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Embolism, Fat

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Disease relevance of Embolism, Fat


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Chemical compound and disease context of Embolism, Fat


Gene context of Embolism, Fat

  • CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral fat embolism after long-bone fractures can be detected in vivo and monitored over time with the use of transcranial Doppler techniques [16].
  • However, fat embolism was not associated with a more severe clinical course, suggesting that bronchoscopy and BAL have little impact on the management of these patients [17].
  • Fat embolism associated with an atrial septal defect [18].
  • Our findings confirm that MRI can detect cerebral fat embolism with a higher sensitivity than CCT [19].
  • An early increase in the alpha1 lipbrotein fraction was noted in the fat embolism patients simultaneously with a decrease in the pre-beta lipoprotein fraction; the values of the other trauma patients were at the control levels [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Embolism, Fat

  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cerebral hemodynamic change in the hyperacute stage of cerebral fat embolism induced by triolein emulsion, by using MR perfusion imaging in cat brains [21].
  • Using a combination of frozen section with oil red O staining and formalin-fixed osmium stained tissues, the immediate cause of death was determined to be diffuse fat embolism [22].
  • Prolonged and frequent bedside EEG recordings will demonstrate better these fluctuating abnormalities in cerebral fat embolism (and probably in coma of other origin) than standard less frequent recordings [23].


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