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Papillary Muscles

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Disease relevance of Papillary Muscles


High impact information on Papillary Muscles

  • Tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-2 inhibited contractility of isolated hamster papillary muscles in a concentration-dependent, reversible manner [6].
  • Mechanism of myocardial contractile depression by clinical concentrations of ethanol. A study in ferret papillary muscles [7].
  • We evaluated the effects of the diterpene compound forskolin in human myocardial adenylate cyclase preparations, isolated trabeculae and papillary muscles derived from failing human hearts, and acutely instrumented dogs [8].
  • Ouabain effects on intracellular potassium activity and contractile force in cat papillary muscle [9].
  • Baseline isoproterenol-stimulated papillary muscle contractile force was significantly lower in the cirrhotic group; with L-NAME incubation, contractile force increased significantly in cirrhotic rats but was unaffected in the controls [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Papillary Muscles


Biological context of Papillary Muscles

  • We investigated whether this depression could be due to a direct effect of ethanol on the process of electromechanical coupling by simultaneously measuring the transmembrane action potential and contraction, or the cytosolic calcium transient (via aequorin photoluminescence) and contraction in isolated ferret right ventricular papillary muscle [7].
  • Isoproterenol largely restored contractility in papillary muscle and stimulated PLN phosphorylation to wild-type levels in intact hearts [16].
  • Membrane potential (MP) was changed uniformly in segments (length less than or equal to 1.0 mm) of papillary muscles by applying extracellular polarizing current pulses across a single sucrose gap [17].
  • Isometric contraction of isolated rat left ventricular posterior papillary muscle was virtually eliminated at the end of an exposure to 15 minutes of hypoxia and remained 40+/-5% depressed an hour after the reintroduction of O2 [18].
  • The contribution of electrogenic Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport to pHi regulation during changes in heart rate was explored in cat papillary muscles loaded with BCECF-AM in bicarbonate-free (HEPES) medium and in CO2/HCO3(-)-buffered medium [19].

Anatomical context of Papillary Muscles


Associations of Papillary Muscles with chemical compounds


Gene context of Papillary Muscles

  • There was a large gradient of Kv4.2 expression across the ventricular wall, and Kv4.2 expression in epicardial muscle was more than eight times higher than in papillary muscle [28].
  • Isolated left ventricular papillary muscles from wild-type (WT) and phospholamban knockout (KO) mice were stimulated at 2 to 6 Hz [29].
  • Polyclonal antibodies raised against a peptide sequence of the human DMPK were used to analyze the subcellular distribution of the protein in rat papillary muscles [30].
  • METHODS: Experiments were performed in isometrically contracting (0.2 Hz) rat papillary muscles at 30 degrees C. DF was measured either after stretch or after the addition of ET-1 or ET-3 (in doses that increase contractility to a similar magnitude as does the SFR), with or without the selective ETA receptor antagonist BQ123 (300 nmol/L) [31].
  • Concomitant administration of IGF binding protein-3 blocked IGF-1-positive inotropic action in ferret papillary muscles [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Papillary Muscles


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