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Disease relevance of Orthodontics


High impact information on Orthodontics

  • A set of supine lateral cephalograms was taken for each subject at the end of expiration during stage 1 and 2 non-rapid-eye-movement sleep with and without a Klearway appliance (Great Lakes Orthodontics, NY, USA), which was adjusted to 67% of the maximum protrusion position [2].
  • So we can advise Elmex mouthwash for patients with TMA and NiTi-based orthodontics wires but we suggest Acorea or Meridol mouthwashes for patients with TiNb orthodontics wires [3].
  • Functional occlusal abnormalities are best addressed through a team approach consisting of initial orthodontics followed by orthognathic surgery if needed [4].
  • Use of relaxin in orthodontics [5].
  • OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to prepare a light-cured adhesive applicable for orthodontics by mixing monomers and a polymerized reactive organic composite filler (prepolymerized trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate-filler, TMPT-filler) [6].

Biological context of Orthodontics


Anatomical context of Orthodontics

  • Temporomandibular joint surgery, occlusal equilibration, reconstructive dentistry, orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and psychotherapy have all been used with success in some cases [12].
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the time required to retract canine teeth by using two different preadjusted bracket systems (Tip-Edge, TP Orthodontics, LaPorte, Ind., versus A-Company straight wire, Johnson and Johnson, San Diego, Calif.) in a human sample [13].
  • After impressions were made, all teeth (including first molars) were bonded with 0.022-in Andrews' prescription brackets ("A" Company, San Diego, Calif) and Right-On composite (TP Orthodontics, Leeds, England) [14].

Associations of Orthodontics with chemical compounds

  • Fourteen samples from eight brands of elastic-rubber bands used in orthodontics were tested for their nitrosamine content [15].
  • Nickel titanium (NiTi) coil springs are a new development in orthodontics, designed to produce light continuous forces [16].
  • Alternatives to extraction orthodontics: a nitanium palatal expander [17].
  • The investigation took place at the Center for the Treatment of Cranio-facial Disorders, Department of Orthodontics, Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, between years 1989 and 1997 [18].
  • Methyl methacrylate-based (MMA-based) bonding resins have been used in orthodontics because they offer easy removal of both the bonded bracket and the residual adhesive at case completion [19].

Gene context of Orthodontics

  • The birth of the speciality of orthodontics. Part II [20].
  • Appropriate use of the designation of ABO certification: a statement by the American Board of Orthodontics [21].
  • The tensile bond strength after 24 hours and 6 months was investigated and compared with two other light-curing adhesives (Transbond, 3M Corp., Monrovia, Calif., and Heliosit-Orthodontic, Vivadent, Liechtenstein) and two chemical-curing adhesives (Concise, 3M, Monrovia Calif., and Saga Bond, Saga Orthodontics, Kongsvinger, Norway) [22].
  • The authors also review the literature on the relationship between orthodontics, occlusion, and TMD [23].
  • This article considers the various factors which contributed to orthodontics' development in the NHS [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Orthodontics


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