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Gene Review

CREB1  -  cAMP responsive element binding protein 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CREB-1, Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1, cAMP-responsive element-binding protein 1
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Disease relevance of CREB1


Psychiatry related information on CREB1


High impact information on CREB1

  • This review discusses the molecular mechanisms by which Ser133-phosphorylated CREB activates transcription, intracellular signaling pathways that lead to phosphorylation of CREB at Ser133, and features of each signaling pathway that impart specificity at the level of CREB activation [11].
  • In some cases, signaling pathways target additional sites on CREB or proteins associated with CREB, permitting CREB to regulate distinct programs of gene expression under different conditions of stimulation [11].
  • Tumor tissues showed 2q31-2q35 LOH, decreased protein expression and high cyclic nucleotide levels and cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation [12].
  • The CREB coactivator TORC2 functions as a calcium- and cAMP-sensitive coincidence detector [13].
  • Elevations in circulating glucose and gut hormones during feeding promote pancreatic islet cell viability in part via the calcium- and cAMP-dependent activation of the transcription factor CREB [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of CREB1


Biological context of CREB1

  • TORC1 potently induced known CREB1 target genes, bound CREB1, and activated expression through a potent transcription activation domain [19].
  • In this study, we observed increased ATF-2 and CREB1 phosphorylation mediated by the HDACIs in K562 cells, in conjunction with histone H4 hyperacetylation [20].
  • Exposure of prostate epithelial phenotypes to cAMP alters the expression of lumbo-sacral HOX D genes located on the chromosomal region 2q31-33 where the cAMP effector genes CREB1, CREB2, and cAMP-GEFII are present [21].
  • Interaction between the activator type of cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB1) and the repressor type (CREB2) results in determining the emergence of long-lasting synaptic enhancement involved in memory consolidation [22].
  • Furthermore Wp activity in B cell, but not in non-B cell, lines could be inhibited by cotransfection of expression plasmids expressing dominant negative forms of CREB1 and ATF1 [23].

Anatomical context of CREB1


Associations of CREB1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CREB1

  • Gel retardation and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirm that POU forms a complex with CREB bound to the cyclin D1 CRE [30].
  • This synergy also partially occurred when hGABPalpha was used alone in place of the combination of hGABPalpha and hGABPbeta. hGABP activated an artificial promoter containing only ATF/CREB-binding sites under coexistence of ATF1 or CREB [31].
  • Both in vitro and in vivo DNA binding assay revealed that the CREB binding activity was low in EGF-starved cells, whereas it was induced within 30 min after EGF treatment of A431 cells [32].
  • Finally, the addition of the CREB-binding transcriptional coactivator p300 leads to a dramatic CREB-dependent increase in both mitogen- and CD28-mediated transactivation of the CD28RE-TRE [33].
  • A second CREB motif closely linked to the S-ATG showed a similar binding pattern involving ATF2 and CREB1, without appearing essential for basal promoter activity [34].

Enzymatic interactions of CREB1

  • RSK1 was found to directly phosphorylate cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB), and this event led to the stimulation of subsequent CRE-mediated gene transcription [35].
  • RSK-B phosphorylates the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and c-Fos peptides [36].
  • Exposure of 1-LN cells to alpha2M* significantly raised the levels of phosphorylated CREB by about 15-20 min and phosphorylated p53 by about 60-90 min of incubation [37].
  • In addition, Dyrk1 directly phosphorylates CREB, leading to the stimulation of subsequent CRE-mediated gene transcription during the neuronal differentiation in H19-7 cells [38].
  • Next, we utilized activators and inhibitors of protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) to determine which kinases might be involved in phosphorylating the CREB in PZHPV-7 cells [39].

Regulatory relationships of CREB1


Other interactions of CREB1

  • Experiments conducted with mutants in the E1A or CREB components support a model whereby E1A 243R transactivates the PCNA promoter via a CBP-CREB-PERE pathway [2].
  • A protein, termed transducer of regulated cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) (TORC1), was identified that activated expression through the variant CRE and consensus CRE sites [19].
  • Here we show that HDAC1 associates with and blocks Ser133 phosphorylation of CREB during pre-stimulus and attenuation phases of the cAMP response [44].
  • We describe an alternative mechanism for CREB-driven cyclin D1 induction that involves the ubiquitous POU domain protein Oct-1 [30].
  • Oct-1/CREB synergy is not diminished by the adenovirus E1A 12S protein, a repressor of CBP coactivator function [30].
  • The effect of TORC2 on CBP/p300 promoter occupancy appears pivotal because a gain of function mutant CREB polypeptide with increased affinity for CBP restored CRE-mediated transcription in cells exposed to stress signals [45].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CREB1


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