Gene Review:
U2AF2 - U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2
Homo sapiens
Splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit, U2 auxiliary factor 65 kDa subunit, U2 snRNP auxiliary factor large subunit, U2AF65, hU2AF(65), ...
- Targeting of U2AF65 to sites of active splicing in the nucleus. Gama-Carvalho, M., Krauss, R.D., Chiang, L., Valcárcel, J., Green, M.R., Carmo-Fonseca, M. J. Cell Biol. (1997)
- Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 hnRNP A/B-dependent exonic splicing silencer ESSV antagonizes binding of U2AF65 to viral polypyrimidine tracts. Domsic, J.K., Wang, Y., Mayeda, A., Krainer, A.R., Stoltzfus, C.M. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2003)
- A novel peptide recognition mode revealed by the X-ray structure of a core U2AF35/U2AF65 heterodimer. Kielkopf, C.L., Rodionova, N.A., Green, M.R., Burley, S.K. Cell (2001)
- Cross-intron bridging interactions in the yeast commitment complex are conserved in mammals. Abovich, N., Rosbash, M. Cell (1997)
- Cloning and domain structure of the mammalian splicing factor U2AF. Zamore, P.D., Patton, J.G., Green, M.R. Nature (1992)
- Interaction of U2AF65 RS region with pre-mRNA branch point and promotion of base pairing with U2 snRNA [corrected]. Valcárcel, J., Gaur, R.K., Singh, R., Green, M.R. Science (1996)
- Distinct binding specificities and functions of higher eukaryotic polypyrimidine tract-binding proteins. Singh, R., Valcárcel, J., Green, M.R. Science (1995)
- A protein related to splicing factor U2AF35 that interacts with U2AF65 and SR proteins in splicing of pre-mRNA. Tronchère, H., Wang, J., Fu, X.D. Nature (1997)
- Steroid hormone receptor coactivation and alternative RNA splicing by U2AF65-related proteins CAPERalpha and CAPERbeta. Dowhan, D.H., Hong, E.P., Auboeuf, D., Dennis, A.P., Wilson, M.M., Berget, S.M., O'Malley, B.W. Mol. Cell (2005)
- U2AF participates in the binding of TAP (NXF1) to mRNA. Zolotukhin, A.S., Tan, W., Bear, J., Smulevitch, S., Felber, B.K. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Multiple U2AF65 binding sites within SF3b155: thermodynamic and spectroscopic characterization of protein-protein interactions among pre-mRNA splicing factors. Thickman, K.R., Swenson, M.C., Kabogo, J.M., Gryczynski, Z., Kielkopf, C.L. J. Mol. Biol. (2006)
- Phosphorylation of splicing factor SF1 on Ser20 by cGMP-dependent protein kinase regulates spliceosome assembly. Wang, X., Bruderer, S., Rafi, Z., Xue, J., Milburn, P.J., Krämer, A., Robinson, P.J. EMBO J. (1999)
- Cloning and intracellular localization of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor small subunit. Zhang, M., Zamore, P.D., Carmo-Fonseca, M., Lamond, A.I., Green, M.R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- FRET analyses of the U2AF complex localize the U2AF35/U2AF65 interaction in vivo and reveal a novel self-interaction of U2AF35. Chusainow, J., Ajuh, P.M., Trinkle-Mulcahy, L., Sleeman, J.E., Ellenberg, J., Lamond, A.I. RNA (2005)
- Biochemical properties of a novel U2AF65 protein isoform generated by alternative RNA splicing. Ding, F., Hagan, J.P., Wang, Z., Grabowski, P.J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1996)
- Genome-wide identification of functionally distinct subsets of cellular mRNAs associated with two nucleocytoplasmic-shuttling mammalian splicing factors. Gama-Carvalho, M., Barbosa-Morais, N.L., Brodsky, A.S., Silver, P.A., Carmo-Fonseca, M. Genome Biol. (2006)
- RNA binding activity of heterodimeric splicing factor U2AF: at least one RS domain is required for high-affinity binding. Rudner, D.Z., Breger, K.S., Kanaar, R., Adams, M.D., Rio, D.C. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1998)
- An intronic downstream enhancer promotes 3' splice site usage of a neural cell-specific exon. Guo, N., Kawamoto, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- WT1 interacts with the splicing factor U2AF65 in an isoform-dependent manner and can be incorporated into spliceosomes. Davies, R.C., Calvio, C., Bratt, E., Larsson, S.H., Lamond, A.I., Hastie, N.D. Genes Dev. (1998)
- A novel set of spliceosome-associated proteins and the essential splicing factor PSF bind stably to pre-mRNA prior to catalytic step II of the splicing reaction. Gozani, O., Patton, J.G., Reed, R. EMBO J. (1994)
- The Polypyrimidine Tract Binding Protein (PTB) Represses Splicing of Exon 6B from the {beta}-Tropomyosin Pre-mRNA by Directly Interfering with the Binding of the U2AF65 Subunit. Sauli??re, J., Sureau, A., Expert-Bezan??on, A., Marie, J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006)
- U1 snRNP targets an essential splicing factor, U2AF65, to the 3' splice site by a network of interactions spanning the exon. Hoffman, B.E., Grabowski, P.J. Genes Dev. (1992)
- The U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein/5' splice site interaction affects U2AF65 binding to the downstream 3' splice site. Côté, J., Beaudoin, J., Tacke, R., Chabot, B. J. Biol. Chem. (1995)
- Splicing factor SF1 from Drosophila and Caenorhabditis: presence of an N-terminal RS domain and requirement for viability. Mazroui, R., Puoti, A., Krämer, A. RNA (1999)
- U2AF65 recruits a novel human DEAD box protein required for the U2 snRNP-branchpoint interaction. Fleckner, J., Zhang, M., Valcárcel, J., Green, M.R. Genes Dev. (1997)
- A trans-acting factor, isolated by the three-hybrid system, that influences alternative splicing of the amyloid precursor protein minigene. Poleev, A., Hartmann, A., Stamm, S. Eur. J. Biochem. (2000)
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a U2AF65 variant in complex with a polypyrimidine-tract analogue by use of protein engineering. Sickmier, E.A., Frato, K.E., Kielkopf, C.L. Acta Crystallograph. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. (2006)
- Cotranscriptional coupling of splicing factor recruitment and precursor messenger RNA splicing in mammalian cells. Listerman, I., Sapra, A.K., Neugebauer, K.M. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. (2006)