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Chemical Compound Review

Serylan     1-(1- phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine

Synonyms: Cadillac, Cyclones, Stardust, Sernyl, Dust, ...
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Disease relevance of Sernyl


Psychiatry related information on Sernyl


High impact information on Sernyl

  • SUMMARY: Crystal structures of the insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain, alone and complexed with the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor, show how this domain recognizes phosphorylated "NPXY" sequence motifs [10].
  • Superweed study falters as seed firms deny access to transgene [11].
  • Drosophila Stardust interacts with Crumbs to control polarity of epithelia but not neuroblasts [12].
  • Initially discovered in the landmark genetic screen for Drosophila developmental mutants, bazooka, crumbs, shotgun and stardust mutants exhibit severe disruption in apicobasal polarity in embryonic epithelia, resulting in multilayered epithelia, tissue disintegration, and defects in cuticle formation [12].
  • Drosophila Stardust is a partner of Crumbs in the control of epithelial cell polarity [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Sernyl


Biological context of Sernyl


Anatomical context of Sernyl


Associations of Sernyl with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Sernyl

  • This 38-bp deletion caused a 90% reduction in the CYC1 transcripts, which were heterogeneous in size, aberrantly long, and presumably labile (K. S. Zaret and F. Sherman, Cell 28:563-573, 1982) [30].
  • NIP7 encodes a conserved Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleolar protein that is required for 60S subunit biogenesis (N. I. T. Zanchin, P. Roberts, A. DeSilva, F. Sherman, and D. S. Goldfarb, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:5001-5015, 1997) [31].
  • We have also characterized, in more detail, the amino terminus of Drosophila Stardust and demonstrate that the interaction mechanism between Stardust and Drosophila Par6 is evolutionarily conserved [32].
  • Structural basis for neurofibromatosis type 2. Crystal structure of the merlin FERM domain [33].
  • Stardust (Sdt) and Discs-Large (Dlg) are membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) involved in the organization of supramolecular protein complexes at distinct epithelial membrane compartments in Drosophila [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sernyl

  • Phencyclidine ("PCP" or "angel dust") and some of its derivatives are psychotomimetic drugs that have been used in general anesthesia for some time [35].
  • After photolabeling of the membrane-bound receptor under equilibrium conditions in the presence of agonist and with or without phencyclidine (a specific ligand for the high-affinity site for noncompetitive blockers), the purified labeled gamma subunit was digested with trypsin, and the resulting fragments were fractionated by HPLC [36].
  • Sequence analysis of peptide mixtures containing various amounts of highly hydrophobic fragments showed that three amino acids are labeled by [3H]chlorpromazine in a phencyclidine-sensitive manner: Thr-253, Ser-257, and Leu-260 [36].
  • There is a good correlation between the apparent affinities of a series of phencyclidine analogs for the phencyclidine receptor and the pharacological activities of these analogs as measured by the rotarod assay [37].
  • Rats learned to lever-press when such behavior was reinforced by microinjections of phencyclidine (PCP) directly into the ventromedial (shell) region of nucleus accumbens, indicating that the drug has direct rewarding actions in that region [38].


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