MeSH Review:
Mesenteric Artery, Superior
- Angiography in the management of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. Its value and safety. Brewster, D.C., Retana, A., Waltman, A.C., Darling, R.C. N. Engl. J. Med. (1975)
- Vasodilatory drugs in the management of nonocclusive bowel ischemia. Athanasoulis, C.A., Wittenberg, J., Bernstein, R., Williams, L.F. Gastroenterology (1975)
- Intestinal diamine oxidase and histamine release in rabbit mesenteric ischemia. Kusche, J., Lorenz, W., Stahlknecht, C.D., Richter, H., Hesterberg, R., Schmal, A., Hinterlang, E., Weber, D., Ohmann, C. Gastroenterology (1981)
- Fatal mesenteric fibromuscular dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature. Guill, C.K., Benavides, D.C., Rees, C., Fenves, A.Z., Burton, E.C. Arch. Intern. Med. (2004)
- Survival following infusion of Pitressin into the superior mesenteric artery to control bleeding esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients. Getzen, L.C., Brink, R.R., Wolfman, E.F. Ann. Surg. (1978)
- The type of sodium-coupled solute modulates small bowel mucosal injury, transport function, and ATP after ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Kozar, R.A., Schultz, S.G., Hassoun, H.T., Desoignie, R., Weisbrodt, N.W., Haber, M.M., Moore, F.A. Gastroenterology (2002)
- Octreotide potentiates PKC-dependent vasoconstrictors in portal-hypertensive and control rats. Wiest, R., Tsai, M.H., Groszmann, R.J. Gastroenterology (2001)
- Inhibition of complement C5 reduces local and remote organ injury after intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in the rat. Wada, K., Montalto, M.C., Stahl, G.L. Gastroenterology (2001)
- Acute increase by portal insulin in intestinal glucose absorption via hepatoenteral nerves in the rat. Stümpel, F., Kucera, T., Gardemann, A., Jungermann, K. Gastroenterology (1996)
- Increased blood hemoglobin attenuates splanchnic vasodilation in portal-hypertensive rats by nitric oxide inactivation. Casadevall, M., Piqué, J.M., Cirera, I., Goldin, E., Elizalde, I., Panés, J., Martínez-Cuesta, M.A., Bosch, J., Terés, J., Rodés, J. Gastroenterology (1996)
- Enhanced release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor in mineralocorticoid hypertension. Bockman, C.S., Jeffries, W.B., Pettinger, W.A., Abel, P.W. Hypertension (1992)
- Lanreotide effect on splanchnic blood flow in healthy subjects: effect of the rate of infusion. Sieber, C.C., Beglinger, C., Bart, S., Tschoepl, M., Currie, G., Larsen, F., Drewe, J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (2004)
- Upright posture decreases esophageal varices flow velocity in patients with cirrhosis. Iwao, T., Oho, K., Sakai, T., Sato, M., Nakano, R., Yamawaki, M., Toyonaga, A., Tanikawa, K. J. Hepatol. (1998)
- Effect of vasopressin on esophageal varices blood flow in patients with cirrhosis: comparisons with the effects on portal vein and superior mesenteric artery blood flow. Iwao, T., Toyonaga, A., Oho, K., Shigemori, H., Sakai, T., Tayama, C., Masumoto, H., Sato, M., Tanikawa, K. J. Hepatol. (1996)
- Intravenous versus superior mesenteric artery vasopressin infusions for the treatment of variceal bleeding. Burgener, F.A., Gutierrez, O.H. Radiology. (1982)
- Effects of synthetic human gastric inhibitory polypeptide on splanchnic circulation in dogs. Kogire, M., Inoue, K., Sumi, S., Doi, R., Takaori, K., Yun, M., Fujii, N., Yajima, H., Tobe, T. Gastroenterology (1988)
- Serum enzyme levels during intestinal ischemia. Thompson, J.S., Bragg, L.E., West, W.W. Ann. Surg. (1990)
- Differential effects of a nitric oxide donor on reperfusion-induced microvascular dysfunction in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. Salas, A., Panés, J., Rosenbloom, C.L., Elizalde, J.I., Anderson, D.C., Granger, D.N., Piqué, J.M. Diabetologia (1999)
