MeSH Review:
Activated Protein C Resistance
- Myocardial infarction, Arg 506 to Gln factor V mutation, and activated protein C resistance. Emmerich, J., Poirier, O., Evans, A., Marques-Vidal, P., Arveiler, D., Luc, G., Aiach, M., Cambien, F. Lancet (1995)
- Acute Budd-Chiari syndrome with fulminant hepatic failure in a pregnant woman with factor V Leiden mutation. Fickert, P., Ramschak, H., Kenner, L., Hoefler, G., Hinterleitner, T.A., Petritsch, W., Klimpfinger, M., Krejs, G.J., Stauber, R.E. Gastroenterology (1996)
- Acquired activated protein-C resistance in pregnancy and association with increased thrombin generation and fetal weight. Clark, P., Walker, I.D., Greer, I. Lancet (1999)
- High risk of thrombosis in patients homozygous for factor V Leiden (activated protein C resistance). Rosendaal, F.R., Koster, T., Vandenbroucke, J.P., Reitsma, P.H. Blood (1995)
- Acquired activated protein C resistance is associated with lupus anticoagulants and thrombotic events in pediatric patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Male, C., Mitchell, L., Julian, J., Vegh, P., Joshua, P., Adams, M., David, M., Andrew, M.E. Blood (2001)
- Ischemic stroke and activated protein C resistance. Bachmeyer, C., Toulon, P., Dhôte, R., Christoforov, B., Zuber, M., Mas, J.L. JAMA (1995)
- Low-dose oral contraceptives and acquired resistance to activated protein C: a randomised cross-over study. Rosing, J., Middeldorp, S., Curvers, J., Christella, M., Thomassen, L.G., Nicolaes, G.A., Meijers, J.C., Bouma, B.N., Büller, H.R., Prins, M.H., Tans, G. Lancet (1999)
- Activated protein C resistance in childhood stroke. Ganesan, V., Kelsey, H., Cookson, J., Osborn, A., Kirkham, F.J. Lancet (1996)
- Impaired APC cofactor activity of factor V plays a major role in the APC resistance associated with the factor V Leiden (R506Q) and R2 (H1299R) mutations. Castoldi, E., Brugge, J.M., Nicolaes, G.A., Girelli, D., Tans, G., Rosing, J. Blood (2004)
- Effect of second- and third-generation oral contraceptives on the protein C system in the absence or presence of the factor VLeiden mutation: a randomized trial. Kemmeren, J.M., Algra, A., Meijers, J.C., Tans, G., Bouma, B.N., Curvers, J., Rosing, J., Grobbee, D.E. Blood (2004)
- Importance of levonorgestrel dose in oral contraceptives for effects on coagulation. Kluft, C., de Maat, M.P., Heinemann, L.A., Spannagl, M., Schramm, W. Lancet (1999)
- Activated protein C resistance: effect of platelet activation, platelet-derived microparticles, and atherogenic lipoproteins. Taube, J., McWilliam, N., Luddington, R., Byrne, C.D., Baglin, T. Blood (1999)
- Phenprocoumon-induced hepatitis delaying precise diagnosis in a thrombophilic patient with activated protein C resistance due to factor V R506Q mutation. Wuillemin, W.A., Zenhäusern, R., Bernhard, M.C., Lämmle, B. Am. J. Med. (1997)
- Plasma homocysteine concentration is not associated with activated protein C resistance in patients investigated for hypercoagulability. Zarychanski, R., Houston, D.S. Thromb. Haemost. (2004)
- Warfarin induced skin necrosis associated with activated protein C resistance. Makris, M., Bardhan, G., Preston, F.E. Thromb. Haemost. (1996)
- Circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha), resistance to activated protein C, thrombin and fibrin generation in uncomplicated pregnancies. Ku, D.H., Arkel, Y.S., Paidas, M.P., Lockwood, C.J. Thromb. Haemost. (2003)
- Measurement of activated protein C resistance during menstrual cycle in women with and without the Leiden mutation. Wramsby, M.L., Bremme, K., Blombäck, M. Thromb. Haemost. (2001)
- Heterogeneity of activated protein C resistance phenotype in subjects with compound heterozygosity for HR2 haplotype and FV Leiden mutation (R506Q) in factor V gene. Castaman, G., Ruggeri, M., Tosetto, A., Rodeghiero, F. Thromb. Haemost. (2000)
- Two novel factor V null mutations associated with activated protein C resistance phenotype/genotype discrepancy. Dargaud, Y., Trzeciak, M.C., Meunier, S., Angei, C., Pellechia, D., Négrier, C., Vinciguerra, C., Dargaud, Y. Br. J. Haematol. (2003)
- Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression is upregulated by thrombin in human monocytes and THP-1 cells in vitro and in pregnant subjects in vivo. Clark, P., Jordan, F., Pearson, C., Walker, I.D., Sattar, N., Ellison, J., Greer, I.A. Thromb. Haemost. (2003)
- Correlation between the functional assay for activated protein C resistance and factor V Leiden in the neonate. Sifontes, M.T., Nuss, R., Hunger, S.P., Jacobson, L.J., Waters, J., Manco-Johnson, M.J. Pediatr. Res. (1997)
- Activated protein C resistance in patients with central retinal vein occlusion. Larsson, J., Sellman, A., Bauer, B. The British journal of ophthalmology. (1997)
- Basilar artery thrombosis in a child heterozygous for factor V Leiden mutation. Verdú, A., Cazorla, M.R., Granados, M.A., Alonso, J.A., Casado, L.F. Pediatric neurology. (2001)
- Decreased plasma sensitivity to activated protein C by oral contraceptives is associated with decreases in plasma glucosylceramide. Deguchi, H., Bouma, B.N., Middeldorp, S., Lee, Y.M., Griffin, J.H. J. Thromb. Haemost. (2005)
- Porcine factor V: cDNA cloning, gene mapping, three-dimensional protein modeling of membrane binding sites and comparative anatomy of domains. Grimm, D.R., Colter, M.B., Braunschweig, M., Alexander, L.J., Neame, P.J., Kim, H.K. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (2001)
- Improved distinction of factor V wild-type and factor V Leiden using a novel prothrombin-based activated protein C resistance assay. Wilmer, M., Stocker, C., Bühler, B., Conell, B., Calatzis, A. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. (2004)
- Resistance to activated protein C: evaluation of three functional assays. Vasse, M., Leduc, O., Borg, J.Y., Chrétien, M.H., Monconduit, M. Thromb. Res. (1994)
- Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor antigen and TAFI activity in patients with APC resistance caused by factor V Leiden mutation. Antovic, J.P., Blombäck, M. Thromb. Res. (2002)
- Neurological deficit after cerebral angiography and activated protein C resistance. Disdier, P., Weiller, P.J., Donnet, A., Aillaud, M.F. Stroke (1997)
- Factor V Leiden in absence of activated protein C resistance after orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient without thrombosis but with familial thrombophilia. Estellés, A., Villa, P., Mira, Y., Vayá, A., Seguí, R., Aznar, J. Haematologica (2000)
- Activated protein C resistance assay detects thrombotic risk factors other than factor V Leiden. Graf, L.L., Welsh, C.H., Qamar, Z., Marlar, R.A. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. (2003)
- Hemostasis during normal pregnancy and puerperium. Hellgren, M. Semin. Thromb. Hemost. (2003)
- The response to activated protein C after cardiopulmonary bypass: impact of factor V leiden. Donahue, B.S. Anesth. Analg. (2004)