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Disease relevance of Barotrauma


High impact information on Barotrauma

  • Perflubron distribution, barotrauma, and inability to discern catheters were evaluated [6].
  • OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the presence of laminin in neonatal tracheal aspirates would be indicative of damage to the structural integrity of the basal laminae of the lung caused by barotrauma and hyperoxia [7].
  • Effect of mechanical ventilation and barotrauma on pulmonary clearance of 99mtechnetium diethylenetriamine pentaacetate in lambs [8].
  • In participants with asymptomatic respiratory atopy, diving caused a decrease in airway conductivity.There is some indication that asthmatics may be at increased risk of pulmonary barotrauma, but more research is necessary [9].
  • Four indications were identified: Elimination of middle ear fluid before auditory brainstem response with or without otoacoustic emission testing (ABR +/- OAE), barotrauma, eustachian tube obstruction, tympanocentesis when a culture of middle ear fluid was deemed necessary [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Barotrauma

  • To determine the important repair events leading to vascular collagen accumulation following barotrauma, in vivo changes were assessed during dexamethasone (DEX) treatment, as well as physiological healing [2].
  • Efficacy of pseudoephedrine for the prevention of barotrauma during air travel [11].
  • We present the cases of two young women who sustained barotrauma associated with the use of alkaloidal cocaine [12].
  • We describe a patient with ARDS and severe macroscopic barotrauma supported with low flow ECCO2R resulting in significant CO2 clearance, reduction of peak, mean airway pressures and minute ventilation [13].
  • A double-blind comparison between oral pseudoephedrine and topical oxymetazoline in the prevention of barotrauma during air travel [14].

Biological context of Barotrauma


Anatomical context of Barotrauma

  • To determine the efficacy of two decongestants (oral pseudoephedrine versus topical oxymetazoline) in the prevention of middle ear barotrauma during air travel, 150 adult volunteers with a history of ear pain during air travel were entered into a randomized, double-blind study conducted at two commercial airports [14].
  • Control piglets received 3 mL/kg of intratracheal saline and were then ventilated for 48 h at an inspired oxygen concentration and mean airway pressure matched to the meconium treated group (to control for the effects of hyperoxia and barotrauma on the lung) [16].
  • Despite the commonly observed condition of middle and inner ear barotrauma among divers, there is little evidence of insidious and permanent development of sensorineural hearing loss associated with diving [17].

Gene context of Barotrauma

  • This case demonstrates that patients with severe COPD on anticoagulant therapy are potentially at risk for the serious complication of combined lung barotrauma and hemorrhage while on acute NIPPV therapy [18].
  • As we could not observe any improvement with the DEEF ventilation in our optimally pretreated postoperative COPD patients, we do not advise applying this therapy in this group of patients, since this mode of ventilation may cause barotrauma if not monitored adequately [19].
  • Pulmonary barotrauma in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a clinicopathological correlation [20].
  • Waivers for upper respiratory conditions such as allergic rhinitis were present in 9 (6.1%) of the barotrauma cases and 17 (5.7%) of the controls [21].
  • Accidental pulmonary barotrauma: a tale of circuit DYS-connects [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Barotrauma

  • Principles of critical care for these patients remain: an FiO2 less than .40, limiting barotrauma, using PEEP for alveolar recruitment and close monitoring of O2 transport [23].


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