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Chemical Compound Review

Azauracil     2H-1,2,4-triazine-3,5-dione

Synonyms: zlchem 198, PubChem20340, SureCN88056, NSC-3425, ACMC-1BSXW, ...
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Disease relevance of AI3-26412


High impact information on AI3-26412

  • Transcriptional defects are also observed in yeast DNA sequences of hpr1Delta cells in the presence of the transcription elongation inhibitor 6-azauracil [5].
  • Whereas histone H3K4 trimethylation normally marks 5' ends of highly transcribed genes, under 'transcriptional stress' induced by 6-azauracil (6-AU) and inactivation of pol II, TFIIE or CTD kinases Kin28 and Ctk1, this mark shifted to the 3' end of the TEF1 gene [6].
  • Finally, we found that defects in the Paf1 complex cause sensitivity to 6-azauracil and diminished PUR5 induction, properties frequently associated with impaired transcription elongation [7].
  • This finding suggested that enhanced transcriptional arrest at RNA polymerase II pause sites due to 6-azauracil-induced nucleotide pool depletion was reduced in the deletion strain and that ScCHD1 inhibited transcription [8].
  • Targeted deletion of ScCHD1, the sole Saccharomyces cerevesiae CHD gene, was performed with deletion strains being less sensitive than wild type to the cytotoxic effect of 6-azauracil [8].

Biological context of AI3-26412


Anatomical context of AI3-26412

  • In this communication, we wish to describe the discovery of a novel series of 6-azauracil-based thyromimetics that possess up to 100-fold selectivities for binding and functional activation of the beta(1)-isoform of the thyroid receptor family [14].

Associations of AI3-26412 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of AI3-26412

  • A screen for mutations in RPO21 that confer 6AU sensitivity identified seven mutations that had been generated by either linker-insertion or random chemical mutagenesis [12].
  • 6-Azauracil also induced IMD2 gene expression in both these mutant strains and the wild type [19].
  • Disruption of RPB9 in yeast also resulted in sensitivity to 6-azauracil, which is a phenotype linked to defects in transcription elongation [20].
  • Here we show that in response to the application of IMPDH inhibitors such as 6AU, wild-type yeast strains induce transcription of PUR5, one of four genes encoding IMPDH-related enzymes [21].
  • One of the temperature-sensitive alleles of CEG1, a guanylyltransferase subunit of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae capping enzyme, showed 6-azauracil (6AU) sensitivity at the permissive growth temperature, which is a phenotype that is correlated with a transcription elongation defect [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AI3-26412

  • These prevented a broad spectrum of coccidial infections in chickens at minimum inhibitory concentrations by weight in feed as low as 0.25 ppm, a 4000-fold increase in potency over 6-azauracil, and had shorter plasma half-lives than earlier potent analogues [23].
  • Anticoccidial derivatives of 6-azauracil. 1. Enhancement of activity by benzylation of nitrogen-1. Observations on the design of nucleotide analogues in chemotherapy [24].
  • Potential carcinogenicity of the synthetic 1,3,6-triazine (6-azapyrimidine) nucleic acid analogues determined by DC polarography. II. Nucleosides of 6-azauracil [25].


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