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Disease relevance of Proprioception


Psychiatry related information on Proprioception


High impact information on Proprioception

  • The surviving Ptprs-/- mice demonstrated stunted growth, developmental delays and severe neurological defects including spastic movements, tremor, ataxic gait, abnormal limb flexion and defective proprioception [5].
  • The role of ocular muscle proprioception in the localization of visual targets has been investigated in normal humans by deviating one eye to create an experimental strabismus [6].
  • 8. In contrast, larger diameter neurons associated with mechanoreception and proprioception express high levels of Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 without Kv1.4 or other Kv1 alpha subunits, suggesting that heteromers of these subunits predominate on large, myelinated afferent axons that extend from these cells [7].
  • As in NT3 and TrkC null mice, the proprioception system of these mutants failed to assemble [8].
  • Cisplatin, a widely used chemotherapeutic agent, induces a sensory neuropathy with selective loss of vibration sense and proprioception [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Proprioception

  • A cortico-spinal model of reaching and proprioception under multiple task constraints [10].
  • In the first half of the 19th century, European physicians-including Marshall Hall, Moritz Romberg, and Bernardus Brach-described loss of postural control in darkness of patients with severely compromised proprioception [11].
  • This order of fiber blockade is qualitatively consistent with previous reports of the order of functional deficits in the rat after percutaneous lidocaine, that is, motor = proprioception > nociception, if we assume that motor deficits first arise from conduction failure in Agamma fibers and that nociception relies on C fiber conduction [12].
  • Proprioception worsened after bupivacaine (mean percentage difference -28.15%, 95% CI -83.47 to 19.74; p=0.009), but there was no effect on postural sway; saline injection had no effects [13].
  • Met-Tyr-Lys may have an inhibitory role in relation to proprioception [14].

Biological context of Proprioception


Anatomical context of Proprioception

  • Below C4, most of the spinothalamic cells are concentrated in a single DHvm group between levels T9 and L4, probably concerned with hindlimb proprioception [17].
  • Thus, the characterization of NT3-ir spinal sensory neurons suggests that large sensory neurons subserving proprioception and mechanoception require NT3 for the maintenance of normal function [18].
  • We studied the effect that chronic anterior cruciate ligament disruption, functional bracing, and a neoprene sleeve have on knee proprioception by measuring the threshold to detection of passive knee motion in all three conditions [19].
  • Knee joint proprioception was estimated in 36 patients, 18 males and 18 females, with ACL deficiency by measuring thresholds for detection of slow passive motion before and after a short period of exercise on an ergometer bicycle [20].
  • Conversely, cerestat (0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg, sc) injected at 10 and 120 min postocclusion significantly reduced the ischemic volume at the dose of 1 mg/kg, and, at the same dose, significantly attenuated behavioural deficits in the body proprioception and in the forelimb flexion tests [21].

Gene context of Proprioception

  • We show that trp-4 mutant worms bend their body abnormally, exhibiting a body posture distinct from that of wild-type worms during locomotion, suggesting that TRP-4 is involved in stretch-receptor-mediated proprioception [22].
  • A role for p75 receptor in neurotrophin-3 functioning during the development of limb proprioception [15].
  • In behavioral studies, NT3-treated (but not untreated or vehicle-treated) rats regained proprioception [23].
  • Impairments of reaching movements in patients without proprioception. I. Spatial errors [24].
  • Because both SA and FA skin afferents respond strongly, quickly, and accurately to skin strain changes, they all seem to be able to provide useful information about movement-related skin strain changes and therefore contribute to proprioception and kinesthesia [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Proprioception

  • Neurotrophin-3-mediated regeneration and recovery of proprioception following dorsal rhizotomy [23].
  • The potential advantages of PDS II-augmented refixation of acute proximal ACL ruptures are anatomic reconstruction without destruction of other anatomic structures used as grafts, early functional rehabilitation and possibly better proprioception [26].
  • Balance (Berg Balance test), functional mobility (Timed Up and Go), proprioception (joint position sense), muscle strength (back/leg dynamometer), flexibility (sit and reach) and fear of falling (Visual Analogue Scale) were assessed as risk factors for falls [27].


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