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Radiology, Interventional

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Disease relevance of Radiology, Interventional


High impact information on Radiology, Interventional

  • Based on experience with the intraoperative rapid PTH assay, this technique was extrapolated to the interventional radiology suite and generated near real-time data for the interventional radiologist employing on-site hormone analysis, with a 12-minute turnaround time from blood sampling to assay result [5].
  • Gadolinium chelates in angiography and interventional radiology: a useful alternative to iodinated contrast media for angiography [6].
  • Subsequently, standard order forms for radiology nurse administration of ketamine with radiologist supervision were prepared for exclusive use by the pediatric interventional radiology department [7].
  • All members and fellows of the Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology were surveyed to determine current patterns of heparin use in angiography [8].
  • Celiac plexus block for interventional radiology [9].

Biological context of Radiology, Interventional


Associations of Radiology, Interventional with chemical compounds


Gene context of Radiology, Interventional


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Radiology, Interventional


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