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Decerebrate State

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Disease relevance of Decerebrate State


High impact information on Decerebrate State

  • Electroencephalograms recorded immediately after admission showed [1] slow wave activity, and [2] bizarre rhythmical bursts of high-voltage sharp wave activity; both of which rapidly resolved during the next 24 hours, as did the associated clinical findings of hyperreflexia, bilateral dorsiflexor Babinski responses, and decerebrate posturing [6].
  • Two cases of decerebrate posturing that resolved following the administration of dextrose are reported [7].
  • In cats decerebrated by a midcollicular section, decerebrate rigidity developed that was not alleviated by phenytoin even in doses as great as 60 mg per kilogram [8].
  • Chlorpromazine that depresses decerebrate rigidity in a dose-related fashion requires 1.5 to 2.0 mg per kilogram to exhibit an appreciable effect [8].
  • Following intravenous administration of the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan, mimicking the tonic activity of these pathways in the decerebrate state, it was again possible to elicit the long-lasting excitability increase by a train of impulses in Ia afferents [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Decerebrate State

  • In addition to the oxazolidinones, an aminoalcohol derivative, (1RS,2SR)-5-methyl-1-phenyl-2-(3-piperidinopropylamino )hexan-1-ol (MLV-5860) also reduced the rat decerebrate rigidity [10].
  • Central fevers after TBI have been reported to have been treated successfully with propranolol in two children with decerebrate posturing [11].
  • Zopiclone selectively reduced the phasic responses of anemic decerebrate rigidity like benzodiazepines in rats [12].
  • In order to obtain spontaneous discharge in this vagal branch and optimal recording conditions, we compared the decerebrate state to urethane, urethane-chloralose and pentobarbital-chloralose anaesthesia with regard to level of chronotropic cardiac vagal tone [13].
  • When administered i.c.v. (50 and 100 micrograms) or i.t. (200 and 400 micrograms), CS-722 reduced the radio frequency decerebrate rigidity, although the effect after i.c.v. injection was transient [14].

Anatomical context of Decerebrate State


Gene context of Decerebrate State

  • A woman, aged 38, lost consciousness immediately after manipulation of the cervical spine and remained in coma for nearly 5 years in a combined decorticate and decerebrate state [16].
  • All derive their rationale from the classical concepts of decerebrate rigidity and of brain organization as discussed in Part I [17].
  • The patient began to exhibit symptoms consistent with NMS (high fever, dystonia, diaphoresis, tachycardia, and decerebrate posturing) shortly after administration of the haloperidol [18].
  • We report five cases in which children with hydrocephalus and CSF shunts presented with a variety of recurring symptoms, including headache, vomiting, impairment of consciousness to the point of coma, and, in one patient, decerebrate posturing [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Decerebrate State


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