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Gene Review

Spr  -  sepiapterin reductase

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AA409688, ENSMUSG00000071345, Gm10328, SPR, Sepiapterin reductase
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Disease relevance of Spr

  • With regard to human disease, BH(4) deficiency due to autosomal recessive mutations in all enzymes (except sepiapterin reductase) have been described as a cause of hyperphenylalaninaemia [1].
  • In the present study, we have demonstrated that the embryonic fibroblastic cells from a feral-origin strain (SPR) expressed 74 kDa Mx2 protein, which prevented the accumulation of viral transcripts and proteins of hantaviruses when the Mx2 gene was constitutively expressed in transfected Vero cells [2].

High impact information on Spr


Biological context of Spr


Anatomical context of Spr


Associations of Spr with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Spr


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Spr


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  3. The 1.25 A crystal structure of sepiapterin reductase reveals its binding mode to pterins and brain neurotransmitters. Auerbach, G., Herrmann, A., Gütlich, M., Fischer, M., Jacob, U., Bacher, A., Huber, R. EMBO J. (1997) [Pubmed]
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