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Gene Review

TBATA  -  thymus, brain and testes associated

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: C10orf27, FLJ32820, Protein SPATIAL, Protein TBATA, SPATIAL, ...
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Disease relevance of C10orf27

  • Anatomy and function of the heart and intrathoracic vessels in congenital heart disease: evaluation with the Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor [1].
  • Structure of the mengo virion. VI. Spatial relationships of the capsid polypeptides as determined by chemical cross-linking analyses [2].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Spatial analyses of late stage prostate cancer cases can provide additional insights into less favorable outcomes for disadvantaged populations and racial and ethnic minorities [3].
  • BACKGROUND: Spatial modeling of rare diseases, such as childhood cancer, has been hampered by imprecise risk estimates [4].
  • CONCLUSION: Spatial dispersion of atrial refractoriness determines whether focal atrial discharges trigger AF with disorganized activity or, alternatively, only rapid atrial tachycardia [5].

Psychiatry related information on C10orf27

  • Impairments of reaching movements in patients without proprioception. I. Spatial errors [6].
  • BACKGROUND: Spatial function has been suggested to be disproportionately worse in people with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) than other dementia groups, and poor performance on the Mini-Mental State Examination pentagon copying (PC) task has been proposed as adequate for assessing this [7].
  • There were a wide range of scores for the majority of the subscales, with the greatest variability of scores in Spatial Processing and Information Processing Accuracy and the least variability in reaction time [8].
  • For four tests (AVLT Immediate Recall, Digit Span, Spatial Span and Grammatical Transformation), beneficial effects of chewing and glucose were found, supporting the study hypothesis [9].
  • Reading disabled children performed significantly worse than normal children on the Temporal Dot Task, but were only mildly impaired on the Spatial Dot Task, Backward readers were not significantly better than the reading disabled group on either task, suggesting that poor poor visual temporal processing is not specific to dyslexia [10].

High impact information on C10orf27

  • Gradual Translocation of Spatial Correlates of Neuronal Firing in the Hippocampus toward Prospective Reward Locations [11].
  • Fat-storing cells as liver-specific pericytes. Spatial dynamics of agonist-stimulated intracellular calcium transients [12].
  • We used a modified version of the Spatial Taste Test to assess taste intensity perception in patients with either left or right temporal resection from the anteromedial temporal lobe (AMTL), and a group of control subjects [13].
  • Areas 3a, 3b, and 1 of human primary somatosensory cortex. Part 2. Spatial normalization to standard anatomical space [14].
  • Fluorescence resonance energy transfer on the voltage-dependent sodium channel. Spatial relationship and site coupling between the batrachotoxin and Leiurus quinquestriatus quinquestriatus alpha-scorpion toxin receptors [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of C10orf27


Biological context of C10orf27


Anatomical context of C10orf27

  • Memory Reconsolidation: Sensitivity of Spatial Memory to Inhibition of Protein Synthesis in Dorsal Hippocampus during Encoding and Retrieval [22].
  • To evaluate the utility of the Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor in the investigation of congenital heart disease, scanning was performed in several pediatric patients with pulmonary valve atresia [1].
  • Cellular dynamics in early atherosclerotic lesion progression in white carneau pigeons. Spatial and temporal analysis of monocyte and smooth muscle invasion of the intima [23].
  • Salamander olfactory bulb neuronal activity observed by video rate, voltage-sensitive dye imaging. III. Spatial and temporal properties of responses evoked by odorant stimulation [24].
  • Golgi study of the primate substantia nigra. II. Spatial organization of dendritic arborizations in relation to the cytoarchitectonic boundaries and to the striatonigral bundle [25].

Associations of C10orf27 with chemical compounds

  • Electron Transfer from Sodium to Oriented Nitromethane, CH(3)NO(2): Probing the Spatial Extent of Unoccupied Orbitals [26].
  • Inferring the Cellular Origin of Voltage and Calcium Alternans from the Spatial Scales of Phase Reversal during Discordant Alternans [27].
  • Protein-lipid interactions and Torpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function. 1. Spatial disposition of cysteine residues in the gamma subunit analyzed by fluorescence-quenching and energy-transfer measurements [28].
  • This K-ABC pattern included 1) Sequential Scale score less than the Simultaneous Scale score; 2) Mental Processing Composite less than the Achievement Scale score; 3) Spatial Memory subtest score less than the Matrix Analogies subtest score; and 4) Arithmetic subtest score less than the mean of the Achievement subtest scores [29].
  • First, a baseline measurement was performed of the discriminative performance of the Spatial Gray-Level Dependence method, the Fourier Power Spectrum, the Fractal Dimension, and the Morphological Gradient Method on images, which were not affected by radiographic noise and blur [30].

Other interactions of C10orf27

  • RESULTS: Spatial and temporal expression of VEGF as well as its restricted specificity, essential role in vasculogenesis/angiogenesis, and ability to induce vascular permeability makes VEGF an attractive regulator of vascular growth and permeability in the endometrium and placenta [31].
  • (3) Spatial effects of a persistent non-target: The precise position of a non-target was important, latency increases being in the ipsilateral hemifield when the non-target was intrafoveolar and unilateral, bilateral when intrafoveolar and on the midline, and local when the non-target was extrafoveolar [32].
  • Photocopies of the two hands were collected, and participants completed the revised Vandenberg Mental Rotations test, the Paper Folding test, and a short version of the Guilford-Zimmerman Spatial Orientation Test. Results showed that NHS women exhibited superior spatial ability relative to HS women [33].
  • CPOX4 status was associated with four measures in DDs (BEES Spatial SpanForward, BEES Pattern MemoryN Correct, BEES Symbol DigitRate, and BEES VigilanceHit) and five measures in DAs (BEES Digit SpanForward, WMS-R Visual ReproductionsN Correct, BEES Symbol DigitRate, BEES Simple and Choice Reaction TimeMove [34].
  • Coincidence of Small-scale Spatial Discontinuities in Leaf Morphology and Nuclear Microsatellite Variation of Quercus petraea and Q. robur in a Mixed Forest [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C10orf27

  • Frontoparietal network involved in successful retrieval from episodic memory. Spatial and temporal analyses using fMRI and ERP [36].
  • CONCLUSION: Spatial resolution for fluoroscopy is adequate for most of the facilities surveyed, but a substantial proportion of facilities could not visualize low-contrast test objects, which strongly suggests image quality problems [37].
  • CONCLUSION: Spatial errors in stereotactic radiosurgery are best estimated using a systematic approach to isolate independent contributing factors [38].
  • Salamander olfactory bulb neuronal activity observed by video rate, voltage-sensitive dye imaging. II. Spatial and temporal properties of responses evoked by electric stimulation [39].
  • The filters are estimated from a set of multichannel EEG data by the method of Common Spatial Patterns, and reflect the selective activation of cortical areas [40].


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