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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

HMA-5     3-amino-5-(azepan-1-yl)-6- chloro-N...

Synonyms: Lopac-A-9561, CHEMBL501701, AG-J-29707, BSPBio_003443, KBioGR_001206, ...
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Disease relevance of Hexamethylene amiloride


High impact information on Hexamethylene amiloride


Chemical compound and disease context of Hexamethylene amiloride


Biological context of Hexamethylene amiloride


Anatomical context of Hexamethylene amiloride


Associations of Hexamethylene amiloride with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Hexamethylene amiloride


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