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Gene Review

hemA  -  glutamyl tRNA reductase

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK1198, JW1201, gtrA
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Disease relevance of hemA


High impact information on hemA


Chemical compound and disease context of hemA


Biological context of hemA

  • An Escherichia coli gene, which complements two independent hemA mutants of E. coli, has been cloned onto a multi-copy plasmid and both its strands have been sequenced [12].
  • 8. The cloned hemA gene, coding for a protein of 423 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 46,234 Da, forms an operon with the gene for protein release factor 1 (prf1) [4].
  • The hemA gene was mapped to the SpeI A fragment and the DpnIL fragment of the P. aeruginosa chromosome corresponding to min 24.1 to 26 [4].
  • Utilization of both transcription start sites was changed in a P. aeruginosa mutant missing the oxygen regulator Anr (Fnr analog), indicating the involvement of the transcription factor in hemA expression [4].
  • Protein synthesis in an in vitro coupled transcription-translation system showed a 46 kDa protein, which corresponds to the mol. wt. of the hemA protein, as deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the gene [13].

Anatomical context of hemA

  • Data obtained from in vitro transcription-translation studies in a homologous R. sphaeroides cell-free system, and complementation of hemA mutations of both Escherichia coli and R. sphaeroides by either of the putative hemA clones suggested the presence of a gene encoding 5-aminolevulinate synthase on each DNA sequence [14].
  • After recombinant production, denatured glutamyl-tRNA reductase from inclusion bodies was renatured by an on-column refolding procedure [15].

Associations of hemA with chemical compounds


Other interactions of hemA


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of hemA

  • Use of different types of cell culture medium resulted in a fivefold variation in hemA-lacZ expression during aerobic cell growth [22].
  • Thus, we examined the complementation test of the cloned gene from Xanthomonas with a hemA mutation of E. coli and found that the gene complemented the hemA mutation [23].
  • The native molecular mass, as determined by gel filtration chromatography, appeared to be approximately 40 kDa, indicating that native GTR is a monomer [17].
  • GTR was observable as a 49-kDa band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gels [17].
  • Southern analysis, restriction mapping and partial sequencing of the remaining ca. 10 kbp of the analyzed 25 kbp region have shown that this part includes the hemA, -C, -D and -B genes (MOBERG and AVISSAR 1994), which encode enzymes with function in the early part of the biosynthetic pathway of porphyrins [24].


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