MeSH Review:
Expert Systems
- Knowledge-based expert systems for toxicity and metabolism prediction: DEREK, StAR and METEOR. Greene, N., Judson, P.N., Langowski, J.J., Marchant, C.A. SAR and QSAR in environmental research. (1999)
- Induction of forward mutations at the thymidine kinase locus of mouse lymphoma cells: evidence for electrophilic and non-electrophilic mechanisms. Henry, B., Grant, S.G., Klopman, G., Rosenkranz, H.S. Mutat. Res. (1998)
- BRAINDEX: an interactive, knowledge-based system supporting brain death diagnosis. Rom, G., Schwarz, G., Grims, R., Rumpl, E., Pfurtscheller, G., Haase, V. Methods of information in medicine. (1990)
- Development of an expert system for bacterial identification: study of a prototype for identifying beta-galactosidase positive enterobacteria. Gavini, F., Lefebvre, B., Hamze, M., Izard, D. J. Appl. Bacteriol. (1990)
- A Grid-based HIV expert system. Sloot, P.M., Boukhanovsky, A.V., Keulen, W., Tirado-Ramos, A., Boucher, C.A. Journal of clinical monitoring and computing. (2005)
- An E-health solution for automatic sleep classification according to Rechtschaffen and Kales: validation study of the Somnolyzer 24 x 7 utilizing the Siesta database. Anderer, P., Gruber, G., Parapatics, S., Woertz, M., Miazhynskaia, T., Klosch, G., Saletu, B., Zeitlhofer, J., Barbanoj, M.J., Danker-Hopfe, H., Himanen, S.L., Kemp, B., Penzel, T., Grozinger, M., Kunz, D., Rappelsberger, P., Schlogl, A., Dorffner, G. Neuropsychobiology (2005)
- Daytime sleepiness and cognitive impairment in the elderly population. Ohayon, M.M., Vecchierini, M.F. Arch. Intern. Med. (2002)
- The influence of an expert system for test ordering and interpretation on laboratory investigations. Smith, B.J., McNeely, M.D. Clin. Chem. (1999)
- Identification of the three-dimensional thioredoxin motif: related structure in the ORF3 protein of the Staphylococcus aureus mer operon. Ellis, L.B., Saurugger, P., Woodward, C. Biochemistry (1992)
- Collision-induced dissociation pathways of anabolic steroids by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Guan, F., Soma, L.R., Luo, Y., Uboh, C.E., Peterman, S. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2006)
- Semi-automated icosahedral particle reconstruction at sub-nanometer resolution. Jiang, W., Li, Z., Zhang, Z., Booth, C.R., Baker, M.L., Chiu, W. J. Struct. Biol. (2001)
- The Consortium for Metabonomic Toxicology (COMET): aims, activities and achievements. Lindon, J.C., Keun, H.C., Ebbels, T.M., Pearce, J.M., Holmes, E., Nicholson, J.K. Pharmacogenomics (2005)
- The performance characteristics of an expert system for the "on-line" assessment of thalassemia trait and iron deficiency--Micro Hema Screen. Paterakis, G.S., Terzoglou, G., Vasilioy, E. Blood Cells (1989)
- Development of 3D-QSAR models for 5-lipoxygenase antagonists: chalcones. Arockia Babu, M., Shakya, N., Prathipati, P., Kaskhedikar, S.G., Saxena, A.K. Bioorg. Med. Chem. (2002)
- Heart-rate variability and SIDS. Examination of heart-rate patterns using an expert system generator. Välimäki, I.A., Nieminen, T., Antila, K.J., Southall, D.P. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (1988)
- Automatic detection of gait events: a case study using inductive learning techniques. Kirkwood, C.A., Andrews, B.J., Mowforth, P. Journal of biomedical engineering. (1989)
- An expert system for the labeling and 3D reconstruction of the coronary arteries from two projections. Smets, C., van de Werf, F., Suetens, P., Oosterlinck, A. International journal of cardiac imaging. (1990)
- RUBIDIUM, a program for computer-aided assignment of two-dimensional NMR spectra of polypeptides. Yu, C., Hwang, J.F., Chen, T.B., Soo, V.W. Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. (1992)
- Classification of left ventricular thrombi by their history of systemic embolization using pattern recognition of two-dimensional echocardiograms. Lloret, R.L., Cortada, X., Bradford, J., Metz, M.N., Kinney, E.L. Am. Heart J. (1985)
- Using OMIM (On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man) as an expert system in medical genetics. Schorderet, D.F. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1991)
- Sherpa: a Macintosh-based expert system for the interpretation of electrospray ionization LC/MS and MS/MS data from protein digests. Taylor, J.A., Walsh, K.A., Johnson, R.S. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (1996)
- Thalidomide and metabolites: indications of the absence of 'genotoxic' carcinogenic potentials. Zhu, X., Zhang, Y.P., Klopman, G., Rosenkranz, H.S. Mutat. Res. (1999)
- A computationally based identification algorithm for estrogen receptor ligands: part 1. Predicting hERalpha binding affinity. Bradbury, S., Kamenska, V., Schmieder, P., Ankley, G., Mekenyan, O. Toxicol. Sci. (2000)
- Automatic alerts for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus surveillance and control: role of a hospital information system. Pittet, D., Safran, E., Harbarth, S., Borst, F., Copin, P., Rohner, P., Scherrer, J.R., Auckenthaler, R. Infection control and hospital epidemiology : the official journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America. (1996)
- Evaluation of atopy through an expert system: description of the database. Ray, P., Vervloet, D., Charpin, D., Gautier, V., Proudhon, H., Redier, H., Godard, P. Clin. Exp. Allergy (1995)
- Integrating management and expertise in a computerised system for hypertensive patients. Devriès, C., Degoulet, P., Jeunemaitre, X., Sauquet, D., Morice, V., Chatellier, G., Aime, F., Ménard, J. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (1987)
- OURCIN: a tool to build expert systems. Quinqueton, J. Biochimie (1985)
- Prototype expert system for infusion pump maintenance. Mataban, B.A. Biomedical instrumentation & technology / Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. (1994)