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Disease relevance of Annona


Psychiatry related information on Annona


High impact information on Annona

  • We aimed to define the clinical and demographic specificity of these disorders in Guadeloupe and to investigate a postulated link with consumption of herbal tea and fruits from the Annonaceae family (Annona muricata and Annona squamosa), which contain neurotoxic benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids [3].
  • Bullatacin, a potential antitumor Annonaceous acetogenin (AA), is isolated from the seed of the Formosa Annona atemoya [4].
  • To determine whether toxic substances from this plant can cause the neuronal degeneration or dysfunction underlying the syndrome, we exposed mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons in culture to the total extract (totum) of alkaloids from Annona muricata root bark and to two of the most abundant subfractions, coreximine and reticuline [1].
  • Further studies on leaves of Annona montana led to isolation of one iso-acetogenin, montanacin G, three pairs of acetogenins, montanacin H-J and 34-epi-montanacin H-J, together with four known acetogenins, gigantetrocins A and B, annonacin and cis-annonacin [5].
  • The activity-guided fractionation of the ethanol extract of leaves of Annona diversifolia Saff., led to the isolation of palmitone (16-hentriacontanone) as the only anticonvulsant active compound [6].

Biological context of Annona

  • High CO2 atmosphere modulating the phenolic response associated with cell adhesion and hardening of Annona cherimola fruit stored at chilling temperature [7].

Anatomical context of Annona


Associations of Annona with chemical compounds

  • Anticonvulsant properties and bio-guided isolation of palmitone from leaves of Annona diversifolia [6].
  • From the hexanic extract of roots of Annona haematantha an alpha,beta-unsaturated delta-lactone was isolated and identified as argentilactone [9].
  • Three new bistetrahydrofuran acetogenins, carolins A-C (1-3), were isolated from the MeOH extract of Annona spinescens in addition to the known compound, squamocin (4) [10].
  • From a methanol extract of the seeds of Annona cherimola, a new cyclic heptapeptide, cherimolacyclopeptide C, has been isolated [11].
  • Two new monotetrahydrofuran Annonaceous acetogenins, montacin (1), and cis-montacin (2), along with four known acetogenins, annonacin, cis-annonacin, annomontacin, and cis-annomontacin, were isolated from the seeds of Annona montana [12].

Gene context of Annona

  • Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC regulatory properties were studied in non-photosynthetic (mesocarp) and photosynthetic (peel) tissues from cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) fruit stored in air, in order to gain a better understanding of in vivo enzyme regulation [13].
  • Coronin from roots of Annona muricata, a putative intermediate in acetogenin biosynthesis (1) [14].
  • Continuing work on the bark of Annona squamosa Rich [15].
  • A new Annonaceous acetogenin, coriadienin (1), has been isolated from the roots of Annona coriacea Mart [16].
  • Isoquinoline derivatives isolated from the fruit of Annona muricata as 5-HTergic 5-HT1A receptor agonists in rats: unexploited antidepressive (lead) products [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Annona

  • Bioassay-guided fractionation of cytotoxic of methanol extract of the seeds of Annona cherimola provided two novel cyclic peptides, cherimolacyclopeptide E (1) and cherimolacyclopeptide F (2), which exhibited significant cytotoxic activity against the KB (human nasopharyngeal carcinoma) cell culture system [18].
  • A lectin with a high affinity for glucose/mannose was isolated from Annona muricata seeds (Annonaceae) by gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-200, ion exchange chromatography on a DEAE SP-5 PW column, and molecular exclusion on a Protein Pak Glass 300 SW column [19].


