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Freeze Etching

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Disease relevance of Freeze Etching

  • Highly distinctive aspects of the exponentail-phase Rhizobium japonicum cell were disclosed by means of thin sections, freeze etching, fluorescent antibodies, and ruthenium red staining [1].

High impact information on Freeze Etching

  • Freeze-etching revealed, beneath the cellulose ribbons, a linear array of pores on the lipopolysaccharide membrane [2].
  • The freeze-etching appearance of the membranes of the majority of the cells was unaltered by treatment with Hpd and light [3].
  • One of these crystals, with p6 symmetry, clearly represents the native S-layer detected by freeze etching on whole cells, while the other two, showing p2 and p3 symmetries respectively, closely resemble aggregates of bacterial porins [4].
  • The junctional structures present between the midgut cells of 3 lepidopteran caterpillars have been examined using freeze-etching, conventional staining and lanthanum tracer techniques [5].
  • A monoclinic crystal modification of GTP cyclohydrolase I (space group P2(1), a = 204.2 A, b = 210.4 A, c = 71.8 A, alpha = gamma = 90 degrees, beta = 95.8 degrees) was studied by freeze-etching electron microscopy and by Patterson correlation techniques [6].

Biological context of Freeze Etching


Anatomical context of Freeze Etching


Associations of Freeze Etching with chemical compounds

  • After Triton X-100 extraction, the neurofilament-associated interconnecting strands (cross-linking filaments) persisted, indicating that they are not artifactual products of soluble protein condensation during freeze-etching [13].
  • Pellets of infected cells were cryoprotected with glycerol, and processed for freeze-etching [14].
  • Freeze-etching showed that sodium ions had no effect on the membrane fractures observed in control cells, but with EDTA-treated cells, this cation increased the occurrence of small outer membrane fractures (plateaus) which are characteristic of EDTA treatment [15].
  • A possible correlation is suggested between this comb-like structure and the 'acetylcholine receptors' observed by other authors with high resolution electron microscopy either after classical preparative techniques or after freeze-etching, of the postsynaptic membrane of vertebrae cholinergic synapses [16].
  • Successful freeze-etching of a coenocyte has been accomplished with glutaraldehyde stabilization followed by infiltration with cryoprotectant [17].

Gene context of Freeze Etching

  • Immunocytochemical demonstrations of cytoplasmic and cell-surface EGF receptors in A431 cells using cryo-ultramicrotomy, surface replication, freeze-etching and label fracture [18].
  • Freeze-etching analysis showed that the 98-kDa S protein formed a hexagonal arrangement with a 24-nm center-to-center space and that the S proteins with larger MW (127 or 149 kDa) formed tetragonal ones with an 8-nm center-to-center space [19].
  • Interconnections between elastin filaments were revealed by the freeze-etching technique [20].
  • An improved specimen table for the Balzers freeze etching system BAF 400 [21].
  • Unusual amyloid bodies in human liver. Ultrastructural and freeze-etching studies [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Freeze Etching


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  2. Visualization of pores (export sites) correlated with cellulose production in the envelope of the gram-negative bacterium Acetobacter xylinum. Zaar, K. J. Cell Biol. (1979) [Pubmed]
  3. Porphyrin-sensitized photoinactivation of human cells in vitro. Moan, J., Johannessen, J.V., Christensen, T., Espevik, T., McGhie, J.B. Am. J. Pathol. (1982) [Pubmed]
  4. S-layer protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 assembles into porin-like structures. Castón, J.R., Berenguer, J., de Pedro, M.A., Carrascosa, J.L. Mol. Microbiol. (1993) [Pubmed]
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  8. Myelin and glial membrane structures in the optic nerve of normal and jimpy mouse. A freeze-etching study. Omlin, F.X., Bischoff, A., Moor, H. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (1980) [Pubmed]
  9. Ultrastructure of the intima in WHHL and cholesterol-fed rabbit aortas prepared by ultra-rapid freezing and freeze-etching. Frank, J.S., Fogelman, A.M. J. Lipid Res. (1989) [Pubmed]
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  11. Freeze-etching observations on the characteristic arrangement of intramembranous particles in the apical plasma membrane of the thyroid follicular cell in TSH-treated mice. Ishimura, K., Okamoto, H., Fujita, H. Cell Tissue Res. (1976) [Pubmed]
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