MeSH Review:
- Linkage disequilibrium and association of MAPT H1 in Parkinson disease. Skipper, L., Wilkes, K., Toft, M., Baker, M., Lincoln, S., Hulihan, M., Ross, O.A., Hutton, M., Aasly, J., Farrer, M. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (2004)
- The structure of the tau haplotype in controls and in progressive supranuclear palsy. Pittman, A.M., Myers, A.J., Duckworth, J., Bryden, L., Hanson, M., Abou-Sleiman, P., Wood, N.W., Hardy, J., Lees, A., de Silva, R. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2004)
- Genomic architecture of human 17q21 linked to frontotemporal dementia uncovers a highly homologous family of low-copy repeats in the tau region. Cruts, M., Rademakers, R., Gijselinck, I., van der Zee, J., Dermaut, B., de Pooter, T., de Rijk, P., Del-Favero, J., van Broeckhoven, C. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- From fruit fly to bedside: translating lessons from Drosophila models of neurodegenerative disease. Shulman, J.M., Shulman, L.M., Weiner, W.J., Feany, M.B. Curr. Opin. Neurol. (2003)
- Hyperphosphorylation induces self-assembly of tau into tangles of paired helical filaments/straight filaments. Alonso , A., Zaidi, T., Novak, M., Grundke-Iqbal, I., Iqbal, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- A novel presenilin 1 mutation associated with Pick's disease but not beta-amyloid plaques. Dermaut, B., Kumar-Singh, S., Engelborghs, S., Theuns, J., Rademakers, R., Saerens, J., Pickut, B.A., Peeters, K., van den Broeck, M., Vennekens, K., Claes, S., Cruts, M., Cras, P., Martin, J.J., Van Broeckhoven, C., De Deyn, P.P. Ann. Neurol. (2004)
- Tauopathy in Drosophila: neurodegeneration without neurofibrillary tangles. Wittmann, C.W., Wszolek, M.F., Shulman, J.M., Salvaterra, P.M., Lewis, J., Hutton, M., Feany, M.B. Science (2001)
- More than just two peas in a pod: common amyloidogenic properties of tau and alpha-synuclein in neurodegenerative diseases. Lee, V.M., Giasson, B.I., Trojanowski, J.Q. Trends Neurosci. (2004)
- Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 by lithium correlates with reduced tauopathy and degeneration in vivo. Noble, W., Planel, E., Zehr, C., Olm, V., Meyerson, J., Suleman, F., Gaynor, K., Wang, L., LaFrancois, J., Feinstein, B., Burns, M., Krishnamurthy, P., Wen, Y., Bhat, R., Lewis, J., Dickson, D., Duff, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- O-GlcNAcylation regulates phosphorylation of tau: a mechanism involved in Alzheimer's disease. Liu, F., Iqbal, K., Grundke-Iqbal, I., Hart, G.W., Gong, C.X. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- CHIP and Hsp70 regulate tau ubiquitination, degradation and aggregation. Petrucelli, L., Dickson, D., Kehoe, K., Taylor, J., Snyder, H., Grover, A., De Lucia, M., McGowan, E., Lewis, J., Prihar, G., Kim, J., Dillmann, W.H., Browne, S.E., Hall, A., Voellmy, R., Tsuboi, Y., Dawson, T.M., Wolozin, B., Hardy, J., Hutton, M. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2004)
- Comparison of pathways controlling toxicity in the eye and brain in Drosophila models of human neurodegenerative diseases. Ghosh, S., Feany, M.B. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2004)
- Region-specific Dissociation of Neuronal Loss and Neurofibrillary Pathology in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy. Spires, T.L., Orne, J.D., Santacruz, K., Pitstick, R., Carlson, G.A., Ashe, K.H., Hyman, B.T. Am. J. Pathol. (2006)
- Inhibition of heparin-induced tau filament formation by phenothiazines, polyphenols, and porphyrins. Taniguchi, S., Suzuki, N., Masuda, M., Hisanaga, S., Iwatsubo, T., Goedert, M., Hasegawa, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Transient cerebral ischemia induces aberrant neuronal cell cycle re-entry and Alzheimer's disease-like tauopathy in female rats. Wen, Y., Yang, S., Liu, R., Brun-Zinkernagel, A.M., Koulen, P., Simpkins, J.W. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Tau pathology in a family with dementia and a P301L mutation in tau. Mirra, S.S., Murrell, J.R., Gearing, M., Spillantini, M.G., Goedert, M., Crowther, R.A., Levey, A.I., Jones, R., Green, J., Shoffner, J.M., Wainer, B.H., Schmidt, M.L., Trojanowski, J.Q., Ghetti, B. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (1999)
- Mutations in tau gene exon 10 associated with FTDP-17 alter the activity of an exonic splicing enhancer to interact with Tra2 beta. Jiang, Z., Tang, H., Havlioglu, N., Zhang, X., Stamm, S., Yan, R., Wu, J.Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Unique tauopathy in Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy. Saito, Y., Motoyoshi, Y., Kashima, T., Izumiyama-Shimomura, N., Toda, T., Nakano, I., Hasegawa, M., Murayama, S. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (2005)
- Phenotypic heterogeneity of FTDP-17: implications for the differences of pathological phenotype among sporadic tauopathies. Arai, T., Ikeda, K. Neurobiol. Aging (2001)
- General aspects of neurodegeneration. Jellinger, K.A. J. Neural Transm. Suppl. (2003)
- Abnormal Sp1 transcription factor expression in Alzheimer disease and tauopathies. Santpere, G., Nieto, M., Puig, B., Ferrer, I. Neurosci. Lett. (2006)
- Anti-tau phospho-specific Ser262 antibody recognizes a variety of abnormal hyper-phosphorylated tau deposits in tauopathies including Pick bodies and argyrophilic grains. Ferrer, I., Barrachina, M., Puig, B. Acta Neuropathol. (2002)
- Tau aggregation in the hippocampal formation: an ageing or a pathological process? Delacourte, A., Sergeant, N., Wattez, A., Maurage, C.A., Lebert, F., Pasquier, F., David, J.P. Exp. Gerontol. (2002)
- Pathological properties of the Parkinson's disease-associated protein DJ-1 in alpha-synucleinopathies and tauopathies: relevance for multiple system atrophy and Pick's disease. Neumann, M., Müller, V., Görner, K., Kretzschmar, H.A., Haass, C., Kahle, P.J. Acta Neuropathol. (2004)
- Neuronal or glial expression of human apolipoprotein e4 affects parenchymal and vascular amyloid pathology differentially in different brain regions of double- and triple-transgenic mice. Van Dooren, T., Muyllaert, D., Borghgraef, P., Cresens, A., Devijver, H., Van der Auwera, I., Wera, S., Dewachter, I., Van Leuven, F. Am. J. Pathol. (2006)
- Aberrant phosphorylation of alpha-synuclein in human Niemann-Pick type C1 disease. Saito, Y., Suzuki, K., Hulette, C.M., Murayama, S. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (2004)
- Ubiquitin-binding protein p62 is present in neuronal and glial inclusions in human tauopathies and synucleinopathies. Kuusisto, E., Salminen, A., Alafuzoff, I. Neuroreport (2001)
- Phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK-P), protein kinase of 38 kDa (p38-P), stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK/JNK-P), and calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaM kinase II) are differentially expressed in tau deposits in neurons and glial cells in tauopathies. Ferrer, I., Blanco, R., Carmona, M., Puig, B. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996) (2001)