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Chemical Compound Review

Neuronal     2-bromo-2-ethyl-butanamide

Synonyms: Carbromide, Carabromide, NSC-4607, AG-F-72828, C6H12BrNO, ...
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Disease relevance of Diethylbromoacetamide

  • When combined, hypoxia and etoposide cooperated in abolishing the N cell generation and promoting the conversion of the tumor described [1].
  • Subclones of neuronal (N) and non-neuronal (S) cells established from neuroblastoma tumors cultured in vitro differ in their growth characteristics and N-myc expression [2].
  • Region-specific Dissociation of Neuronal Loss and Neurofibrillary Pathology in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy [3].
  • AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Neuronal dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells seem to be vulnerable in diabetes [4].
  • NeuN staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl dUTP nick-end labeling staining showed no neuronal cell loss around the SVZ, and in the RMS and the OB after transient ischemia [5].

Psychiatry related information on Diethylbromoacetamide

  • 2 Selective Neuronal Degeneration in Huntington's Disease [6].
  • CONCLUSION: Neuronal COX-2 content in subsets of hippocampal pyramidal neurons may be an indicator of progression of dementia in early AD [7].
  • Physiological basis of feeding behavior in Tritonia diomedea. II. Neuronal mechanisms [8].
  • 6. Neuronal response to receptive field brushing was observed in 15 neurons during REM sleep [9].
  • Assembly of proteins and peptides into amyloid fibrils is characteristic of the pathology of a number of degenerative diseases, of which perhaps the best known is Alzheimer's. Neuronal death in Alzheimer's disease has been linked to aggregation of beta-amyloid peptide and deposition of the aggregates in brain tissue [10].

High impact information on Diethylbromoacetamide


Chemical compound and disease context of Diethylbromoacetamide


Biological context of Diethylbromoacetamide

  • Cadherins are a family of intercellular glycoproteins responsible for calcium-dependent cell adhesion and are currently divided into four types: epithelial (E), neuronal (N), placental (P), and vascular (V) [21].
  • 8. Neuronal and glial death was a function of both the degree and the duration of intracellular acidification, such that the LD50 following timed exposure to HCl increased from pH, 3.5 for 10-min acid incubations to pHi 5.9 for 2-hr exposures and pHi 6.5 for 6-hr exposures [22].
  • Glucocorticoid Modulatory Element-binding Protein 1 Binds to Initiator Procaspases and Inhibits Ischemia-induced Apoptosis and Neuronal Injury [23].
  • BM88 Is a Dual Function Molecule Inducing Cell Cycle Exit and Neuronal Differentiation of Neuroblastoma Cells via Cyclin D1 Down-regulation and Retinoblastoma Protein Hypophosphorylation [24].
  • M. Le Douarin, (1984) In Cellular and Molecular Biology of Neuronal Development (I. Black, Ed.), pp [25].

Anatomical context of Diethylbromoacetamide

  • Studies on the control of myelinogenesis. IV. Neuronal induction of Schwann cell myelin-specific protein synthesis during nerve fiber regeneration [26].
  • During grooming behavior, rats emit complex but highly predictable species-specific sequences of movements, termed "syntactic chains." Neuronal activity of 41% of cells in the dorsolateral and ventromedial neostriatum coded the sequential pattern of syntactic chains [27].
  • Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA3): Thalamic Neurodegeneration Occurs Independently from Thalamic Ataxin-3 Immunopositive Neuronal Intranuclear Inclusions [28].
  • N (W-N) cells derived from the NBL-W cell line express 5-fold higher levels of N-myc mRNA and 10-12-fold higher levels of protein than S cells (W-S), despite having the same N-myc copy number [2].
  • Mammalian brain-specific L-proline transporter. Neuronal localization of mRNA and enrichment of transporter protein in synaptic plasma membranes [29].

Associations of Diethylbromoacetamide with other chemical compounds

  • Effects of Rimonabant (SR141716) on Fasting-Induced Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Neuronal Activation in Lean and Obese Zucker Rats [30].
  • METHODS: Neuronal survival was measured in mixed retinal cell cultures treated for 24 hours with media containing 100 microM glutamate, with or without the addition of each of the drugs (1-1000 microM) [31].
  • 1. Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in slices of rat medial habenula were studied using patch clamp recording techniques [32].
  • A Novel Forward Genetic Screen for Identifying Mutations Affecting Larval Neuronal Dendrite Development in Drosophila melanogaster [33].
  • At least 1 month after infusion ended, brains were processed immunocytochemically using antibodies to BrdU, a neuronal nuclear protein (NeuN), or calbindin D28K (CaBP), which labels mature granule cells [34].

Gene context of Diethylbromoacetamide

  • Retinal pathology and function in a Cln3 knockout mouse model of juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (batten disease) [35].
  • This issue of Peptides was inspired by a gathering of CCK researchers at the first Neuronal Cholecsytokinin Gordon Conference. The papers in this issue reflect the diversity of CCK research and demonstrate how the field has matured [36].
  • Neuronal Differentiation Is Accompanied by Increased Levels of SNAP-25 Protein in Fetal Rat Primary Cortical Neurons: Implications in Neuronal Plasticity and Alzheimer's Disease [37].
  • Seizures rapidly induced cleavage of constitutively expressed caspase-6, followed by elevated VEIDase activity and the proteolysis of lamin A. Neuronal caspase-6 immunoreactivity was markedly upregulated within cortex and hippocampus in relation to bursts of polyspike paroxysmal discharges [38].
  • Immunocytochemical localization of Fos was used as our metric for "sound activation." Neuronal types upregulating Fos expression in response to sound stimulation were further identified with Nissl counterstaining [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Diethylbromoacetamide


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