MeSH Review:
- Speech dysfunction of obstructive sleep apnea. A discriminant analysis of its descriptors. Fox, A.W., Monoson, P.K., Morgan, C.D. Chest (1989)
- Increase in translaryngeal resistance during phonation in rheumatoid arthritis. Blosser, S., Wigley, F.M., Wise, R.A. Chest (1992)
- Botulinum toxin for treating spasmodic dysphonia (laryngeal dystonia): a systematic Cochrane review. Watts, C., Nye, C., Whurr, R. Clinical rehabilitation. (2006)
- An unusual cause of obstructive sleep apnoea presenting during pregnancy. Taibah, K., Ahmed, M., Baessa, E., Saleem, M., Rifai, A., al-Arifi, A. The Journal of laryngology and otology. (1998)
- Involuntary expiratory phonation as a dose-related consequence of L-dopa therapy in a patient with Parkinson's disease. Ishii, K., Kumada, M., Ueki, A., Yamamoto, M., Hirose, H. The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology. (2003)
- Changes in expression of extracellular matrix genes, fibrogenic factors, and actin cytoskeletal organization in retinol treated and untreated vocal fold stellate cells. Fuja, T.J., Probst-Fuja, M.N., Titze, I.R. Matrix Biol. (2006)
- Abnormal brain-stem function (brain-stem auditory evoked response) correlates with acoustic cry features in term infants with hyperbilirubinemia. Vohr, B.R., Lester, B., Rapisardi, G., O'Dea, C., Brown, L., Peucker, M., Cashore, W., Oh, W. J. Pediatr. (1989)
- Speech disorders of Parkinsonism: a review. Critchley, E.M. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (1981)
- Spectral amplitude measures of adductor spasmodic dysphonic speech. Cannito, M.P., Buder, E.H., Chorna, L.B. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation. (2005)
- Photoelectric measurement of laryngeal paralyses correlated with videostroboscopy. Trapp, T.K., Berke, G.S. Laryngoscope (1988)
- Opposite ansa cervicalis to recurrent laryngeal nerve anastomosis to restore phonation in patients with advanced thyroid cancer. Miyauchi, A., Yokozawa, T., Kobayashi, K., Hirai, K., Matsuzuka, F., Kuma, K. The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica. (2001)
- Palatine perforation induced by cocaine. Padilla-Rosas, M., Jimenez-Santos, C.I., García-González, C.L. Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. (2006)
- Teflon granuloma mimicking a thyroid tumor. Wilson, R.A., Gartner, W.S. Diagn. Cytopathol. (1987)
- The effect of postmenopause and postmenopausal HRT on measured voice values and vocal symptoms. Lindholm, P., Vilkman, E., Raudaskoski, T., Suvanto-Luukkonen, E., Kauppila, A. Maturitas. (1997)
- Relationship between 3D behavior of the unilaterally paralyzed larynx and aerodynamic vocal function. Yumoto, E., Nakano, K., Oyamada, Y. Acta Otolaryngol. (2003)
- Does MRI contribute to the investigation of palatal function? Vadodaria, S., Goodacre, T.E., Anslow, P. British journal of plastic surgery. (2000)
- Changes in sustained production tasks among women with bilateral vocal nodules before and after voice therapy. Treole, K., Trudeau, M.D. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation. (1997)
- Vocal fold injury following endotracheal intubation. Kitahara, S., Masuda, Y., Kitagawa, Y. The Journal of laryngology and otology. (2005)
- Variations in adductor spasmodic dysphonia: acoustic evidence. Sapienza, C.M., Murry, T., Brown, W.S. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation. (1998)
- Differential motor speech outcomes in children treated for mid-line cerebellar tumour. Cornwell, P.L., Murdoch, B.E., Ward, E.C. Brain injury : [BI]. (2005)
- Vocal intensity in falsetto phonation of a countertenor: an analysis by synthesis approach. Tom, K., Titze, I.R. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. (2001)
- Acoustic and aerodynamic measurement of speech production after supracricoid partial laryngectomy. Makeieff, M., Barbotte, E., Giovanni, A., Guerrier, B. Laryngoscope (2005)
- Acoustic characteristics of less-masculine-sounding male speech. Avery, J.D., Liss, J.M. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. (1996)
- Relationship between transglottal pressure and fundamental frequency of phonation, with effects of dehydration produced by atropine, in healthy volunteers. Tanaka, K., Kitajima, K., Tanaka, H. The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology. (2001)
- Acoustical analysis and perceptual evaluation of tracheoesophageal prosthetic voice. van As, C.J., Hilgers, F.J., Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M., Koopmans-van Beinum, F. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation. (1998)