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Persistent Vegetative State

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Disease relevance of Persistent Vegetative State


Psychiatry related information on Persistent Vegetative State


High impact information on Persistent Vegetative State


Chemical compound and disease context of Persistent Vegetative State

  • Of prognostic importance, patients with increased lactate were more likely to be severely disabled (39% vs 10%), survive in a persistent vegetative state (13% vs 2%), or have died (39% vs 7%) [14].
  • The peak value of EAAs in the poor-outcome group (including severe disability, vegetative state, and death) was significantly higher than in the good-outcome group (good recovery and moderate disability; Glu, P <0.001; Asp, P <0.01); GOS was closely correlated to the EAA values (Glu, rs = 0.5737, P <0.001; Asp, rs = 0.5470, P <0.001) [15].
  • It was found that the coupling between neuronal electrical activity and regional glucose metabolism was preserved in all the minimally conscious patients but was absent in all the vegetative state patients [16].
  • The outcome was significantly better in the patients with a good or partial ICP response to pentobarbital, with 21% of these patients having a good recovery or moderate disability at 3 months after injury, compared with 100% persistent vegetative state or death in the nonresponders [17].
  • Twenty-four-hour profiles of growth hormone, prolactin and cortisol in the chronic vegetative state [18].

Biological context of Persistent Vegetative State

  • Eye movements induced by head rotation were studied in 6 patients in acute coma, 4 patients in a persistent vegetative state, and 6 healthy, alert control subjects [19].
  • Evoked potentials for the prediction of vegetative state in the acute stage of coma [20].
  • There is now evidence that coma and vegetative states are sometimes reversible with a combination of treatments, among them neuropharmacology [21].
  • A clinico-physiological study of visually evoked potential (VEP) and somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in so-called vegetative state and delta coma [22].
  • An nonlinear indicator of Functional Isolation, named approximated entropy (ApEn), assessed within cerebral cortex in patients with a vegetative state it's recently found as a promising tool for the prediction of recovery. The theoretical framework arise from a simple assumption: since we still have not found the [neural correlates of consciousness] it may be beneficial to use an "indirect extimator" of the mean functional isolation degree within the cerebral cortex of patients. By this way it's possible to test not only a well defined circuitery in the brain cortex but also the "ghost networks". This is because a diffuse functional isolation shot out the arising of whichever possible wide functional neuronal's ensamble (with both a well and not defined "anatomy") [23] [24]

Anatomical context of Persistent Vegetative State


Gene context of Persistent Vegetative State


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Persistent Vegetative State


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