MeSH Review:
Head Injuries, Closed
- Treatment of traumatic brain injury with moderate hypothermia. Marion, D.W., Penrod, L.E., Kelsey, S.F., Obrist, W.D., Kochanek, P.M., Palmer, A.M., Wisniewski, S.R., DeKosky, S.T. N. Engl. J. Med. (1997)
- Apolipoprotein E affects the central nervous system response to injury and the development of cerebral edema. Lynch, J.R., Pineda, J.A., Morgan, D., Zhang, L., Warner, D.S., Benveniste, H., Laskowitz, D.T. Ann. Neurol. (2002)
- Vegetative state after closed-head injury. A Traumatic Coma Data Bank Report. Levin, H.S., Saydjari, C., Eisenberg, H.M., Foulkes, M., Marshall, L.F., Ruff, R.M., Jane, J.A., Marmarou, A. Arch. Neurol. (1991)
- Rivastigmine, a brain-selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, ameliorates cognitive and motor deficits induced by closed-head injury in the mouse. Chen, Y., Shohami, E., Constantini, S., Weinstock, M. J. Neurotrauma (1998)
- Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia in a patient with a closed head injury. Stevenson, P.H., Birch, A.A. Anesthesiology (1979)
- Brain potentials reveal deficits of language processing after closed head injury. Münte, T.F., Heinze, H.J. Arch. Neurol. (1994)
- Is the spatial distribution of brain lesions associated with closed-head injury predictive of subsequent development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Analysis with brain-image database. Herskovits, E.H., Megalooikonomou, V., Davatzikos, C., Chen, A., Bryan, R.N., Gerring, J.P. Radiology. (1999)
- Event-related potentials in human immunodeficiency virus infection. A prospective study. Messenheimer, J.A., Robertson, K.R., Wilkins, J.W., Kalkowski, J.C., Hall, C.D. Arch. Neurol. (1992)
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome complicating closed head injury. Vincent, F.M., Zimmerman, J.E., Van Haren, J. Neurosurgery (1986)
- Cognitive impairment following closed head injury. Capruso, D.X., Levin, H.S. Neurologic clinics. (1992)
- Effects of pegorgotein on neurologic outcome of patients with severe head injury. A multicenter, randomized controlled trial. Young, B., Runge, J.W., Waxman, K.S., Harrington, T., Wilberger, J., Muizelaar, J.P., Boddy, A., Kupiec, J.W. JAMA (1996)
- Dynamic changes in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors after closed head injury in mice: Implications for treatment of neurological and cognitive deficits. Biegon, A., Fry, P.A., Paden, C.M., Alexandrovich, A., Tsenter, J., Shohami, E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- A placebo-controlled trial shows no effect of vasopressin on recovery from closed head injury. Reichert, W.H., Blass, J.P. Ann. Neurol. (1982)
- Increase in peripheral benzodiazepine receptors and loss of glutamate NMDA receptors in a mouse model of closed head injury: a quantitative autoradiographic study. Grossman, R., Shohami, E., Alexandrovich, A., Yatsiv, I., Kloog, Y., Biegon, A. Neuroimage (2003)
- Heat acclimation increases hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha and erythropoietin receptor expression: implication for neuroprotection after closed head injury in mice. Shein, N.A., Horowitz, M., Alexandrovich, A.G., Tsenter, J., Shohami, E. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (2005)
- Closed head injury triggers early production of TNF alpha and IL-6 by brain tissue. Shohami, E., Novikov, M., Bass, R., Yamin, A., Gallily, R. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1994)
- Mechanism of brain protection by nitroxide radicals in experimental model of closed-head injury. Zhang, R., Shohami, E., Beit-Yannai, E., Bass, R., Trembovler, V., Samuni, A. Free Radic. Biol. Med. (1998)
- Pharmacokinetics of high-dose pentobarbital in severe head trauma. Bayliff, C.D., Schwartz, M.L., Hardy, B.G. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (1985)
- Depression after minor closed head injury: role of dexamethasone suppression test and antidepressants. Saran, A.S. The Journal of clinical psychiatry. (1985)
- Closed head injury induces up-regulation of ErbB-4 receptor at the site of injury. Erlich, S., Shohami, E., Pinkas-Kramarski, R. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (2000)
