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Gene Review

Ntf3  -  neurotrophin 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI316846, AI835689, HDNF, NGF-2, NT-3, ...
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Disease relevance of Ntf3


Psychiatry related information on Ntf3

  • As in NT3 and TrkC null mice, the proprioception system of these mutants failed to assemble [4].
  • Together, these findings demonstrate that NT-3 signaling counters Abeta-dependent neuronal cell death and may represent an innovative therapeutic intervention to limit neuronal death in Alzheimer disease [5].
  • Transgene-derived NT-3 expressed by noradrenergic neurons of conditional mutants restored opiate withdrawal symptoms [6].
  • Wild-type (n=12) and mlc/NT-3 (n=12) male mice were tested in five procedures (in chronological order): lick dynamics, locomotor activity, grid ataxia, go-no-go discrimination procedure, and grip strength [7].

High impact information on Ntf3

  • Interestingly, final target-derived NGF promotes expression of the p75 neurotrophin receptor, in turn causing a reduction in the sensitivity of axons to intermediate target-derived NT-3 [8].
  • We report that the related neurotrophins NGF and NT-3, acting through a common receptor, TrkA, are required for sequential stages of sympathetic axon growth and, thus, innervation of target fields [8].
  • The observed defects are consistent with abnormalities in the survival and/or migration of cardiac neural crest early in embryogenesis and establish an essential role for neurotrophin 3 in regulating the development of the mammalian heart [9].
  • Peripheral neuronal subpopulations expressing the TrkC receptor tyrosine kinase respond to Nt3 with enhanced survival, mitogenesis or cell migration and these neurons are lost in homozygous Nt3 null (-/-) mutant mice [9].
  • Histological and echocardiographic image analysis of Nt3-/- animals reveal severe cardiovascular abnormalities including atrial and ventricular septal defects, and tetralogy of Fallot, resembling some of the most common congenital malformations in humans [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ntf3


Biological context of Ntf3


Anatomical context of Ntf3


Associations of Ntf3 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Ntf3


Regulatory relationships of Ntf3

  • The p75 neurotrophin receptor influences NT-3 responsiveness of sympathetic neurons in vivo [26].
  • In primary striatal cultures, NT-3 treatment induced an enhancement in NR2A, but not NR2B, protein levels [20].
  • In conclusion, NT-3 regulates the expression of NMDAR subunits modifying striatal neuronal properties that confers the differential vulnerability to excitotoxicity in projection neurons and interneurons in the striatum [20].
  • Our results show that NT3 expressed emporally and spatially in the place of BDNF is sufficient in some neuronal populations to compensate for the loss of BDNF [27].
  • Here we provide evidence that both the mitogenic effect of bFGF and the differentiation-promoting effect of NT3 are linked with modifications of cell cycle kinetics in mouse cortical precursor cells [28].

Other interactions of Ntf3

  • In these assays, BDNF elicits a response at least two orders of magnitude higher than NT-3 [12].
  • Characterization of neurotrophin and Trk receptor functions in developing sensory ganglia: direct NT-3 activation of TrkB neurons in vivo [29].
  • Many, but not all, of the NT3- and NT4-dependent neurons switch to BDNF at later stages [30].
  • However, intrastriatal grafting of NT-3 secreting-cells in adult wild type mice produced a down-regulation of NR2A subunit [20].
  • This expression of p75NTR by epithelial target cells required NT-3 but not adult innervation [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ntf3


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