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Chemical Compound Review

Sirdalud     3-chloro-N-(4,5-dihydro-1H- imidazol-2-yl)...

Synonyms: Ternelin, Tizanidina, tizanidine, Tizanidinum, Sirdalud (TN), ...
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Disease relevance of Ternelin


Psychiatry related information on Ternelin


High impact information on Ternelin


Chemical compound and disease context of Ternelin


Biological context of Ternelin


Anatomical context of Ternelin

  • It was concluded that, overall, tizanidine is effective in reducing spasticity in patients with spinal cord injury [2].
  • 6. Two hours after the ingestion of tizanidine, an alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor agonist known to selectively depress the transmission in the group II afferent pathway, the medium latency reflex was strongly depressed (P = 0.007), whereas the short latency component was unchanged (P = 0.653) [23].
  • On the basis of the present results, taken together with previous observations that tizanidine transiently inactivates neurons of the nucleus locus coeruleus, it is proposed that the reflex depression may be caused by a removal of a descending noradrenergic facilitation exerted on spinal reflex transmission [24].
  • This interpretation leaves open further possible actions of tizanidine exerted directly on spinal interneurons [24].
  • Tizanidine but not placebo decreased the quadriceps muscle and global lower limb Ashworth scores (2.9 (0.2) to 1.9 (0.3), p<0.001; and 12 (0.7) to 9.5 (0.8), p<0.0001, respectively) [25].

Associations of Ternelin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Ternelin

  • METHODS: The effect of CYP isoform inhibitors on the elimination of tizanidine was studied using pooled human liver microsomes [31].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Tizanidine reduces spasticity in MS, and both therapeutic effects and side effects are related to the plasma drug levels [27].
  • In spinalized preparations, a net facilitatory alpha 1-mediated action may be revealed by the higher doses of tizanidine that would be unopposed by the alpha 2-mediated disfacilitation [32].
  • Aspirin (150 mg/kg i.v.), proacetaminophen (300 mg/kg i.v.) and tizanidine, a centrally acting myorelaxant (0.25-1 mg/kg i.v.), had no effect on the number of Fos-like immunoreactivity neurons induced by heat stimulation [33].
  • RESULTS: Incubation of tizanidine (80 nm) with human liver microsomes resulted in time- and NADPH-dependent substrate consumption with a half-life of 50 min, initial reaction velocity of 1.1 pmol x min-1 x mg-1 protein and intrinsic clearance of 17 ml x min-1 x kg-1 [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ternelin

  • Summary of combined clinical analysis of controlled clinical trials with tizanidine [34].
  • This multicenter study (14 sites) assessed the efficacy and safety of oral tizanidine in patients who had spinal cord injury of > 12 months' duration [2].
  • Experiments were performed in rats to determine if the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist tizanidine has an antinociceptive effect when injected intrathecally, and whether the analgesia is accompanied by changes in blood pressure [20].
  • Wide interpatient variability in the effective plasma concentrations of tizanidine means that the optimal dosage must be titrated over 2 to 4 weeks for each patient (dosages of 2 to 36 mg/day have been used in clinical trials) [4].
  • In a double blind, placebo controlled, cross over study the correlations between single doses (2, 4, and 8 mg), plasma concentrations, and antispastic action of tizanidine were investigated in 16 patients with extensor spasticity of the legs due to multiple sclerosis [35].


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