- Localizing and prognostic value of auditory evoked responses in coma after closed head injury. Karnaze, D.S., Marshall, L.F., McCarthy, C.S., Klauber, M.R., Bickford, R.G. Neurology (1982)
- Oxidative stress in closed-head injury: brain antioxidant capacity as an indicator of functional outcome. Shohami, E., Beit-Yannai, E., Horowitz, M., Kohen, R. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1997)
- Aminoglycoside pharmacokinetics: dosage requirements and nephrotoxicity in trauma patients. Townsend, P.L., Fink, M.P., Stein, K.L., Murphy, S.G. Crit. Care Med. (1989)
- Homovanillic acid and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid cerebrospinal fluid levels. A study with and without probenecid administration of their relationship to the state of consciousness after head injury. Vecht, C.J., van Woerkom, C.A., Teelken, A.W., Minderhoud, J.M. Arch. Neurol. (1975)
- Strong expression of GFAP mRNA in rat hippocampus after a closed-head injury. Bodjarian, N., Jamali, S., Boisset, N., Tadié, M. Neuroreport (1997)
- Induction of Fos protein in a model of closed head injury in rats. Woodside, B., Robinson, B., Amir, S. Brain Res. (1995)
- The activity of the sympathetic nervous system following severe head injury. Hörtnagl, H., Hammerle, A.F., Hackl, J.M., Brücke, T., Rumpl, E., Hörtnagl, H. Intensive care medicine. (1980)
- Traumatic posterior atlantoaxial dislocation without neurological deficit: case report. Jamshidi, S., Dennis, M.W., Azzam, C., Karim, N. Neurosurgery (1983)
- The chemokine fractalkine in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and a mouse model of closed head injury. Rancan, M., Bye, N., Otto, V.I., Trentz, O., Kossmann, T., Frentzel, S., Morganti-Kossmann, M.C. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (2004)
- Serum S100B concentrations are increased after closed head injury in children: a preliminary study. Berger, R.P., Pierce, M.C., Wisniewski, S.R., Adelson, P.D., Kochanek, P.M. J. Neurotrauma (2002)
- Improved recovery and delayed cytokine induction after closed head injury in mice with central overexpression of the secreted isoform of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist. Tehranian, R., Andell-Jonsson, S., Beni, S.M., Yatsiv, I., Shohami, E., Bartfai, T., Lundkvist, J., Iverfeldt, K. J. Neurotrauma (2002)
- Inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 by nimesulide decreases prostaglandin E2 formation but does not alter brain edema or clinical recovery after closed head injury in rats. Koyfman, L., Kaplanski, J., Artru, A.A., Talmor, D., Rubin, M., Shapira, Y. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology. (2000)
- Elevated intracranial IL-18 in humans and mice after traumatic brain injury and evidence of neuroprotective effects of IL-18-binding protein after experimental closed head injury. Yatsiv, I., Morganti-Kossmann, M.C., Perez, D., Dinarello, C.A., Novick, D., Rubinstein, M., Otto, V.I., Rancan, M., Kossmann, T., Redaelli, C.A., Trentz, O., Shohami, E., Stahel, P.F. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (2002)
- Prophylactic inferior vena cava filters in trauma patients at high risk: follow-up examination and risk/benefit assessment. Langan, E.M., Miller, R.S., Casey, W.J., Carsten, C.G., Graham, R.M., Taylor, S.M. J. Vasc. Surg. (1999)
- Treatment of the elderly brain-injured patient. Experience in a traumatic brain injury unit. Davis, C.S., Acton, P. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. (1988)
- Physiological and metabolic response to isolated closed-head injury. Part 2: Effects of steroids on metabolism. Potentiation of protein wasting and abnormalities of substrate utilization. Deutschman, C.S., Konstantinides, F.N., Raup, S., Cerra, F.B. J. Neurosurg. (1987)
- Reduced levels of antioxidants in brains of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice following closed head injury. Lomnitski, L., Kohen, R., Chen, Y., Shohami, E., Trembovler, V., Vogel, T., Michaelson, D.M. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. (1997)
- Impact of traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage on outcome in nonpenetrating head injury. Part II: relationship to clinical course and outcome variables during acute hospitalization. Hall, J.R. The Journal of trauma. (1997)