Gene Review:
Med - Medea
Drosophila melanogaster
CG1775, Dmel\CG1775, E(zen)3, MED, SMAD4, ...
- Conversion of an extracellular Dpp/BMP morphogen gradient into an inverse transcriptional gradient. Müller, B., Hartmann, B., Pyrowolakis, G., Affolter, M., Basler, K. Cell (2003)
- The Drosophila gene brinker reveals a novel mechanism of Dpp target gene regulation. Jaźwińska, A., Kirov, N., Wieschaus, E., Roth, S., Rushlow, C. Cell (1999)
- Smad proteins act in combination with synergistic and antagonistic regulators to target Dpp responses to the Drosophila mesoderm. Xu, X., Yin, Z., Hudson, J.B., Ferguson, E.L., Frasch, M. Genes Dev. (1998)
- Highwire regulates presynaptic BMP signaling essential for synaptic growth. McCabe, B.D., Hom, S., Aberle, H., Fetter, R.D., Marques, G., Haerry, T.E., Wan, H., O'Connor, M.B., Goodman, C.S., Haghighi, A.P. Neuron (2004)
- Multiple roles of the F-box protein Slimb in Drosophila egg chamber development. Muzzopappa, M., Wappner, P. Development (2005)
- Medea is a Drosophila Smad4 homolog that is differentially required to potentiate DPP responses. Wisotzkey, R.G., Mehra, A., Sutherland, D.J., Dobens, L.L., Liu, X., Dohrmann, C., Attisano, L., Raftery, L.A. Development (1998)
- Regulation of spalt expression in the Drosophila wing blade in response to the Decapentaplegic signaling pathway. Barrio, R., de Celis, J.F. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Dpp-responsive silencers are bound by a trimeric Mad-Medea complex. Gao, S., Steffen, J., Laughon, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Smad6 is a Smad1/5-induced smad inhibitor. Characterization of bone morphogenetic protein-responsive element in the mouse Smad6 promoter. Ishida, W., Hamamoto, T., Kusanagi, K., Yagi, K., Kawabata, M., Takehara, K., Sampath, T.K., Kato, M., Miyazono, K. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- The Drosophila Medea gene is required downstream of dpp and encodes a functional homolog of human Smad4. Hudson, J.B., Podos, S.D., Keith, K., Simpson, S.L., Ferguson, E.L. Development (1998)
- Stepwise formation of a SMAD activity gradient during dorsal-ventral patterning of the Drosophila embryo. Sutherland, D.J., Li, M., Liu, X.Q., Stefancsik, R., Raftery, L.A. Development (2003)
- dSno Facilitates Baboon Signaling in the Drosophila Brain by Switching the Affinity of Medea Away From Mad and Toward dSmad2. Takaesu, N.T., Hyman-Walsh, C., Ye, Y., Wisotzkey, R.G., Stinchfield, M.J., O'connor, M.B., Wotton, D., Newfeld, S.J. Genetics (2006)
- Establishment of continuously in vitro growing cell lines of med-fly (Ceratitis capitata wied.). Cavalloro, R. Revue canadienne de biologie / éditée par l'Université de Montréal. (1981)
- Genetic screens to identify elements of the decapentaplegic signaling pathway in Drosophila. Raftery, L.A., Twombly, V., Wharton, K., Gelbart, W.M. Genetics (1995)
- Drosophila dSmad2 and Atr-I transmit activin/TGFbeta signals. Das, P., Inoue, H., Baker, J.C., Beppu, H., Kawabata, M., Harland, R.M., Miyazono, K., Padgett, R.W. Genes Cells (1999)
- A positive role for Short gastrulation in modulating BMP signaling during dorsoventral patterning in the Drosophila embryo. Decotto, E., Ferguson, E.L. Development (2001)
- Bmp signals from niche cells directly repress transcription of a differentiation-promoting gene, bag of marbles, in germline stem cells in the Drosophila ovary. Song, X., Wong, M.D., Kawase, E., Xi, R., Ding, B.C., McCarthy, J.J., Xie, T. Development (2004)