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Blotting, Southwestern

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Biological context of Blotting, Southwestern

  • Activation of the reporter gene constructs appeared to be temporally and quantitatively correlated with the amount of nuclear C/EBP as determined by two-dimensional Western and Southwestern blot analyses [8].
  • When expressed from a cDNA expression vector as a fusion protein that also contained 115 kDa from beta-galactosidase, a Pnt2 binding protein (PCNBP) specifically bound to Pnt2 in Southwestern blots as a 30 kDa component of the 145 kDa fusion protein [9].

Anatomical context of Blotting, Southwestern

  • Gel retardation and Southwestern blot assays showed the presence of a 32-kD homeoprotein with DNA-binding properties typical of a HOX4 homeoprotein in nucleolar extracts of PHA-activated, but not of resting, lymphocytes [10].
  • In addition, Southwestern blot analysis detected binding of the most proximal Sp motif to a Sp1-like protein present in myoblast nuclear extracts but not in myotubes [11].
  • According to Southwestern blot analysis, a 94 kDa protein regarded as a GR was detected in F9 cells cultured in the medium containing the ginsenosides Rh1 or Rh2 [12].
  • Comparative Western and Southwestern blot analyses of nuclear extracts isolated from SMC and lung fibroblasts lay the foundation for possible differential regulation of elastin transcriptional levels via cell specific expression of different NF-1 family members [13].

Associations of Blotting, Southwestern with chemical compounds

  • This technique is complementary to gel retardation and Southwestern blotting analyses that have been previously used to identify cellular components that specifically bind to cisplatin-damaged DNA [14].
  • Southwestern blotting and UV-cross-linking studies showed that the HS3D probe recognized a approximately 35-kDa nuclear protein, and antibody supershift assays indicated that C/EBPdelta comprised most of the PGE2-activated gel-shifted complex [15].
  • Dexamethasone inhibits the phenobarbitone-mediated increase in the binding of a transcription factor(s) to the upstream region of the gene as evidenced by gel retardation and Southwestern blot analysis [16].
  • Southwestern blotting revealed four proteins from progesterone-dominated endometrial nuclei that bind UG200 [17].
  • By Southwestern blot analyses in which proteins were initially separated on a denaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel, transferred to a membrane, and then probed with radio-labeled DNA, several different proteins were bound by either the palindromic or the variant CRE sequences [18].

Gene context of Blotting, Southwestern

  • UV cross-linking and Southwestern blot analyses revealed multiple DNA-protein interactions of which approximately 100- and approximately 45-kDa proteins were predominant; the approximately 45-kDa protein may represent CREB [19].
  • Subfragments of the region from -490 to -310 of the alpha-subunit promoter were used in a Southwestern blot assay using bacterially produced Msx1 and demonstrated that binding was localized specifically to the region from -449 to -421 [20].
  • On southwestern blots, a 40 kDa nuclear protein from C7-10 cells bound to DNA containing AP-1 sites [21].
  • Southwestern blot experiments demonstrate that, like the Ku protein, the smaller YPF1 subunit binds DNA in the absence of the larger subunit [22].
  • Southwestern blot analysis revealed that the labelled ANG nt -806/-779 interacted with two mouse liver nuclear proteins with apparent molecular masses of 52 and 43 kDa, whereas the labelled SOM-CRE, TAT-CRE and the CRE of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) gene interacted with one molecular species of 43 kDa [23].


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