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Gene Review

Matk  -  megakaryocyte-associated tyrosine kinase

Mus musculus

Synonyms: CHK, Csk homologous kinase, Ctk, HYL, Megakaryocyte-associated tyrosine-protein kinase, ...
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Disease relevance of Matk

  • Functional analysis of Csk and CHK kinases in breast cancer cells [1].
  • Matk/CHK is a potential tumour suppressor in colon carcinoma [2]
  • Three independent superhybrid clones (CL 10B, Cl 10C, Cl 11A) isolated after backcross of the Cl 6d.6BU hybrid with a nontransformed Chinese hamster kidney cell line (CHK/AG) were able to produce infectious SV40 virus [3].

High impact information on Matk

  • This enzyme is also named CHK, Ctk, BatK, Ntk and Hyl [4]
  • Ntk: a Csk-related protein-tyrosine kinase expressed in brain and T lymphocytes [5].
  • Firm evidence that Ntk is a Csk-related enzyme was provided by the observation that it phosphorylated a Src-related polypeptide on the inhibitory carboxyl-terminal tyrosine [5][6]
  • In addition, Matk/CHK can employ a non-catalytic inhibitory mechanism to inhibit multiple active forms of Src family kinases. This mechanism involves direct binding of Matk/CHK to the active Src family kinases to form stable complexes. The binding alone is sufficient to inhibit the Src family kinase activity [7].
  • The amino acid sequence of Ctk was found to possess 53% identity with mouse Csk, shared all the predicted structural features of Csk, and was capable of phosphorylating the carboxyl-terminal conserved tyrosine of Src family members [8].
  • Interestingly, when mice received the in vivo antigen challenge of TNP-ovalbumin followed by restimulation, the Matk/CHK(-/-) lymph node and spleen cells produced significantly lower IFN-gamma levels compared with the respective wild-type cells [9].
  • Moreover, Matk/CHK deficiency led to significantly higher pre-B cell colony formation following IL-7 stimulation [9].

Biological context of Matk


Anatomical context of Matk


Associations of Matk with chemical compounds

  • Identification of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase MATK/CHK as an essential regulator of immune cells using Matk/CHK-deficient mice [9].

Other interactions of Matk



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