Gene Review:
svp - seven up
Drosophila melanogaster
0005/12, 0042/01, 0106/18, 0114/20, 0351/01, ...
- Timing of identity: spatiotemporal regulation of hunchback in neuroblast lineages of Drosophila by Seven-up and Prospero. Mettler, U., Vogler, G., Urban, J. Development (2006)
- The Drosophila seven-up gene, a member of the steroid receptor gene superfamily, controls photoreceptor cell fates. Mlodzik, M., Hiromi, Y., Weber, U., Goodman, C.S., Rubin, G.M. Cell (1990)
- Seven-up, the Drosophila homolog of the COUP-TF orphan receptors, controls cell proliferation in the insect kidney. Kerber, B., Fellert, S., Hoch, M. Genes Dev. (1998)
- Connecting temporal identity to mitosis: the regulation of Hunchback in Drosophila neuroblast lineages. Urban, J., Mettler, U. Cell Cycle (2006)
- pipsqueak encodes a novel nuclear protein required downstream of seven-up for the development of photoreceptors R3 and R4. Weber, U., Siegel, V., Mlodzik, M. EMBO J. (1995)
- Cell fate control in the Drosophila retina by the orphan receptor seven-up: its role in the decisions mediated by the ras signaling pathway. Kramer, S., West, S.R., Hiromi, Y. Development (1995)
- A genetic screen for synaptic transmission mutants mapping to the right arm of chromosome 3 in Drosophila. Babcock, M.C., Stowers, R.S., Leither, J., Goodman, C.S., Pallanck, L.J. Genetics (2003)
- Functional conservation of vertebrate seven-up related genes in neurogenesis and eye development. Fjose, A., Nornes, S., Weber, U., Mlodzik, M. EMBO J. (1993)
- Embryonic fat-cell lineage in Drosophila melanogaster. Hoshizaki, D.K., Blackburn, T., Price, C., Ghosh, M., Miles, K., Ragucci, M., Sweis, R. Development (1994)
- A novel vertebrate svp-related nuclear receptor is expressed as a step gradient in developing rhombomeres and is affected by retinoic acid. Fjose, A., Weber, U., Mlodzik, M. Mech. Dev. (1995)
- tincar encodes a novel transmembrane protein expressed in the Tinman-expressing cardioblasts of Drosophila. Hirota, Y., Sawamoto, K., Okano, H. Mech. Dev. (2002)
- Seven-up inhibits ultraspiracle-based signaling pathways in vitro and in vivo. Zelhof, A.C., Yao, T.P., Chen, J.D., Evans, R.M., McKeown, M. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1995)
- The Drosophila orphan nuclear receptor seven-up requires the Ras pathway for its function in photoreceptor determination. Begemann, G., Michon, A.M., vd Voorn, L., Wepf, R., Mlodzik, M. Development (1995)
- Heart tube patterning in Drosophila requires integration of axial and segmental information provided by the Bithorax Complex genes and hedgehog signaling. Ponzielli, R., Astier, M., Chartier, A., Gallet, A., Thérond, P., Sémériva, M. Development (2002)
- Early neurogenesis of the Drosophila brain. Younossi-Hartenstein, A., Nassif, C., Green, P., Hartenstein, V. J. Comp. Neurol. (1996)