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Child Behavior

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Disease relevance of Child Behavior

  • On average 7.4 years after meningitis, they were evaluated using an 'Academic Achievement Test' and their parents filled in the Child Behavior Checklist, the Child Health Questionnaire, and the Health Utilities Index [1].
  • Although the child behavior checklist (CBCL) and the teacher's report form (TRF) were not designed for diagnosing psychopathology in children with chronic illnesses, they have become extensively used research tools to assess behavioural problems in paediatric populations, including children with epilepsy [2].
  • Thirty cystic fibrosis (CF) and 30 matched control children and their parents were administered several psychiatric inventories including the child (DICA) and parent (DICA-P) versions of the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents, the Child Behavior Check List, the Hopelessness Scale, and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale [3].

Psychiatry related information on Child Behavior

  • The child's functioning was assessed using the Revised Child Behavior Profile (RCBP), Hare Self-Esteem Scale, Depression Self-Rating Scale, Hopelessness Scale for Children, Index of Peer Relations, and a 5-point ordinal scale for scholastic reintegration [4].
  • ODD+CD children had more severe symptoms of ODD, more comorbid psychiatric disorders, lower Global Assessment of Functioning Scale scores, more bipolar disorder, and more abnormal Child Behavior Checklist clinical scale scores compared with ADHD children with non-CD ODD and those without ODD or CD [5].
  • Data were collected with the Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Child Behavior Checklist, Parenting Stress Index, and the Life History Calendar [6].
  • Children's reports of depressive symptoms, exposure to violence, and distress symptoms in response to witnessing violence were associated with suicidal ideation, but prenatal cocaine exposure, parent-rated child behavior, and caregivers' psychological distress symptoms were not [7].
  • Although the Child Behavior Checklist profile of attentional deficits in the two clinical groups was similar, we found that the developmental right-hemisphere syndrome group was more severely impaired on parameters of attention measured by the continuous performance task and visual target cancellation test than the children with ADHD [8].

High impact information on Child Behavior

  • No independent cocaine effects have been shown on standardized parent and teacher reports of child behavior scored by accepted criteria [9].
  • SETTING AND PATIENTS: Children with ADHD from child behavior clinics in the southeast of England and in the Taipei area of Taiwan. INTERVENTIONS: Within-family tests of association using 2 repeat polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated region and intron 8 plus additional markers in the English sample [10].
  • Risperidone was associated with rapid, significant improvement on the conduct problem subscale score of the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form in patients previously treated with placebo; improvement was maintained during long-term treatment and in patients previously given risperidone [11].
  • METHODS: Twenty-eight children with VCFS and 29 age- and cognitively matched control subjects received a standardized assessment of childhood psychiatric disorders and behaviors measured by the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) [12].
  • METHODS: Methamphetamine-exposed children (n = 12) and age-matched unexposed control subjects (n = 14) were evaluated with MRI, localized 1H-MRS, and a Child Behavior Checklist [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Child Behavior

  • Assessment again consisted of the revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, the Selective Reminding test, the Benton Visual Retention test, Stroop tests I and II, and the Child Behavior Checklist [14].
  • There were also significant correlations between length of time theophylline was taken and scores on the depression (p less than 0.03) and the obsessive-compulsive (p less than 0.04) subscales of the Child Behavior Checklist [14].
  • These correlated in predicted ways with a range of criterion variables, including measures of adaptive functioning, Axis II pathology, the Five Factor Model and the Child Behavior Checklist [15].
  • The Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self Report, Differential Emotion Scale, and Daily Mood Diary were administered after each placebo and treatment period to ascertain the effect of sex steroids on self- and parent-reported behavior problems and moods [16].
  • Outcome variables included plasma phospholipid fatty acid patterns, scores on laboratory measures of inattention and impulsivity (Test of Variables of Attention, Children's Color Trails test) while not taking stimulant medication, and scores on parental behavioral rating scales (Child Behavior Checklist, Conners' Rating Scale) [17].

Anatomical context of Child Behavior

  • For children with VCFS, but not for the comparison sample, larger volumes of the amygdala and smaller ratios of prefrontal cortex to amygdala were associated with higher scores on the Internalizing, Externalizing, Anxiety, and Aggression scales of the Child Behavior Checklist and on the parent version of the Young Mania Rating Scale [18].

Gene context of Child Behavior

  • Those with NF1 and ADHD were rated significantly poorer on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) than were the NF1 control group [19].
  • We used the Child Behavior Check List (CBCL) according to Achenbach, intelligence quotient (IQ) test according to Weiss, and monitoring of blood phenylalanine concentrations and HBA1 concentrations [20].
  • A stepwise logistic regression indicated that negative life events in the first 2 years increased the risk of IDDM and that premorbid child behavior as well as dysfunctional hierarchical family pattern affect the risk [21].
  • Children underwent psychological (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Children's Memory Scale; Test of Everyday Attention and Auditory Continuous Performance Test) and psychosocial assessment (Child Behavior Checklist) [22].
  • METHODS: Parents' and teachers' perceptions of the children's behavioral problems were quantified by using the Total Problem score of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Teacher's Report Form (TRF), after correction for epilepsy-related item ambiguity [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Child Behavior

  • Risperidone-treated subjects also exhibited significantly greater decreases on the other 4 subscales of the ABC; on the conduct problem, insecure/anxious, hyperactive, and overly sensitive subscales of the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form (parent version); and on the Visual Analog Scale of the most troublesome symptom [24].
  • Multiple twin studies of attention problems (AP) from the Child Behavior Checklist or ADHD from the DSM criteria have reported on the genetic and environmental influences on these behaviors [25].


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