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Brain Death

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Disease relevance of Brain Death


Psychiatry related information on Brain Death


High impact information on Brain Death


Chemical compound and disease context of Brain Death

  • In brain-dead pigs, the increases in the aforementioned blood measurements were smaller following glucose/insulin infusion than following saline infusion [13].
  • An innocuous intravenous portable radioisotopic test using technetium 99m pertechnetate was employed to demonstrate the deficit of cerebral blood flow associated with brain death [14].
  • Four groups of 40-kg pigs were studied: brain-dead and control pigs given isotonic saline or glucose/insulin (7.5 mg glucose/kg/min, 1.25 mU insulin/kg/ min) (n = 5 to 10 in each group) [13].
  • A mean lowest creatinine level of 2.0 mg/dL, (range 1.1-3.0 mg/dL), the rate of postoperative dialysis (22%), and a 1-year graft survival rate of 76% for kidneys from NHB-donated kidneys compare favorably to expected results achieved nationally from brain-dead cadaveric donors [15].
  • Donors were treated immediately after induction of brain death either with intravenous steroids, which block inflammatory cytokine release, or a soluble P-selectin glycoprotein ligand (sPSGL), which blocks initial selectin-mediated cellular adhesion [16].

Biological context of Brain Death


Anatomical context of Brain Death


Gene context of Brain Death

  • Levels of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and transforming growth factor-beta were twice as high after brain death but did not reach significance [25].
  • Serum IL-8 levels in patients who died or became brain dead within 1 week after ROSC were significantly higher than those in other patients [26].
  • Intrinsic ADH was depleted in the plasma shortly after the diagnosis of brain death [27].
  • Shortly after brain death induction, a significant increase in serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-1beta, and IL-6 was demonstrated in a time-dependent manner [28].
  • Recent studies have shown that brain death upregulates multiple lymphocyte- and macrophage-derived cytokines and the injured brain itself may be the source of proinflammatory factors such as S100B [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Brain Death


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