  1. Toxicity of Annonaceae for dopaminergic neurons: potential role in atypical parkinsonism in Guadeloupe. Lannuzel, A., Michel, P.P., Caparros-Lefebvre, D., Abaul, J., Hocquemiller, R., Ruberg, M. Mov. Disord. (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Anxiolytic-like actions of the hexane extract from leaves of Annona cherimolia in two anxiety paradigms: possible involvement of the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex. López-Rubalcava, C., Piña-Medina, B., Estrada-Reyes, R., Heinze, G., Martínez-Vázquez, M. Life Sci. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Possible relation of atypical parkinsonism in the French West Indies with consumption of tropical plants: a case-control study. Caribbean Parkinsonism Study Group. Caparros-Lefebvre, D., Elbaz, A. Lancet (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Bullatacin, a potent antitumor Annonaceous acetogenin, induces apoptosis through a reduction of intracellular cAMP and cGMP levels in human hepatoma 2.2.15 cells. Chiu, H.F., Chih, T.T., Hsian, Y.M., Tseng, C.H., Wu, M.J., Wu, Y.C. Biochem. Pharmacol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. Cytotoxic mono-tetrahydrofuran ring acetogenins from leaves of Annona montana. Wang, L.Q., Li, Y., Min, B.S., Nakamura, N., Qin, G.W., Li, C.J., Hattori, M. Planta Med. (2001) [Pubmed]
  6. Anticonvulsant properties and bio-guided isolation of palmitone from leaves of Annona diversifolia. González-Trujano, M.E., Navarrete, A., Reyes, B., Cedillo-Portugal, E., Hong, E. Planta Med. (2001) [Pubmed]
  7. High CO2 atmosphere modulating the phenolic response associated with cell adhesion and hardening of Annona cherimola fruit stored at chilling temperature. Maldonado, R., Molina-Garcia, A.D., Sanchez-Ballesta, M.T., Escribano, M.I., Merodio, C. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2002) [Pubmed]
  8. Differential cytotoxic effects of Annona squamosa seed extracts on human tumour cell lines: role of reactive oxygen species and glutathione. Pardhasaradhi, B.V., Reddy, M., Ali, A.M., Kumari, A.L., Khar, A. J. Biosci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  9. Experimental treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis with argentilactone isolated from Annona haematantha. Waechter, A.I., Ferreira, M.E., Fournet, A., Rojas de Arias, A., Nakayama, H., Torres, S., Hocquemiller, R., Cavé, A. Planta Med. (1997) [Pubmed]
  10. Three new bistetrahydrofuran acetogenins from the seeds of Annona spinescens. Queiroz, E.F., Roblot, F., Figadère, B., Laurens, A., Duret, P., Hocquemiller, R., Cavé, A., Serani, L., Laprévote, O., Cotte-Laffitte, J., Quéro, A.M. J. Nat. Prod. (1998) [Pubmed]
  11. A cytotoxic cyclic heptapeptide from the seeds of Annona cherimola. Wélé, A., Zhang, Y., Ndoye, I., Brouard, J.P., Pousset, J.L., Bodo, B. J. Nat. Prod. (2004) [Pubmed]
  12. Montacin and cis-montacin, two new cytotoxic monotetrahydrofuran annonaceous acetogenins from Annona montana. Liaw, C.C., Chang, F.R., Wu, Y.C., Wang, H.K., Nakanishi, Y., Bastow, K.F., Lee, K.H. J. Nat. Prod. (2004) [Pubmed]
  13. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from cherimoya fruit: properties, kinetics and effects of high CO(2). Muñoz, T., Escribano, M.I., Merodio, C. Phytochemistry (2001) [Pubmed]
  14. Coronin from roots of Annona muricata, a putative intermediate in acetogenin biosynthesis (1). Gleye, C., Akendengue, B., Laurens, A., Hocquemiller, R. Planta Med. (2001) [Pubmed]
  15. Mono-THF ring annonaceous acetogenins from Annona squamosa. Hopp, D.C., Alali, F.Q., Gu, Z.M., McLaughlin, J.L. Phytochemistry (1998) [Pubmed]
  16. Coriadienin, the first annonaceous acetogenin with two double bonds isolated from Annona coriaceae. Meneses da Silva, E.L., Roblot, F., Mahuteau, J., Cavé, A. J. Nat. Prod. (1996) [Pubmed]
  17. Isoquinoline derivatives isolated from the fruit of Annona muricata as 5-HTergic 5-HT1A receptor agonists in rats: unexploited antidepressive (lead) products. Hasrat, J.A., De Bruyne, T., De Backer, J.P., Vauquelin, G., Vlietinck, A.J. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  18. Two cyclopeptides from the seeds of Annona cherimola. Wélé, A., Zhang, Y., Brouard, J.P., Pousset, J.L., Bodo, B. Phytochemistry (2005) [Pubmed]
  19. Isolation and characterization of a lectin from Annona muricata seeds. Damico, D.C., Freire, M.G., Gomes, V.M., Toyama, M.H., Marangoni, S., Novello, J.C., Macedo, M.L. J. Protein Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
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