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Chemical Compound Review

Idalprem     10-chloro-2-(2-chlorophenyl)- 4-hydroxy-3,6...

Synonyms: Duralozam, Durazolam, Laubeel, NuLoraz, Sedicepan, ...
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Disease relevance of Ativan


Psychiatry related information on Ativan

  • Failure of buspirone to protect against lorazepam withdrawal symptoms [5].
  • Measures of family attitudes (expressed emotion [EE]) and interactional behaviors (affective style [AS]), both of which have been found to predict relapse in schizophrenia, were obtained from key relatives of 23 hospitalized recently manic bipolar patients [6].
  • OBJECTIVE: To determine if the APOE epsilon4 allele increases susceptibility to lorazepam-induced verbal learning impairment in nondemented older adults [7].
  • Significant differences also emerged on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and in the number of supplemental doses of lorazepam required by the patients in each group [8].
  • Task-related neural activity in bilateral PFC showed a predicted pattern: an Emotion x Stimulus crossover interaction, with no main effects, with activity predicting task performance [9].

High impact information on Ativan


Chemical compound and disease context of Ativan


Biological context of Ativan


Anatomical context of Ativan

  • RESULTS: Lorazepam significantly attenuated the BOLD-fMRI signal in a dose-dependent manner in bilateral amygdala and insula but not in the medial prefrontal cortex [12].
  • Lorazepam did not affect the BOLD-fMRI signal in the primary visual cortex [12].
  • The thalamus as the generator and modulator of EEG alpha rhythm: a combined PET/EEG study with lorazepam challenge in humans [21].
  • The distributed MRI-constrained MEG source estimates demonstrated decreased alpha (10 Hz) activity in and around the parieto-occipital sulcus and in the calcarine sulcus of the occipital lobe, following from increased GABA(A)-inhibition by lorazepam [22].
  • Whereas the normal and alcoholic subjects showed similar responses to lorazepam in occipital and cerebellar metabolism, the alcoholic subjects showed significantly less of a response than the comparison subjects in the thalamus, basal ganglia, and orbitofrontal cortex [23].

Associations of Ativan with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Ativan


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ativan

  • In a randomized, double-blind study, we compared lorazepam with placebo for the prevention of recurrent seizures related to alcohol [32].
  • Intravenous lorazepam to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy [33].
  • OBJECTIVE: To determine whether lorazepam dose-dependently attenuates blood oxygenation level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) activation in the amygdala and associated limbic structures during an emotion face assessment task [12].
  • Ten healthy young subjects were scanned on four occasions, 2 weeks apart; they were administered i.v. saline during two placebo-scanning sessions and then alternately administered i.v. lorazepam (1 mg) or scopolamine (0.4 mg) in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over design [34].
  • Lorazepam, a dichloro-3-hydroxy-1,4-benzodiazepine, has been shown to be a potent anticonvulsant in animal models of epilsepsy and has minimal depressant effects on respiration and circulation in humans [35].


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