Gene Review:
Klc1 - kinesin light chain 1
Mus musculus
AI874768, KLC 1, Kinesin light chain 1, Kns2
- Kinesin-2 and photoreceptor cell death: requirement of motor subunits. Jimeno, D., Lillo, C., Roberts, E.A., Goldstein, L.S., Williams, D.S. Exp. Eye Res. (2006)
- Defective kinesin heavy chain behavior in mouse kinesin light chain mutants. Rahman, A., Kamal, A., Roberts, E.A., Goldstein, L.S. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- Kinesin-mediated axonal transport of a membrane compartment containing beta-secretase and presenilin-1 requires APP. Kamal, A., Almenar-Queralt, A., LeBlanc, J.F., Roberts, E.A., Goldstein, L.S. Nature (2001)
- Mouse intraflagellar transport proteins regulate both the activator and repressor functions of Gli transcription factors. Liu, A., Wang, B., Niswander, L.A. Development (2005)
- JLP associates with kinesin light chain 1 through a novel leucine zipper-like domain. Nguyen, Q., Lee, C.M., Le, A., Reddy, E.P. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Release of kinesin from vesicles by hsc70 and regulation of fast axonal transport. Tsai, M.Y., Morfini, G., Szebenyi, G., Brady, S.T. Mol. Biol. Cell (2000)
- Analysis of Kinesin-2 Function in Photoreceptor Cells Using Synchronous Cre-loxP Knockout of Kif3a with RHO-Cre. Jimeno, D., Feiner, L., Lillo, C., Teofilo, K., Goldstein, L.S., Pierce, E.A., Williams, D.S. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2006)
- Kinesin light-chain KLC3 expression in testis is restricted to spermatids. Junco, A., Bhullar, B., Tarnasky, H.A., van der Hoorn, F.A. Biol. Reprod. (2001)
- Phosphotransferases associated with the regulation of kinesin motor activity. Lindesmith, L., McIlvain, J.M., Argon, Y., Sheetz, M.P. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)