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Disease relevance of Satiation


Psychiatry related information on Satiation

  • Etonitazene-reinforced performance of rats was increased by food deprivation and decreased by food satiation [3].
  • We concluded that CCK-8's alcohol and food satiation effects depend on specific, peripheral CCKA receptors, and satiation of alcohol consumption and drinking-associated feeding reflect an endogenous functional interaction of CCK-8 with CCKA receptors [4].
  • These data indicate that glutamate-mediated circuits in the TO/LPOv/VP area can play an inhibitory role in feeding behavior in this species, contributing to the conclusion of a feeding bout, thus delaying satiation processes, and that these effects may be mediated by AMPA and NMDA receptors [5].

High impact information on Satiation

  • The duration of oral flushing is itself a function of the gyrinidal dosage and the state of satiation of the bass [6].
  • Scores for nausea and satiation were decreased by L-NMMA after oral meal intake but not during intraduodenal lipid infusion [7].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The satiation induced by intraduodenal LCT infusion seems to involve changes in gastric tone and plasma gut hormone levels [8].
  • This study shows that in humans low dose intraduodenal fat increases satiety and satiation, mainly through the effect of CCK [9].
  • Similarly, exendin-4(9-39) (a GLP-1 receptor antagonist) partially abolished Ex4-induced anorexia (P < 0.05), but did not affect the satiation produced by PYY(3-36NH2) [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Satiation

  • This study was done to discover if a low dose of intraduodenal fat releasing physiological amounts of endogenous cholecystokinin exerts satiation or satiety effects, or both and if these effects could be inhibited by the CCK receptor antagonist loxiglumide [9].
  • Over the course of 15 successive trials, with food available for 2 min on each trial, the development of satiation was monitored following treatment with 5-HT (1 and 2 mg/kg SC) and saline [11].
  • This satiation effect to ethanol of peripherally administered bombesin appears to reflect a non-vagal, extra-ventricular neural action [12].
  • Furthermore, the magnitude of this emotional state is modulated by nicotine deprivation/satiation [13].
  • Task manipulations indicated that behaviour was controlled in a trial discrete manner by the contingency between delay and reward and was not due to non-specific factors such as satiation. d-Amphetamine had complex, dose dependent effects on choice behaviour which revealed dissociations between impulsive choice and hyperactivity [14].

Biological context of Satiation


Anatomical context of Satiation


Gene context of Satiation

  • Intraduodenal fat inhibits gastric emptying and exerts early satiation in animals and humans, but it is not clear whether the effects are mediated by cholecystokinin (CCK) in humans [25].
  • Thus under conditions of nutrient satiation S6K1 negatively regulates insulin signalling [26].
  • NPY reduced this satiation associated positive shift (p<0.05) over all areas except P3 and Pz [27].
  • Leptin effect in ob/ob mice under thermoneutral conditions depends not necessarily on central satiation [28].
  • In the present study, the amylin receptor antagonist acetyl-[Asn(30), Tyr(32)] sCT-(8-32) (AC187) was used to assess whether action of endogenous amylin is essential for normal satiation to occur [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Satiation


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  4. MK-329 blocks the inhibition of alcohol intake by CCK-8. Carr, B.A., Ballou, J.D., Snell, J.C., Kulkosky, P.J. Peptides (1993) [Pubmed]
  5. Feeding induced by microinjections of NMDA and AMPA-kainate receptor antagonists into ventral striatal and ventral pallidal areas of the pigeon. Da Silva, A.A., Marino-Neto, J., Paschoalini, M.A. Brain Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  7. Role of nitric oxide in gastric motor and sensory functions in healthy subjects. Kuiken, S.D., Vergeer, M., Heisterkamp, S.H., Tytgat, G.N., Boeckxstaens, G.E. Gut (2002) [Pubmed]
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  15. Modulation of food intake by the kappa opioid U-50,488H: evidence for an effect on satiation. Badiani, A., Rajabi, H., Nencini, P., Stewart, J. Behav. Brain Res. (2001) [Pubmed]
  16. 5-HT3 receptors participate in CCK-induced suppression of food intake by delaying gastric emptying. Hayes, M.R., Moore, R.L., Shah, S.M., Covasa, M. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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