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Disease relevance of Phonation

  • Rating the speech along an equally-appearing interval scale from 1 to 7, the judges heard abnormal resonance, articulation or phonation in 74 percent of the sleep apnea subjects, 53 percent of the COPD subjects, and 7 percent of the normal subjects (significant difference by chi 2 test at the .01 level of confidence) [1].
  • This study was undertaken to determine if patients with rheumatoid arthritis have functional abnormalities of the upper airway during phonation which may be the result of synovitis of the laryngeal joints caused by RA [2].
  • BACKGROUND: Spasmodic dysphonia is a neurological voice disorder characterized by involuntary adductor (towards midline) or abductor (away from midline) vocal fold spasms during phonation which result in phonatory breaks [3].
  • Only four weeks of L-thyroxin treatment resulted in a dramatic improvement in dysphagia, disturbed phonation, haemoptysis, arterial desaturation, sleep apnoea and overall sleep efficiency, in conjunction with a regression in the size of the lingual mass [4].
  • Involuntary expiratory phonation as a dose-related consequence of L-dopa therapy in a patient with Parkinson's disease [5].

High impact information on Phonation

  • The regulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) constituency is critical in maintaining vocal cord biomechanical viscoelasticity required for phonation [6].
  • The moderate serum bilirubin group had an increase in percent cry phonation (p less than 0.02) and an increase in the variability of the first formant (p less than 0.04) in comparison with the low serum bilirubin group [7].
  • The results of treatment with levodopa indicates that neurotransmitter substances enhance the clarity, volume and persistence of phonation and the latency and smoothness of articulation [8].
  • Increase in translaryngeal resistance during phonation in rheumatoid arthritis [2].
  • This was the consequence of lower V rates during phonation at similar PSG [2].

Biological context of Phonation

  • These findings demonstrate high clinical applicability for harmonic amplitude differences for characterizing phonation in the speech of persons with ADSD, as well as normal speakers, and they suggest promise for future application to other voice pathologies [9].

Anatomical context of Phonation


Associations of Phonation with chemical compounds

  • The mean SPL decrease in the estrogen group was significant in the normal phonation sample while in the estrogen-progestin group it was significant in both the normal phonation and the reading sample [14].
  • The region over the larynx was scanned during quiet phonation and again during inspiration using MSHCT, and 3D endoscopic and coronal reconstruction images were produced [15].
  • Ten normal volunteers and 15 patients with speech problems underwent MRI of the velopharyngeal port at rest and during sustained phonation of word /a/. Optimal planes for scanning were determined [16].
  • The purpose of the current study was to determine how maximum phonation duration (MPD) of five notes (C4, D4, E4, F4, G4) sustained on /o/, sustained vowels (/i/, /ae/, /a/, /u/), and s/z ratio (sustained /s/ and /z/) changed during voice therapy for vocal nodules [17].
  • Phonation was inhibited for two weeks and tranilast (300 mg/day) was given for 3 months [18].

Gene context of Phonation

  • Aperiodic segments primarily characterized the phonation of ADSD, followed by frequency shifts and phonatory breaks [19].
  • The speech disorder in three of the children with CMCT was marked by deviances in prosody, articulation and phonation [20].
  • The findings were: (1) Subglottal pressure accounted for almost 90% of the variation in SPL in falsetto phonation [21].
  • Acoustic and aerodynamic parameters were recorded: fundamental frequency (F0), intensity, jitter, shimmer, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal-to-noise ratio greater than 1 kHz (SNR>1), oral airflow (OAF), maximum phonation time (MPT), and estimated subglottic pressure (ESGP) [22].
  • Within those 19 samples, 8 speakers (4 LMS and 4 MMS) exhibited similar distributions of habitual fundamental frequency values in connected speech and in sustained phonation [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Phonation

  • We investigated the effects of the intravenous injection of atropine sulfate on the relationship between the fundamental frequency of phonation (F0) and the magnitude of F0 change per unit change in transglottal pressure (dF/dP) in 4 healthy male volunteers [24].
  • Voice analysis was performed on 21 "standard" laryngectomized, male patients with a Provox voice prosthesis, along with an age- and sex-matched control group of 20 normal speakers, using acoustical analyses (MDVP and CSL, Kay Elemetrics Corp.), maximum phonation time measurements, and perceptual evaluations [25].


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