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Gene Review

Pdp1  -  pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: PDP 1, PDPC 1, Ppm2c, Protein phosphatase 2C, Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 1
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Disease relevance of Ppm2c

  • In the present study, recombinant rat protein phosphatase 2C (PrP-2C) expressed in Escherichia coli could dephosphorylate both Thr286/287 and Thr305/306 phosphorylation sites of CaM kinase II, which are responsible for the generation of Ca(2+)-independent activity and the inhibition of the total activity, respectively [1].
  • These results suggest that concomitant greater PDK4 and less PDP1 expression in skeletal muscle of OLETF rats before the onset of diabetes are responsible for the lowering of the PDC activity and may be related with the development of diabetes mellitus [2].

High impact information on Ppm2c

  • Protein phosphatase 2C binds selectively to and dephosphorylates metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 [3].
  • Protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C), an Mg(2+)-dependent enzyme that dephosphorylates serine and threonine residues, defines one of the three major families of structurally unrelated eukaryotic protein phosphatases [4].
  • Of the two PDP isoforms expressed in mammalian tissues, the Ca(2+)-sensitive isoform (PDP1) is highly expressed in rat heart, brain, and testis and is detectable but less abundant in rat muscle, lung, kidney, liver, and spleen [5].
  • We describe the cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel neuronal protein, named NERPP-2C, which is distantly related to protein phosphatase 2C and plays a role in the inhibitory response pathway to myelin inhibitors [6].
  • SCOP protein is predominantly expressed in the brain and has domains including a pleckstrin homology domain, leucine-rich repeats, a protein phosphatase 2C-like domain and a glutamine-rich region [7].

Biological context of Ppm2c


Anatomical context of Ppm2c


Associations of Ppm2c with chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ppm2c


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