- Up-regulation of nNOS and associated increase in nitrergic vasodilation in superior mesenteric arteries in pre-hepatic portal hypertension. Jurzik, L., Froh, M., Straub, R.H., Schölmerich, J., Wiest, R. J. Hepatol. (2005)
- Noninvasive hemodynamic measurements of superior mesenteric artery in the prediction of portal pressure response to propranolol. Iwao, T., Oho, K., Sakai, T., Sato, M., Nakano, R., Yamayaki, M., Toyonaga, A., Tanikawa, K. J. Hepatol. (1998)
- Effects of glucagon, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and vasopressin on villous microcirculation and superior mesenteric artery blood flow of the rat. Holliger, C., Radzyner, M., Knoblauch, M. Gastroenterology (1983)
- Changes in postjunctional alpha-adrenoceptors during postnatal growth in rabbit arteries. Tayo, F.M., Bevan, R.D., Bevan, J.A. Circ. Res. (1986)
- Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induces leukocyte recruitment by different mechanisms in vivo and in vitro. Hickey, M.J., Reinhardt, P.H., Ostrovsky, L., Jones, W.M., Jutila, M.A., Payne, D., Elliott, J., Kubes, P. J. Immunol. (1997)
- Intestinal angina: percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries. Odurny, A., Sniderman, K.W., Colapinto, R.F. Radiology. (1988)
- Portal and systemic effects of selective infusion of vasopressin into the superior mesenteric artery in cirrhotic patients. Millette, B., Huet, P.M., Lavoie, P., Viallet, A. Gastroenterology (1975)
- Effects of adenosine and its derivatives on the canine intestinal vasculature. Walus, K.M., Fondacaro, J.D., Jacobson, E.D. Gastroenterology (1981)
- Endothelial-dependent relaxation induced by leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4 in isolated canine arteries. Secrest, R.J., Chapnick, B.M. Circ. Res. (1988)
- Endothelin in the splanchnic vascular bed of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Wang, H., Chen, A.F., Watts, S.W., Galligan, J.J., Fink, G.D. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (2005)
- Human interleukin-1 induces a rapid relaxation of the rabbit isolated mesenteric artery. Marceau, F., Petitclerc, E., DeBlois, D., Pradelles, P., Poubelle, P.E. Br. J. Pharmacol. (1991)
- Cyclooxygenase expression in splanchnic hyposensitivity to glypressin of bleeding portal hypertensive rats. Huang, H.C., Wang, S.S., Chen, Y.C., Lee, F.Y., Chang, F.Y., Lin, H.C., Hou, M.C., Chan, C.C., Chen, C.T., Wu, S.L., Lee, S.D. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. (2003)
- Endothelin-3 induced mesenteric vasoconstriction and PMN infiltration in the rat small intestine: role of endothelin receptors. Ghandour, S., Cetinel, S., Kurtel, H. Regul. Pept. (2004)
- Selective damage to sensorimotor perivascular nerves in the mesenteric vessels of diabetic rats. Belai, A., Milner, P., Aberdeen, J., Burnstock, G. Diabetes (1996)
- A possible antihypertensive mechanism of propranolol: antagonism of angiotensin II enhancement of sympathetic nerve transmission through prostaglandins. Jackson, E.K., Campbell, W.B. Hypertension (1981)
- Focal hepatic masses: comparison of detection during arterial portography with MR imaging and CT. Soyer, P., Laissy, J.P., Sibert, A., Blanc, F., Belghiti, J., Marmuse, J.P., Zeitoun, G., Levesque, M., Menu, Y. Radiology. (1994)
- Superior mesenteric artery blood flow in man measured with intra-arterial Doppler catheters: effect of octreotide. McCormick, P.A., Seifalian, A.M., Stansby, G., McGann, G., Collins, P., Chin, J., McIntyre, N., Dick, R., Burroughs, A.K. J. Hepatol. (1993)
- Involvement of BKCa alpha subunit tyrosine phosphorylation in vascular hyporesponsiveness of superior mesenteric artery following hemorrhagic shock in rats. Zhou, R., Liu, L., Hu, D. Cardiovasc. Res. (2005)