MeSH Review:
- Systemic gas embolism complicating mechanical ventilation in the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Marini, J.J., Culver, B.H. Ann. Intern. Med. (1989)
- In vivo role of glucocorticoids in barotrauma vascular repair and fibrosis. Karim, M.A., Frizzell, S., Inman, L., Shinn, M., Miller, D.D. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. (1997)
- Prophylactic effects of dexamethasone in lung injury caused by hyperoxia and hyperventilation. Davis, J.M., Whitin, J. J. Appl. Physiol. (1992)
- Barotraumatic fracture of the stapes footplate. Whinney, D.J., Parikh, A.A., Brookes, G.B. The American journal of otology. (1996)
- Heparin improves oxygenation and minimizes barotrauma after severe smoke inhalation in an ovine model. Cox, C.S., Zwischenberger, J.B., Traber, D.L., Traber, L.D., Haque, A.K., Herndon, D.N. Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics. (1993)
- Partial liquid ventilation with perflubron during extracorporeal life support in adults: radiographic appearance. Kazerooni, E.A., Pranikoff, T., Cascade, P.N., Hirschl, R.B. Radiology. (1996)
- Elevated laminin concentrations in lung secretions of preterm infants supported by mechanical ventilation are correlated with radiographic abnormalities. Alnahhas, M.H., Karathanasis, P., Kriss, V.M., Pauly, T.H., Bruce, M.C. J. Pediatr. (1997)
- Effect of mechanical ventilation and barotrauma on pulmonary clearance of 99mtechnetium diethylenetriamine pentaacetate in lambs. Ramanathan, R., Mason, G.R., Raj, J.U. Pediatr. Res. (1990)
- Asthma and recreational SCUBA diving: a systematic review. Koehle, M., Lloyd-Smith, R., McKenzie, D., Taunton, J. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) (2003)
- Alternative indications for laser-assisted tympanic membrane fenestration. Cook, S.P., Deutsch, E.S., Reilly, J.S. Lasers in surgery and medicine. (2001)
- Efficacy of pseudoephedrine for the prevention of barotrauma during air travel. Csortan, E., Jones, J., Haan, M., Brown, M. Annals of emergency medicine. (1994)
- Pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax after inhaling alkaloidal cocaine. Shesser, R., Davis, C., Edelstein, S. Annals of emergency medicine. (1981)
- Low blood flow extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R): a review of the concept and a case report. Habashi, N.M., Borg, U.R., Reynolds, H.N. Intensive care medicine. (1995)
- A double-blind comparison between oral pseudoephedrine and topical oxymetazoline in the prevention of barotrauma during air travel. Jones, J.S., Sheffield, W., White, L.J., Bloom, M.A. The American journal of emergency medicine. (1998)
- Fluid percussion barotrauma chamber: a new in vitro model for traumatic brain injury. Shepard, S.R., Ghajar, J.B., Giannuzzi, R., Kupferman, S., Hariri, R.J. J. Surg. Res. (1991)
- Meconium aspiration syndrome: physiological and inflammatory changes in a newborn piglet model. Davey, A.M., Becker, J.D., Davis, J.M. Pediatr. Pulmonol. (1993)
- Hearing loss in diving--a study amongst Navy divers. Zulkaflay, A.R., Saim, L., Said, H., Mukari, S.Z., Esa, R. Med. J. Malaysia (1996)
- Hemopneumothorax in a COPD patient treated with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: the risk of attendant anticoagulation. Raghavan, R., Ellis, A.K., Wobeser, W., Sutherland, K.B., O'Donnell, D.E. Can. Respir. J. (2004)
- Clinical evaluation of diminished early expiratory flow (DEEF) ventilation in mechanically ventilated COPD patients. Gültuna, I., Huygen, P.E., Ince, C., Strijdhorst, H., Bogaard, J.M., Bruining, H.A. Intensive care medicine. (1996)
- Pulmonary barotrauma in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a clinicopathological correlation. Sakurai, Y., Azarow, K., Cutz, E., Messineo, A., Pearl, R., Bohn, D. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1999)
- Predictors of barotrauma events in a Navy altitude chamber. Davenport, N.A. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. (1997)
- Accidental pulmonary barotrauma: a tale of circuit DYS-connects. Doyle, D.J. Journal of clinical monitoring. (1996)
- Trauma-adult respiratory distress syndrome. Walker, M.L. Journal of the National Medical Association. (1991)