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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Gene Review

WT1-AS  -  WT1 antisense RNA

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: WIT-1, WIT1, WT1-AS1, WT1AS, Wilms tumor-associated antisense RNA
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Disease relevance of WIT1


High impact information on WIT1

  • Complementary DNA clones representing transcripts of 2.5 (WIT-1) and 3.5 kb (WIT-2) mapping to this region were isolated from a kidney complementary DNA library [6].
  • However, seven of eight (87.5%) diagnostic BM samples from primary refractory AML (chemosensitive) showed methylation of WIT-1 [2].
  • Sequence analysis showed that the spot represented a portion of the WIT-1 gene on human chromosome 11p13 [2].
  • Rp18 was missing in the relapse sample due to a distinct DNA methylation pattern of the WIT-1 gene [2].
  • Twenty-seven AML patients that entered CR after therapy (i.e., chemosensitive) were studied and only 10 (37%) of the diagnostic bone marrow (BM) samples showed methylation of WIT-1 [2].

Biological context of WIT1

  • The other transcript, WIT1, encodes a product of unknown function that is subject to alternate splicing in the region immediately 5' of the WT1 gene [7].
  • In one case this was coincident with reduction of WT1 and WIT1 gene expression, and in 3 other cases it occurred in addition to 11p LOH [8].
  • The cloning and molecular characterization of two putative tumor genes, WT1 and WIT1, from the chromosome 11p13 region has provided a means of evaluating their role in the generation of Wilms' tumor heterogeneity [1].
  • We conclude that SNPs in WT1 and WIT1 genes are significantly associated with FSGS, suggesting that variants in these genes may mediate pathogenesis by altering WT1 function [9].
  • Wit1 promoter activity was identified in a DNA fragment extending from 200 bp upstream of the putative Wit1 TATA box to 130 bp downstream [10].

Anatomical context of WIT1


Other interactions of WIT1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of WIT1

  • In situ hybridization using antisense RNA probes showed that WT1 and WIT1 were concordantly expressed in normal fetal kidney and in the blastema of tumors [1].
  • A series of 29 tumors were analyzed for WT1 and WIT1 expression by Northern blot or RNase protection analyses, and results were compared with tumor histopathology [1].
  • To test whether genetic variations in WT1 and WIT1 (gene immediately 5' to WT1) associate with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), patients with biopsy-proven idiopathic and HIV-1-associated FSGS were enrolled in a multicenter study [9].


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