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Gene Review

Chgb  -  chromogranin B

Mus musculus

Synonyms: CgB, Chromogranin-B, Scg-1, Scg1, Secretogranin I, ...
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Disease relevance of Chgb


Psychiatry related information on Chgb


High impact information on Chgb

  • Chromogranin B (CgB, secretogranin I) is a secretory granule matrix protein expressed in a wide variety of endocrine cells and neurons [3].
  • Upon subcellular fractionation of the exocrine pancreas, the distribution of CgB in the various fractions was indistinguishable from that of amylase, an endogenous constituent of zymogen granules [3].
  • Immunogold electron microscopy of pancreatic acinar cells showed co-localization of CgB with zymogens in Golgi cisternae, condensing vacuoles/immature granules and mature zymogen granules; the ratio of immunoreactivity of CgB to zymogens being highest in condensing vacuoles/immature granules [3].
  • Two distinct chromogranin B-derived peptides result from cleavage at Trp-Trp bonds, a site not typically associated with neuropeptide processing [6].
  • The expression of phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase and chromogranin B mRNA was similar in TH-null and wild-type mice [7].

Biological context of Chgb


Anatomical context of Chgb

  • Recently, secretory granule Ca(2+) storage protein chromogranin B (CGB) was shown to be present in the nucleoplasm proper in a complex structure that consists of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R)/Ca(2+) channels and the phospholipids [12].
  • In contrast, inhibition of CGA expression in PC12 cells by siRNA treatment decreased the IP(3)-induced Ca(2+) releases in the nucleus by 17%, while inhibition of CGB expression decreased the IP(3)-induced Ca(2+) releases in the nucleus by 55% [12].
  • Peptides found to increase corresponded to fragments of proenkephalin, prothyrotropin-releasing hormone, provasopressin, proSAAS, secretogranin II, chromogranin B, and peptidyl-glycine-alpha-amidating mono-oxygenase in the hypothalamus [13].
  • Chromogranin B-like immunoreactivity in the mouse submandibular salivary gland during postnatal development [14].
  • Recently, we have isolated from bovine chromaffin granules and identified two natural peptides possessing antibacterial activity: secretolytin (chromogranin B 614-626) and enkelytin (proenkephalin-A 209-237) [15].

Associations of Chgb with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Chgb

  • Microinjection of IP(3) into the nucleus of CGB-expressing NIH3T3 cells increased the IP(3)-dependent nuclear Ca(2+) mobilization approximately 3-fold, whereas in CGA-expressing cells it remained the same as that of control cells [12].
  • PC1 appeared to be by far the most active enzyme and converted chromogranin B to several smaller molecules, including the peptide PE-11 [4].
  • Some processing of chromogranin B and formation of free PE-11 were also observed with PC2 and PACE4 [4].
  • Northern and immunoblot analyses, in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry revealed that the exocrine pancreas was the tissue with the highest level of ectopic CgB expression [3].
  • Proenkephalin mRNA in both saline- and ACTH-treated CRHR1 null mice were higher than in control animals (215.8% P <0.05, 268.9% P <0.01) whereas expression of neuropeptide Y and chromogranin B did not differ [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chgb


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