyter, D., Iglesias, A., Bluethmann, H., Wei, W.Z. Eur. J. Immunol. (1994)
- Immunological variants of the aerobactin-cloacin DF13 outer membrane protein receptor IutA among enteric bacteria. Bouchet, A., Valvano, M.A., Dho-Moulin, M., Le Roy, D., Andremont, A. Infect. Immun. (1994)
- Effect of anti-oxidants on growth and lactic acid production by Streptococcus mutans. Kupp, L.I., Rosen, S., Beck, F.M. J. Dent. Res. (1985)
- Possible mechanism of hepatocyte injury induced by diphenylamine and its structurally related nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Masubuchi, Y., Yamada, S., Horie, T. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (2000)
- NO-Evoked macrophage apoptosis is attenuated by cAMP-induced gene expression. von Knethen, A., Brockhaus, F., Kleiter, I., Brüne, B. Mol. Med. (1999)
- The myeloid zinc finger gene (MZF-1) delays retinoic acid-induced apoptosis and differentiation in myeloid leukemia cells. Robertson, K.A., Hill, D.P., Kelley, M.R., Tritt, R., Crum, B., Van Epps, S., Srour, E., Rice, S., Hromas, R. Leukemia (1998)
- Peptide YY-induced alteration of colonic electrolyte transport in the rat. Nakanishi, T., Kanayama, S., Kiyohara, T., Okuno, M., Shinomura, Y., Matsuzawa, Y. Regul. Pept. (1996)
- Apoptosis as a measure of chemosensitivity to cisplatin and taxol therapy in ovarian cancer cell lines. Gibb, R.K., Taylor, D.D., Wan, T., O'Connor, D.M., Doering, D.L., Gerçel-Taylor C, n.u.l.l. Gynecol. Oncol. (1997)
- Apoptosis in splenic B lymphocytes. Regulation by protein kinase C and IL-4. Illera, V.A., Perandones, C.E., Stunz, L.L., Mower, D.A., Ashman, R.F. J. Immunol. (1993)
- Diphenylamine traces in handswabs and clothing debris: cleanup and liquid chromatography with sequential oxidative and reductive electrochemical detection. Lloyd, J.B. Anal. Chem. (1987)
- Dibutyryl cyclic AMP arrests the growth of cultivated Cloudman melanoma cells in the late S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. DiPasquale, A., McGuire, J. J. Cell. Physiol. (1977)
- Aphidicolin potentiates apoptosis induced by arabinosyl nucleosides in human myeloid leukemia cell lines. Kuwakado, K., Kubota, M., Hirota, H., Adachi, S., Matsubara, K., Kasai, Y., Akiyama, Y., Mikawa, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1993)