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Disease relevance of Dwarfism


Psychiatry related information on Dwarfism


High impact information on Dwarfism

  • The mutation confers a phenotype including marked microcephaly (head circumference 12 s.d. below the mean) and dwarfism (5 s.d. below the mean) [8].
  • Here, we report large-scale deletions (in seven families) and a nonsense mutation (in one family) of SHOX in patients with DCS and show that Langer mesomelic dwarfism results from homozygous mutations at the DCS locus [9].
  • Heterozygous mutations in SOX9 lead to a human dwarfism syndrome, Campomelic dysplasia [10].
  • TD, characterized by neonatal lethality and profound dwarfism, is the result of FGFR3 mutations, including an R248C substitution in the extracellular domain or a K650E substitution in the tyrosine kinase (TK) domain [11].
  • The cpd mutant displays de-etiolation and derepression of light-induced genes in the dark, as well as dwarfism, male sterility, and activation of stress-regulated genes in the light [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dwarfism

  • Anterior pituitary hypoplasia and dwarfism in mice lacking the dopamine transporter [13].
  • Deletion of the dopamine transporter (DAT) results in increased dopaminergic tone, anterior pituitary hypoplasia, dwarfism, and an inability to lactate [13].
  • The disease-resistant Arabidopsis thaliana aberrant growth and death2 (agd2-1) mutant has elevated levels of the defense signal salicylic acid (SA), altered leaf morphology, and mild dwarfism [14].
  • Oral supplementation of BH(4) and neurotransmitter precursors completely rescued dwarfism and phenylalanine metabolism [15].
  • Two male patients, aged 6 and 25, both with normal intelligence and absence of neurological abnormalities, exhibited dysostosis multiplex, dwarfism, odontoid anomalies, cloudy corneas, exessive excretion of keratan sulfate, and abnormal urinary oligosaccharides [16].

Biological context of Dwarfism


Anatomical context of Dwarfism


Gene context of Dwarfism

  • Smad6/Smurf1 overexpression in cartilage delays chondrocyte hypertrophy and causes dwarfism with osteopenia [27].
  • Dwarfism could be rescued by the application of brassinolide, suggesting that DWF4 plays a role in brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis [28].
  • The Nppc(-/-) mice show severe dwarfism as a result of impaired endochondral ossification [29].
  • Disruption of PC1/3 expression in mice causes dwarfism and multiple neuroendocrine peptide processing defects [30].
  • Hip1-related mutant mice grow and develop normally but have accelerated spinal abnormalities and dwarfism in the absence of HIP1 [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dwarfism

  • Loss of the entire ERECTA family genes led to striking dwarfism, reduced lateral organ size and abnormal flower development, including defects in petal polar expansion, carpel elongation, and anther and ovule differentiation [32].
  • The hepatic radioreceptor assay for hGH has been applied to the detection of hGH in the sera of patients with high growth hormone dwarfism (Laron dwarfism) [33].
  • These rats show reduced pituitary size, GH deficiency, and dominant dwarfism, but are large enough for serial blood sampling studies to examine their spontaneous GH secretion and responses to GRF, somatostatin, and GH-releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) [34].
  • Ketamine induction for cesarean section in a patient with acute intermittent porphyria and achondroplastic dwarfism [35].
  • The main features are intrauterine growth failure with very low birthweight; disproportionate dwarfism with predominantly distal shortening of limbs; small cubitally inclined clenched hands; microcephaly with Seckel-like facies and delayed psychomotor development [36].


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