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Disease relevance of Parenting

  • The increasing popularity of the use of IVF treatment in cases of male infertility is understandable in the light of men's investment in biological parenting and women's willingness to take on the physiological responsibility for treatment [1].
  • METHODS: A systematic review to explore the links between parenting, social factors and failure to thrive was carried out using 17 CD ROM and online databases using keywords in appropriate medical subject headings (MeSH terms) and Boolean operators refined for the studies [2].

Psychiatry related information on Parenting


High impact information on Parenting


Chemical compound and disease context of Parenting

  • To expand the cross-cultural scope of this research, here we investigate variation in salivary testosterone levels among Chinese men in relation to marital and parenting variables [13].
  • Infant salivary cortisol samples and standard observational procedures to measure infant temperament, sleep, attachment, and parenting were also used [14].
  • Hierarchical regression indicated cocaine (R2 = 0.034, p < 0.05) but not other drug use and instability in parenting (R2 = 0.137, p < 0.001) accounted for the observed differences [15].
  • We sampled a potent fish androgen, 11-ketotestosterone (KT), at different life history stages (experienced parenting males, experienced males not actively parenting, inexperienced males with their first clutch, and females), to examine this relationship [16].
  • Mothers also completed four questionnaires: the Family Support Scale, the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, a shortened form of the Parental Locus of Control Scale and the Parenting Stress Index (Short Form) [17].

Biological context of Parenting

  • Maternal adjustment, parenting and child behaviour in families of school-aged twins conceived after IVF and ovulation induction [18].
  • The interpersonal and environmental impact of poor parenting further compounds the effects of in utero exposure to methadone, placing these infants at high risk [19].
  • FINDINGS: The primary finding, presented as a hypothesis, suggests that an ADHD adolescent's sense of self is distorted and that the development of self has been disrupted due to the neurobiology of ADHD and environmental factors associated with the difficulties of parenting a difficult child, social role expectations, and modeling [20].

Gene context of Parenting

  • Mothers' Wave 2 psychological functioning was associated with involved-supportive parenting of the YS at Wave 3 [21].
  • Mothers' psychological functioning and child competence at Wave 2 forecast involved-supportive parenting at Wave 3, which was associated negatively with externalizing and internalizing problems at Wave 4 [22].
  • Negative perceived paternal parenting is associated with dopamine D2 receptor exon 8 and GABA(A) alpha 6 receptor variants: an explorative study [23].
  • In general, adolescent delinquency plays a larger role in linking the generations for G2 fathers, whereas parenting behaviors and financial stress play a larger role for G2 mothers [24].
  • Mothers who viewed their family as "enmeshed" reported significantly higher sense of competence than those viewing the family as "connected" or "disengaged." CONCLUSION: The AKOS is an instrument that may help clinicians identify and address parents' concerns about treatment for ADHD as well as parents' perceptions about their parenting skills [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Parenting

  • Parents of children with CF experienced greater stress and burdens than parents of healthy children, yet parenting behavior and family functioning were quite similar in CF and healthy control groups [26].
  • CONCLUSION: Advance provision of emergency contraception in parenting teens increases the likelihood of its use, and does not affect the use of condoms, or hormonal methods of birth control [27].
  • The current paper integrates findings from a prospective longitudinal study that assessed the quality of parenting in families conceiving through IVF from an attachment theory perspective [28].
  • Low self-esteem in mothers, low parenting efficacy in fathers, and fathers' attributions of noncompliance to their ADHD child's insufficient effort and bad mood also were associated with worse child treatment outcome [5].


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