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Chemical Compound Review

Polytef     1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethene

Synonyms: Fluoroplast 4, CHEMBL541730, HSDB 844, CCRIS 7738, LS-580, ...
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Disease relevance of Polytef


High impact information on Polytef


Biological context of Polytef

  • Inhalation of TFE by rats and mice caused slight microscopic changes in the kidneys of rats and mice, but no histopathological changes in the liver [3].
  • An unusual case is presented of a patient who developed a "thyroid" nodule following injection of Polytef into the left posterior vocal cord for impaired phonation [8].

Anatomical context of Polytef


Associations of Polytef with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Polytef

  • Frequency of ras mutations in liver neoplasms from B6C3F1 mice exposed to tetrafluoroethylene for two years [18].
  • Metabolism of the common industrial gas tetrafluoroethylene in mammals results in the formation of S-(1,1,2,2)-tetrafluoroethyl-L-cysteine (TFEC), which can be bioactivated by a mitochondrial C-S lyase commonly referred to as beta-lyase [19].
  • Rats exposed to 50 mg/kg TFE-CYS had a mild anemia, and rats exposed to 1200 ppm TFE had slight, biologically inconsequential decreases in erythrocyte mass that may have been compound-related [3].
  • More recently, two major materials have been developed that seem to be useful in treating stress incontinence by periurethral injection: Polytef paste and GAX collagen [20].
  • In all groups adhesive systems were applied according to manufacturers' instructions and light cured; then a restorative composite resin (TPH Spectrum, Dentsply Ind. Com. LTDA) was placed in a polytef matrix and cured [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Polytef

  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between October 1994 and June 2000, 95 patients with post-radical prostatectomy incontinence underwent bulbourethral sling placement with tetrafluoroethylene bolsters at our hospital [22].
  • Successful thrombolytic therapy for acute and chronic occlusion of polytef vascular grafts [2].
  • Recordings were performed with polytef-insulated guide wires in the course of interventional angiographies in 23 patients [23].
  • Ureterovesical reimplantation after failure of endoscopic treatment of reflux by submucosal injection of polytef paste [24].
  • The patient's management before augmentation with collagen included extended supraglottic laryngectomy, radiation therapy, and Polytef injection [25].


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